Eli thought Hannah was drunk


24/7 Christian
Oct 2, 2011
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1 Samuel 1:

7 This went on year after year. Whenever Hannah went up to the house of the Lord, her rival provoked her till she wept and would not eat. 8 Her husband Elkanah would say to her, “Hannah, why are you weeping? Why don’t you eat? Why are you downhearted? Don’t I mean more to you than ten sons?”
Elkanah was an understanding, sympathetic husband.

9 Once when they had finished eating and drinking in Shiloh, Hannah stood up. Now Eli the priest was sitting on his chair by the doorpost of the Lord’s house. 10 In her deep anguish Hannah prayed to the Lord, weeping bitterly. 11 And she made a vow, saying, “Lord Almighty, if you will only look on your servant’s misery and remember me, and not forget your servant but give her a son, then I will give him to the Lord for all the days of his life, and no razor will ever be used on his head.”
Hannah was in emotionally deep distress. Tears were in her eyes. What did Eli do? He focused on her lips.

12 As she kept on praying to the Lord, Eli observed her mouth. 13 Hannah was praying in her heart, and her lips were moving but her voice was not heard. Eli thought she was drunk
Eli was the high priest. His words carried authority. More than any other Israelites, Eli represented God. He should have been more careful with the words that came out of his mouth. Imagine your pastor incorrectly accuses you of wrongdoing while your heart is breaking. Eli completely missed the picture and jumped to the wrong conclusion. She was not holding a glass of drink. She had already finished eating and drinking. Eli was quick to order her:

14 and said to her, “How long are you going to stay drunk? Put away your wine.”
As the high priest representing God, he was too quick to judge.

15“Not so, my lord,” Hannah replied, “I am a woman who is deeply troubled. I have not been drinking wine or beer; I was pouring out my soul to the Lord. 16 Do not take your servant for a wicked woman; I have been praying here out of my great anguish and grief.”
Eli had a redeeming quality. He was also quick to change course once he recognized his mistake.

17 Eli answered, “Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant you what you have asked of him.”
No hard feelings for Eli or Hannah.

18 She said, “May your servant find favor in your eyes.” Then she went her way and ate something, and her face was no longer downcast.
The episode ended on a positive note. Praise God!

What does this reveal to me?

Eli was too quick to judge the innocent. He was not competent to be a high priest.
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