Islam don't b e misled America

Uncle Siggy

Promulgator of Annoying Tidbits of Information
Dec 4, 2015
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Did not know she was on Americas got talent show.
Guy at work is in "love" with her. :). Knows her history. Quite obsessed. :)

Yeah I think it was in 2010(???)

She also sings but for some reason Youtube is being ignorant this morning and won't let me post it. It's called "We found Love"...
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Dec 8, 2004
United States
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Do Americans who mangle this phrase lack the basic grammatical skills to parse that they're saying the opposite of what they intend? Honest question?
For some reason, it's become extremely common recently even though, as you say, it means the exact opposite of what the speaker intends.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2015
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So if you're not afraid, why are you so keen to bar entry to all Muslims? Oh wait, I think I see. It's another instinctive base human drive. Not fear exactly, just closely related.

Big correction! Trump didn't just say bar entry to all Muslims. You conveniently left off the most important words. He said we need to ban Muslims from entering the country until we get our vetting problem fixed, so we can know what in the h**l is going on.

To me that is a sane policy for an insane situation. Just a few months ago a good Muslim family killed 14 good Americans at a Christmas party. The Muslim wife was given a free-to-go visa, supposedly vetted by the immigration department. Turns out the vetting process was no more that asking her questions like: Have you ever been a terrorist? Have you ever had sympathy for a terrorist Group, etc, etc ridiculously etc. The first graders at any elementary school across the country could have vetted this woman more efficiently.

Trump's solution is better than any other politicians plan I have heard so far, and a lot of people are slowly admitting that it may come down to this type of temporary ban, unless we can handle the vetting problem with some measure of common sense.

The white house has not shown me any common sense since the first day and truly if you want to be scared about something or someone, be scared about how lackadaisical the administration is fighting terrorism. Its not Trump that should scare you, it is the politicians in charge.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2015
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no Armored I actually read my bible cover to cover, in case you want an example here is one
If a man cheats on his wife, or vise versa, both the man and the woman must die. (Leviticus 20:10) (Stoning anyone?)
Here's another one
If you find out a city worships a different god, destroy the city and kill all of it's inhabitants... even the animals. (Deuteronomy 13:12-15)

Am not saying Christians are evil but we have more in common with our Muslim brothers than we think

That was 5000 years ago, have you ever read the New Testament? A lot of Muslims are living their interpretation of the Qur'an in our days, right now.

When was the last time we read about the Jews or Christians going to kill a city because it worshipped other Gods? ISIS has killed X number of cities in Syria and Iraq in just the last 2 years. As far as I can tell, us Jews and Christians have little in common to the Islamic State.

We do have a lot in common with good peace-loving Muslims. But, unfortunately the couple that killed 14 good Americans at a Christmas party with bombs and automatic weapons, were, until that time, considered a good, peace-loving Muslim family, with a baby and grandmother living with them.

If Trump's temporary ban had been in effect, this wife would never have made it into the country either because of the ban, or the fixing of the vetting process. Either way 14 families would have been saved from a terrible killing.

So, what would you suggest now?
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Dec 15, 2015
Other Religion
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I don't want to be rude; but not letting refugees in is not a racist ideology. I love Muslim culture much more then my own in most aspects of life but a few. The USA tax payer is paying enough already then to let in more refugees, whom will not want to assimilate into american culture.

Politicians use refugees as voting tickets for people politicians do not care about them anymore then you or I
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Liberal Christian, Jesus loves all
Oct 4, 2015
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I don't want to be rude; but not letting refugees in is not a racist ideology. I love Muslim culture much more then my own in most aspects of life but a few. The USA tax payer is paying enough already then to let in more refugees, whom will not want to assimilate into american culture.

Politicians use refugees as voting tickets for people politicians do not care about them anymore then you or I

But as Christians we have to look after those in need, and in this case it is the Refugees. Unfortunately with the West's actions in Iraq and Afghanistan I suspect we have brought this about. With war there are always tragedies, people lose their homes and others watch their parents killed in front of them.
In war nobody wins, and the actions of the West over the last ten years has only heightened the hatred of us.
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