Does the Scientology Cross Mean Anything?


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Apr 14, 2003
Sebring, FL
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Buildings owned by the Church of Scientology often have a cross on them. They use a cross in other ways as well, at events and in their literature. As far as I know, no literature put out by the Church of Scientology ever mentions Jesus and certainly never mentions the crucifixion.

Does the cross used by Scientology, on buildings or in literature, mean anything? Apparently not.

I can offer one speculation about why they use a cross. Scientology was founded by science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard as the Science of Dianetics. It was founded in the US around 1950. Early on, Dianetics started using a device called the E-Meter, supposed to be an infallible lie detector. Scientology still uses the E-Meter today. Dianetics came in conflict with the Food and Drug Administration, partly because of the E-Meter. The FDA did not believe claims made about the E-Meter.

Hubbard decided to change the image of the organization from a scientifically based psychotherapy group to a religion, the Church of Scientology. Calling it a religion made it much more difficult for the government to interfere. The E-Meter now became an article of religious faith instead of a scientific device that can be evaluated.

The Church of Scientology uses a cross on its buildings and elsewhere to back up their claim to be a religion. It doesn't seem to mean anything else.

The man who invented the E-Meter was excommunicated. Large numbers of people involved in Dianetics and later Scientology left because they didn't believe in what they were doing or found the organization too stifling. Either that, or L. Ron Hubbard (and his successor David Miscavage) got rid of anyone who had a following inside the organization.

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