
Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2023
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Greetings and peace to everyone.
I was really interested in this thread, but I didn't want to revive a twenty year old thread, so I decided to start this one.

A conversation between two Christians
John : I play violent video games at times. However, I'm smart enough and so are all Christians. So we would never do the violence stuff in those games

Peter : Read Psalms 11:5

John : Psalms 11:5 - The LORD examines the righteous, but the wicked, those who love violence, he hates with a passion.
Yes, but I don't love the violence?
Peter :
Why do you play games?
John : To relax.
Have a little fun.
Peter : After reading that verse, if God or Jesus were coming over to your home, would you feel comfortable they find you playing violent games?

John :

Peter : You know, John, we don't often think of God and Jesus in out presence, when we are engaging in various activities.
It's good practice though to consider how they feel about what we do on a daily basis.
True, some will mock, and think that God is overly restrictive, or that we are taking everything too seriously.
Whom do we want to please though. People, or God?
You know, there is good reason why God teaches us the way he does. Read Deuteronomy 18:10-13
John : Deuteronomy 18:10-13
  1. There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, a soothsayer, one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer,
  2. or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who consults the dead.
  3. For whoever does these things is detestable to the LORD; and because of these detestable things the LORD your God is going to drive them out before you.
  4. You are to be blameless before the LORD your God.
Peter : Thanks. Did you notice there, how God feels about magic, or casting spells, sorcery,, and suchlike?

John : They are detestable to him. In other words, God hates them. They disgust him.

Peter : Yes. Very good. So how should we feel about those things? How does God view those who feel as he does? Did you notice the answer in verse 4?

John : You are to be blameless before the LORD your God.
If we avoid such things, God views us as blameless.
Peter : Yes. It reminds us of what God requires of his people. He said, "You must be..."

John : "...Holy, for I am Holy."
God's holiness - his purity, separates him from what is impure. So magic, sorcery, and those things are impure. I guess because they are from Satan, right?
Peter : Can you understand then why God hates with a passion those who love violence?
God has tolerated a lot of things which are removed from his nature. We look forward to the time when all these will no longer exist.
John : Thanks Peter. You really helped me to see that I need to consider more than my own feelings. It's not about me, but how God feels.

Peter : :)
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Apr 19, 2017
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That is a good question and I set about finding the answer to that very question awhile back. I got my answer so would be happy to share it with you. Me and the Lord have spoken on this subject a couple times. Essentially, this is what He said.

If it is a movie or videogame that does not bring glory to God then it is sin. It can not glorify sin like GTA and all those games or it is sinful to play.

Documentaries are ok to watch and certain biographys. If I rememeber right He said He abhors and hates with a passion Soap Operas! Wow! I never did like those things, lol.

Playing a violent video game is potentially dangerous to you because of it's residual effects.
What are rsidual effects?
Have you ever woke up with the song in your head that you listened to the night before? Of course, we all have done that. So what this means is whatever you put into your head and mind leaves a residue upon the mind and sticks in your short term memory. It takes awhile to wear off.

You can make it go away faster by inputting new stuff into your mind. So how many hours did you play the violent video game yesterday? Today? You should give your brain a break from that stuff because if that is all you thnk about and do then it becomes who you are, and we know it's evil.

The Bible talks about writing the word of God upon our hearts. It's the same thing. Read the bible and study it a lot instead of video games and feed your mind something different and positive. Immerse yourself in the word. Then it will fill your heart and when it runs over the old video game urges flow out too. The evil stuff.

How many hours last week were you playing video games? Let's guess 30 hours...

If you spent 30 hours a week reading scripture, Wisdom and Understanding would be poured upon you! It just works like that. Don't stick to video games for too long!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2023
United States
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That is a good question and I set about finding the answer to that very question awhile back. I got my answer so would be happy to share it with you. Me and the Lord have spoken on this subject a couple times. Essentially, this is what He said.
Happy to have you share. :)

If it is a movie or videogame that does not bring glory to God then it is sin. It can not glorify sin like GTA and all those games or it is sinful to play.
I love this. Glorifying - who or what does it glorify.

Documentaries are ok to watch and certain biographys. If I rememeber right He said He abhors and hates with a passion Soap Operas! Wow! I never did like those things, lol.
Some might not consider all Documentaries as wholesome. Of course we respect each one's conscientious choice in this matter.
Some Documentaries do promote aspects that are questionable. Some glorify illicit sex, pornography, violence, spiritism.
You have to be so careful. This is Satan's world.

Playing a violent video game is potentially dangerous to you because of it's residual effects.
What are rsidual effects?
Have you ever woke up with the song in your head that you listened to the night before? Of course, we all have done that. So what this means is whatever you put into your head and mind leaves a residue upon the mind and sticks in your short term memory. It takes awhile to wear off.
You make it sound like a drunkard getting sober. :D
I know what you mean though. Sending those images in the far recesses of your brain. They remain though.
I can remember every game I played over four decades ago.

You can make it go away faster by inputting new stuff into your mind. So how many hours did you play the violent video game yesterday? Today? You should give your brain a break from that stuff because if that is all you thnk about and do then it becomes who you are, and we know it's evil.
The more violent and gory, the more branded your mind is. Like a tattoo, they are embedded.
They can't be scrubbed, but you can replace their position in your mind, so that they aren't easily accessed.

The Bible talks about writing the word of God upon our hearts. It's the same thing. Read the bible and study it a lot instead of video games and feed your mind something different and positive. Immerse yourself in the word. Then it will fill your heart and when it runs over the old video game urges flow out too. The evil stuff.

How many hours last week were you playing video games? Let's guess 30 hours...

If you spent 30 hours a week reading scripture, Wisdom and Understanding would be poured upon you! It just works like that. Don't stick to video games for too long!
Good points. I agree.
I realize how this world molds us into being time-wasters. Romans 12:2
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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2017
United States
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I love this. Glorifying - who or what does it glorify.

GTA? It glorifies sin. You can mug people and do crimes and pick up prostitutes and all sorts of stuff which does not bring glory to God. Do you know why God created you in the first place? To Glorify God.

Some might not consider all Documentaries as wholesome. Of course we respect each one's conscientious choice in this matter.
Some Documentaries do promote aspects that are questionable. Some glorify illicit sex, inappropriate contentography, violence, spiritism.
You have to be so careful. This is Satan's world.

I just told you what the Lord taught me. You can reason it out now.

You make it sound like a drunkard getting sober. :D
I know what you mean though. Sending those images in the far recesses of your brain. They remain though.
I can remember every game I played over four decades ago.

The mind likes playing video games more than turning the TV off because it's easier. All you have to do is sit and get your mind fed images. Have you ever thought about taking a break and taking your mind on a walk so to speak? Away from the normal hours and hours of sinful distraction that, the way I understand it is that, every time you feed your mind ungodly input then it inhibits your ability to hear God speak to you.

The more violent and gory, the more branded your mind is. Like a tattoo, they are embedded.
They can't be scrubbed, but you can replace their position in your mind, so that they aren't easily accessed.

Here is where you are wrong. Then very much can be scrubbed. You need to do a search for Caroline Leaf on Youtube and watch her videos. She's a long time scientist type, a neurologist I think. And she explains how to scrub your mind in 21 days I believe she said.

Good points. I agree.
I realize how this world molds us into being time-wasters. Romans 12:2

Wasting time with distractions is big tool the enemy uses against us in these days. I ttry to keep the entertainmentt to a minimum nowadays.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2023
United States
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GTA? It glorifies sin. You can mug people and do crimes and pick up prostitutes and all sorts of stuff which does not bring glory to God. Do you know why God created you in the first place? To Glorify God.
Sorry. It wasn't a question. I was agreeing with you.

I just told you what the Lord taught me. You can reason it out now.

The mind likes playing video games more than turning the TV off because it's easier. All you have to do is sit and get your mind fed images.
Watching TV is passive. Playing video games is interactive.

Have you ever thought about taking a break and taking your mind on a walk so to speak? Away from the normal hours and hours of sinful distraction that, the way I understand it is that, every time you feed your mind ungodly input then it inhibits your ability to hear God speak to you.
I don't watch TV or play video games. Haven't done those in about 8-10 years. Too busy with more important things.
Besides, I realize what a waste they are. Especially if they aren't educational.

Here is where you are wrong. Then very much can be scrubbed. You need to do a search for Caroline Leaf on Youtube and watch her videos. She's a long time scientist type, a neurologist I think. And she explains how to scrub your mind in 21 days I believe she said.
Oh. Okay. Sounds cool. I might check it out, if I have the time.

Wasting time with distractions is big tool the enemy uses against us in these days.
True. Keep our minds away from studying meditating, praying, and ministering, on a regular basis, and wait for an unguarded moment to set the bait.

I ttry to keep the entertainmentt to a minimum nowadays.
That's great! If more did, that would be great for them too. :)
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