Days of Extreme Necessity


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Jan 1, 2024
United States
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There is an extreme necessity that you press into the kingdom of God, for the time is short. You take for granted life in America will just go on and on; the same as always, unimpeded by any real major calamity. But destruction can waste at any time:
Ezekiel 7:25,
"Destruction cometh; and they shall seek peace, and there shall be none..."
Right before that, in verse 23, the Word tells us, "the land is full of bloody crimes, and the city is full of violence." Sounds like something you see on almost any American news every day: So many people shot overnight. Police officer killed. Several injured in a drive by shooting, and on and on. Landslide destroys homes, roadway...Torrential rains cause massive flooding... Historic town of Lahaina destroyed by Maui fire...Tornadoes unleash deadly terror in Tennessee with children among those killed in severe storms... Monster storm system sparks deadly tornado outbreak in Gulf Coast and Southeast... Those last 2 are this past month.
I feel at times like Ezekiel, in fact the following passage I read back in the early 90s and it spoke to me mightily then. Every so often I'm led back to it, because this is so applicable to the times we live in. Ezekiel 2:6-10,
"And thou, son of man, be not afraid of them, neither be afraid of their words, though briers and thorns be with thee, and thou dost dwell among scorpions: be not afraid of their words, nor be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house.
And thou shalt speak my words unto them, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear: for they are most rebellious.
But thou, son of man, hear what I say unto thee; Be not thou rebellious like that rebellious house: open thy mouth, and eat that I give thee.
And when I looked, behold, an hand was sent unto me; and, lo, a roll of a book was therein;
And he spread it before me; and it was written within and without: and there was written therein lamentations, and mourning, and woe."
How hard is the crowd who hear the Word today, even if they shall listen? Hard hearted, as Pharaoh. Beware! Pharaoh hardened his own heart at first, but then after he did it so much, the Scriptures says the LORD hardened his heart. Oh wow, what a danger that would be, to be in that place that God Himself hardens you. "For they are most rebellious..." It was after the sixth plague, and in Exodus 9:12 when we find the shocking and fearsome words, "And the LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh..." Also, as Romans 9:18 says, God will have mercy upon whom He will have mercy, and whom He will He hardeneth. And that word means what it says, as in indurate, make callous, insensitive, deaden your feelings.... You do NOT want to reach the place where you've hardened yourself so much against the ways of God, that He hardens you.
I know people complain, "That's gloom and doom! God is a God of love." Well, yes absolutely He is a God of love. God IS love! But truth is a lot of the Bible is gloom and doom: it speaks of judgment against sin, and, "The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God." - Psalm 9:17. Sin MUST be judged, and the LORD only allows sin to go on for so long, until the measure of His patience is reached and He unleashes judgment upon a people, upon a nation. He warns through prophecy, both in the Scriptures, and in messages such as this right here. Perhaps some will repent, but God usually requires a large national repentance to spare a nation, though Abraham did argue for a lesser amount with Sodom and narrowed it down to 10. We have no idea about America, but it is so clear sin is running rampant, it's as a mighty beast running amok, a monster, a huge, devilish, and diabolical monster.
Oh I can safely say there is a Godzilla like principality over the United States and he wants to tear down the cities just like that fictional Godzilla in the movies did, being a symbol of destruction. People are clamoring for peace. people are clamoring for war. Politics is in shambles. Society is split, divided, hate has increased. hatred of Gods people the Jews has been rampant since the war broke out, and many side with Israels enemies. Our "free country" has become a freeforall , and God is about to intervene. He will have His way: he will have His way in the whirlwind, He shall make them afraid with His storm, as the Psalm says.
2 Thessalonians 5:3, "When they shall say, Peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape."
Are not people crying out for peace and safety today, all over the world? Notice, scripture doesn't say, when there IS peace and safety, but when people SAY peace and safety. Consider when the tornado strike, the devastating whirlwind. It can rip the house apart, and just as easy tear your body. It can even disappear you. Same goes for the hurricane, the earthquake, the volcano, the flood, the tsunami. Sudden destruction by nature is a reality. You know what a lot of people think? That only happens to other people. Or, that only happens in certain states. Well, severe weather events have been happening in every state lately, even in places unheard of when I was a kid. And it's been happening more frequently, back to back, one catastrophic event after another, and not just in US, all over the earth.
Earth is reeling in birth pains, the whole creation groaneth in travail to be delivered! But know this: that the tribulations of this present world are nothing compared to the GLORY that awaits us, the revelation and appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ in all His power and majesty, and the inheritance of His kingdom, the kingdom of heaven, of which we cannot begin to fathom in our wildest imaginations, as it's written that eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor entered into the heart of man, the things God hath prepared for those who wait for Him and those who love Him!
Oh, men's hearts truly failing them for fear looking at the things coming upon the earth: Oh, the sea and the waves roaring; the raging storm is not satisfied till it has plowed through all in its path. Any day, any second. One moment you sit so comfortable and confident, and full, and contented, and in the next moment a shaking unsettles you. There is no control you have, for now your very life is in God's hand, though it always has been: just now maybe you'll realize it, and you best be right, for you know not when your end is!
Before I finish this sentence, death could strike in a number of ways: the heart could cease, an artery explode - and darkness comes. Is there time to make sure your soul's right with our Saviour? There may not be time if it's over in a second. Today is then the day of salvation. There's a reason that was written in the Bible. Harden not your hearts. Now is the accepted time, today is the day of salvation. You may have 20 years, or 60 years before you expire, but you may have 6 seconds. Are you ready, and in Christ? And this goes for those who think they are in Christ because of a prayer or some other outward reason, but are not: God knows. Lots of people in Church that don't truly know Christ as their Saviour and their Lord: they only know ABOUT Him.
Yes, there's an extreme necessity, as one brother last month in church said , "This is an emergency. You have a spiritual emergency. Call 9-1-1." So that prompted me to look up 9:11 Scriptures, which spoke volumes then, and may speak even more now. Ezekiel 9:11, the last part: "I have done as thou hast commanded me." Can you say you have done as God has commanded you? Specifically, if you do not know what He's commanded you, He commands you to believe Jesus Christ is, and that He died for your sins and rose from the dead: he commands you repent, for He commandeth all everywhere to repent. He commands you to forsake your sin and live, for why will you die? He commands you be born again. "Ye MUST be born again..." in John chapter 3. That little word "must" - in Greek, "dei" means it is necessary, a necessity of a law or command, or a decree and counsel of God.
And yet worse: why will you die lost, or in an horrible "unsure" state? "Well, I'm not sure if I'm saved," you say? Well, then I'm not sure if you are either, and if such a doubt is there, I'd highly encourage you to get down alone with God, because He knows; only He knows if you're His, so get before God, call out to Him, confess your sins, receive His forgiveness, and don't stop till you can say you're saved - till you get that assurance from the Holy Spirit, and the Spirit of Christ dwelleth in you. When you can say, "I'm done with sin: It will not have mastery over me, in Jesus' name." And mean it! Seriously mean it, cuz a lot of people say they're done with sin, then later in that same day they're partaking in that sin, cuz there's really no change. If you are truly IN CHRIST, there WILL BE a change. You shall know them by their fruits. If bad fruit is still there, cut it off!
Romans 9:11 - Now I know it's talking about Rebecca and Isaac, Jacob, and Esau in the chapter: but there's a little jewel right in the middle that says, "that the purpose of God according to the election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth." And that "Him" being God through the Holy Spirit who calls you, and He calls you unto His grace, that He may chose you as His elect according to His foreknowledge: for whom He did foreknow he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son Jesus Christ.
John 1:12-13,
"As many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God."
Believe on His name there, it's an active belief with an outward manifestation of behavior in accordance with that belief. In other words, true believing on Christ will show in a change to your life, as He says, you are a new creature, old things are passed away, all things are become new, in 2 Corinthians 5:17.
2 Thessalonians 2:13,
"God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth."
And you see, then pray that you be chosen in Him before the foundation of the world, that you should be holy and without blame before Him in love; you will be adopted as children of God. You'll find this in Ephesians, the wonder of being predestined and chosen by the Almighty Creator of the universe, who is Jesus Christ, for by Him all things were made, and all things consist and are held together by the Word of His power. Do not put it off: today if He calls you, do not turn away, do not make excuse, do not think you have time later.
George Whitefield in the mid 1700s preached this,
"As God is a sovereign agent, His sacred Spirit bloweth not only on whom, but when and how it listeth. Therefore, far be it from me to confine the Almighty to one way of acting; or to say, that all undergo an equal degree of conviction; No, there is a holy variety in God’s methods of calling home His elect. But this we may affirm assuredly, that, wherever there is a work of true conviction and conversion wrought upon a sinner’s heart, the Holy Ghost, whether by a greater or less degree of inward soul-trouble, does that which our Lord Jesus told the disciples, in the words of the text, that He should do when He came: “And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.”—John 16:8" ("Reprove" there "elegchō" in Greek, means to convince, convict, and admonish).
What of war? War is raging in Ukraine right now, spilling over at times into Russia. And in Gaza and Israel, Lebanon, Syria: Iran just launched missiles into Pakistan, killing 2 children. That Mideast war is slowly expanding from where it was only 3 months ago. There's civil war in Sudan, in Myanmar, and unrest all over the earth. Don't think you are so invincible and untouchable in America! "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall." (Proverbs 16:18) And for that matter, the whole "Gay agenda" calls itself "Pride" - well, the Word of God has the final say!
North Korea has missiles that can reach us now, right here: ICBMs and hypersonic weapons, as do Russia and China as well. You say, "Ah, we'll just shoot 'em down." Really? You think? So was Babylon so sure of her greatness and invincibility, the King and all his leaders mocked our Holy God by partying with the Temple vessels as drinking cups. Read Daniel chapter 5. "God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. Thou art weighed in the balances, and found wanting." The King was slain that very night, when only an hour before he was having a grand ole time at his big party! Don't think it can't happen or won't happen, because it's coming.
Micah 3:8-12, it was to Israel, but these things are also for our examples: Hear this!
"But truly I am full of power by the spirit of the Lord, and of judgment, and of might, to declare unto Jacob his transgression, and to Israel his sin.
Hear this, I pray you, ye heads of the house of Jacob, and princes of the house of Israel, that abhor judgment, and pervert all equity.
They build up Zion with blood, and Jerusalem with iniquity.
The heads thereof judge for reward, and the priests thereof teach for hire, and the prophets thereof divine for money: yet will they lean upon the Lord, and say, Is not the Lord among us? none evil can come upon us.
Therefore shall Zion for your sake be plowed as a field, and Jerusalem shall become heaps, and the mountain of the house as the high places of the forest."
Isn't that so like the U.S. today. They think the LORD is among us, no eveil can come upon us. And, those who think that are horrifically deceived; it's the grandest of all delusions when a nation thinks they are so above everyone else. ALL superpowers have always digressed into gross sin, and began to either collapse from within, or were conquered by a foreign enemy, or a combination of both: and I tell ya, America has a sword hanging over her ready to drop, and already the sins of Noah's day, and Sodom, and King Manasseh shedding innocent blood, and the sins of Romans 1 - all those 4 examples America has done, with her violence, sodomy, idolatry, occult, lawbreaking, adultery, filthiness, anarchy, rebellion, disobedient. How about drunkenness? Drug abuse and addiction, legalizing weed... Any time could fall the dread judgment!
You know an EMP nuke high up in our atmosphere could knock out a large portion of our electric grid? Some estimate that if the US loses electricity, that 90% of the population would be dead within a year. Don't even need to nuke us. Just 2 or 3 strategically placed EMP blasts, and the rest takes care of itself. Catastrophic. Or, there could be a nuclear attack. Even a few weapons getting through and hitting major cities would disrupt the entire nation. And I personally think the US is so weak morally now, it might not take a Russia or China to take us down: it could happen with Iran, with Korea. Or from within: all those people coming over the border - you know there's some enemies in that mix. America is so engrossed in wickedness, with "In God We Trust" still on its money, but mocking God with that money and with wicked lifestyles. Better read Revelation, Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21. It's all there.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2024
United States
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(The rest of the message. I guess there's an 18,000 character limit)
Look at Revelation 9:11,
"And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon."
Abaddon, Apollyon: means, the Destroyer. Same thing as the Hindu goddess Kali, the goddess of destruction and death, who was portrayed on the Empire State building back in 2015. The destroyer is here, the pit may have been opened, at least in part. That was the same year same sex marriage became legal. You know 9/11 was a warning judgment, but America has not heeded. She has rather rushed headlong towards destruction: Kali on Empire State building an ironic sign, or maybe deliberate. I do not know if the people who put it there knew, but it's demonic. And Revelation 9:15 the destroyer slays 1/3 part of men. It don't say how, but God is Sovereign and this will come to pass. Oh yeah, these are certainly the days of extreme necessity!
Every day brings us one more day closer to the return of our Lord, and one more day closer to either our redemption, or our damnation.

You might fear all these things, all these dreadful and terrifying things that can and will happen. But you know you don't have to? Even many professing Christians fear them, fear what's coming upon earth. We are way too complacent and comfortable in America, while in Iran, and in China, North Korea, Afghanistan, people are dying for their faith, being imprisoned just for owning a Bible - while we got Bibles to spare, a lot of them collecting dust on a bookshelf. I don't fear the things coming. I don't. I fear the one who created the universe, and who has power over where my soul ends up eternally. I actually rejoice when I see many things because I see Bible prophecy lining up and coming to pass in my lifetime: a LOT of it.
My grandparents, my Mom & Dad saw the biggest prophetic event back in 1948 when Israel became a nation again. Prior to that it was easier to say the Lord might not come too soon because Israel isn't back in the land. Now Israel's been back in the land and a nation 75 years, be 76 years this May 14th. Now the prophecies unfold. We've got A.I. which can easily bring about one world government, digital currency, and the global elites are working towards just that. Strait out of Revelation 13. This stuff wasn't a thing when I was a kid, except on Star Trek or Lost in Space. Well, "Danger Will Robinson!" as that robot used to say. We have robots far more advanced than that today, and there certainly is a danger, but it's a danger your soul is in if you're not saved, if you're not truly born again!

I have a holy fear of He who is all powerful, but at the same time a holy love, and the burning desire to serve Him, and live apart from sin. No time for TV and all its darkness, even a waste of time when I can be learning the things of God and being about my Fathers business, as Christ was, and we are called to imitate Him and follow Him. I have no desire for those TV images, or to hear Heavy Metal music, or rock, or goth. I hate it. I used to love it, and party to it late into the nights, sometimes all night. What a waste of life!
The Spirit of a Holy God alive in me cannot abide darkness, and all that stuff is promoting darkness. It casts a spell upon those who spend hours watching or listening. You think it don't influence, but it does. It's subtle. And you're exposing your eyes, and ears, and your mind to darkness. Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them, the scripture says. NO fellowship, none. It's the hidden things of dishonesty: it's the eyes full of adultery that cannot cease from sin. Do not fellowship with it at all, neither give place to the devil. All that unholy "entertainment" is giving place to the devil. But there is another way; there IS a way OUT!

Charles Spurgeon wrote, "Having spoken thus far upon the gospel rejected, I shall now briefly speak upon the gospel triumphant. “Unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God” (1Co 1:24). Yonder man rejects the gospel, despises grace, and laughs at it as a delusion. Here is another man who laughed at it, too; but God will fetch him down upon his knees. Christ shall not die for nothing. The Holy Ghost shall not strive in vain. God hath said, My word “shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it” (Isa 55:11). “He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied” (Isa 53:11). If one sinner is not saved, another shall be." Are you a sinner that will reject Christ and the gospel, or will you be the one that's saved?
I'm gonna leave off with a quote from Jonathan Edwards; this is from 1735 regarding the Apocalypse:
"There is no safety or refuge outside heaven; men will cry in vain to God as they are swallowed by a fiery deluge of wrath... Sacrifice every thing, for the eternal interest of your souls. You that have a mind to obtain converting grace and to go to heaven when you die, now is your season! Now, if you have any sort of prudence for your own salvation, and have not a mind to go to hell, improve this season!
God might be gathering His elect a last time before some great and sore judgment. God has frequently brought great and destroying judgments after a special effusion of His Spirit. And this may be the case now, that God is about, in a great measure, to forsake this land, and give up this people, and to bring the most awful and overwhelming judgments upon it, and that He is now gathering in His elect, to secure them from the calamity. The state of the nation, and of this land, never looked so threatening of such a thing as at this day
If you don't know history, you'll not know that Edwards was quite prophetic in his messages. He pastored a church in Northampton, Massachusetts till 1750. In 1744-1748 King George's war took place in that state and the surrounding territories. The French & Indian Wars also took place in a lot of the same territories from 1754-1763. Edwards died in 1758. Then the American Revolutionary war started in 1775.
Now look at us today, and we can say even more assuredly, "The state of the nation, and of this land, never looked so threatening of such a thing as at this day." These are days of extreme necessity. Take heed then, and know Christ! War is coming, and this time the nation has not undergone great awakenings as it had in the 1730s and 1740s, almost as if to prepare them for the coming wars, and ultimately the war of independence. Today the sad condition is just the opposite and we have the great falling away, many departing from the faith, a callousness and indifference to the things of God. Let what has been said here this day sink in. If you don't know Him, or aren't sure if you know Him or that He knows you, come to Him: he will in no wise cast you out. And if you know Him but are backslidden or fallen from grace, return to Him as the prodigal, and He shall run to meet you. Amen
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