Dating apps have filter flaws


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Nov 18, 2018
Czech Republic
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Not sure about if the filters technically work or not, but it seems to me that people match with each other less and less.

Even average people do not seem to be compatible and satisfied with each other anymore, not to say people with something unusual.

Its true that average men will not get almost any response. Most women focus on the top few men only and concentrate their attention there. Its a well described phenomena.
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A Daughter of Zion Seeking Her Father in Heaven!
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Aug 1, 2017
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I was once the same - no alcohol, no kids. So I understand the difficulty. I had reasonable fear of child birth and was afraid that children might distract me from spiritual connection with God. However, I came to the realization that marriage and children can, in fact, enhance my relationship with God.

I now strive to align my desires with what God intends for me, rather than solely pursuing my own wishes. This led to experiencing great miracles. I'm glad I've transitioned from relying on my own wisdom to embracing God's wisdom. I fought a good fight. I'm proud of achieving this personal growth and overcoming my fears.
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This And That
Mar 13, 2017
United States
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In the beginning days of attraction (or matching if you will) and interest has been piqued, nearly all women, whether they openly admit it or not, will look past certain non-negotiables the man may have. Their theory is that as they grow to know each other better, she'll either actively shape his feelings on the non-negotiable(s) she's concerned about or passively allow time to work on his emotional connection with her and lighten up on the specific non-negotiable.

This all sounds very shady, I know. But it's purely human, and really both sexes can be guilty of this if we're really honest here. ...I don't see anything wrong with your standards, personally, but I will say that the challenge you're facing in finding a partner who shares your views on alcohol won't get better...the vast majority of people, professing Christians or not, consume a lot of alcohol and enjoy a lively bar scene. And they straight up do not see an issue with this. So again, while there's nothing inherently wrong with your standard, you will very much limit yourself. The same can be said about strictly not wanting children, but that's a whole discussion in itself.

I, too, can't be with someone who is insistent on having children as that's not a particular desire of mine. I won't become involved with a decent person who wants to be a father and rob their future of being one. That would be wrong on all levels. Unfortunately for me, in my own pursuit for companionship, I've found that most professing Christians men want kids (or at least one kid) - so naturally I'm limiting myself on a potential future with someone.

It's going to be harder for those of us who choose specific non-negotiables in a relationship and are adamant at keeping to them. But I don't believe it's impossible. We're in pursuit of a person who belongs to a minority group of people in this world, so it will take time and patience. You could literally bump into this person tomorrow at the grocery store. Or it may take another 5 years. But it's not impossible.

Yeah, I had a beer at a local venue the other day. I don't see the big deal. I knew a Christian that at first didn't want to date a man that had a beer...but she wound up marrying one anyway.
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A Daughter of Zion Seeking Her Father in Heaven!
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Aug 1, 2017
She is The Land!
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I believe that God has the power to create a woman if there is none, just as He did for Adam. I believe that God can still create a man from a virgin, just as He did from Mary. I believe that God can create a human from stones, stars, and dust. He did for Sarah and Abraham, and for Hannah and Elizabeth, who thought they couldn't bear children.

I am determined not to place any obstacles in the way of what God wants to accomplish through me, even if it means letting go of everything and starting over. For me, God represents both love and truth, and my pursuit of love and truth is driven by the hope that I will experience God. I do not separate these aspects from God.

I know a man who fought for me and died for me before he even saw me with his eyes; he now lives in me. I am committed to finding him and bringing him to life, and loving him no matter what may come, if he allows me to. Whether I have children or not, whether I must deny myself. Then, if everything fails, I will celebrate the fact that I was brave and foolish enough.

God did not fail. The systems of this world will change because of what I did through Him. When I resurrect and come back to life, I will have made life better for others and myself. We need to be more concerned about our eternal loneliness.
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A Daughter of Zion Seeking Her Father in Heaven!
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Aug 1, 2017
She is The Land!
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My issue is I work in the same field my dad did. He was gone, ALL THE TIME and I refuse to be that kind of person, who has a kid at home I rarely see. I travel a lot for work, 95% of it actually. It's a primary reason for my singleness too. I have read articles that criticize Christians who marry with no intent on kids and I understand their argument. It scares churches as families are what fill the pews, tithe and so on. I also understand that having kids is the best way to disciple as most are not good at or have any desire to work in the mission field. I will likely never marry and remain childless and my career has more to do with it that much of anything else. It's just my reality. I am married to my business you could say. Sadly, my business doesn't listen to me, talk, hug me and so on. I am sadly used to it having been deprived of affection as a kid. A dad always gone and an emotionally distant mother. My use of apps and dating sites over the years only confirmed my suspicions making it worse for me.
That is sad you were deprived of affection as a kid. It is nice of you to be cautious so your kid will not have to face the same. The Lord has blessed you with talent and success with regards to your business.

Work is important. I wish you can balance your physicial and spiritual health and not let your business rob anymore from you, as it did with your father. Because you are doing the same to the Lord. Depriving Him of your affection.

How much time do you spend praying for a partner and meditating on that? You may influence the app filters or app makers in your favor just by doing that. This is recommended in general for all individuals for holistic well-being.

I hope The Lord does not say the same about you, that you are GONE ALL THE TIME and rarely see Him, too busy for Him, do not listen to Him, do not talk to Him, do not hug Him, do not search Him as you search the apps and websites, do not love Him as much as you love your business.

I hope you refuse to be that kind of person toward the Lord just as you think for your partner and child. Because what we do to Him, is what happens to us. That's the sign. This is how we measure and identify the root of the issues. I pray that you find a suitable helpmate.
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Sir Robbins

Waiting for Fall
Sep 28, 2012
Saint Augustine, FL
United States
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Yeah, I had a beer at a local venue the other day. I don't see the big deal. I knew a Christian that at first didn't want to date a man that had a beer...but she wound up marrying one anyway.
Beer isn't really my concern. It's the women who are drinking themselves away with hard alcohol. I see them do it with wine too. I don't want to put myself in a position where I cannot function properly and certainly don't want a partner that would do the same..
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