Collectivism vs Individuality


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Oct 31, 2016
United States
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I've always been a fan of being unique. As a kid, I was different from others. I didn't fit into all the kids who did sports, whether it be boys or girls. I didn't fit in with the prettier, popular girls. I didn't fit in with the smart, top of the class kids. So, as a kid and in junior high, I didn't like being different. I felt so left out. But now I've learned to enjoy it. I like being me, someone very individual. Sometimes I like to break out of the norms. Now, I encourage people to be their own person. However, because of that, now I've been thinking about how that relates to religion.

I have a couple of friends who consider themselves non-denominational Christians. To them, they don't see why God would want to divide everyone who believe in Him and in turn have everyone pitted against each other because of all the different denominations. I don't know what to think about that exactly, but here's the thoughts I've been having: it sometimes seems that denominations encourage collectivism, not individuality. In a religion, everyone is expected to follow the same rules, are expected to always be kind, never get angry, like pure and wholesome things. I'm not necessarily saying that's bad. I personally would love to be able to be more kind and work on not getting angry as easily. But it does just make it seem like I'm just an insignificant part of a larger whole. I'm just like everyone else in the group. I can't be different, because if I was, I would be doing wrong things. Then again, to feel more individual, I suppose you can always use your talents to help build others up and worship God. Would God create you as a unique individual, and wouldn't He want you to use the talents He gave you to show how much you appreciate Him?

I don't know if I'm explaining my thoughts well, but I'm just putting this out there to see how other people feel about this. Love to hear your thoughts :)


I Must Decrease That He May Increase
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Dec 8, 2010
Nova Scotia
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It's about your personal, prayer filled relationship with God first and then assembling with like minded brethren to share and edify each other in God. It's interesting that each denomination has it's "fundamental rules" that you much literally sign on to, to become a member of that church. Not what the Bible says is it? We are to follow the Commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus. Being equally yoked is also a requirement of Christians but we see all to often many diverse opinions trying to be one body for God to work. Being independent is a two edged sword... independent in personality is one thing but not in matters of Biblical truth. God made each of us unique but expects us to all come before Him in the same manner... humbly, respectfully, surrendered.

In other words, seek God and His Righteousness (right doing) and all things will be given you.

Denominations be damned.
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Active Member
Oct 31, 2016
United States
United States
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It's about your personal, prayer filled relationship with God first and then assembling with like minded brethren to share and edify each other in God. It's interesting that each denomination has it's "fundamental rules" that you much literally sign on to, to become a member of that church. Not what the Bible says is it? We are to follow the Commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus. Being equally yoked is also a requirement of Christians but we see all to often many diverse opinions trying to be one body for God to work. Being independent is a two edged sword... independent in personality is one thing but not in matters of Biblical truth. God made each of us unique but expects us to all come before Him in the same manner... humbly, respectfully, surrendered.

In other words, seek God and His Righteousness (right doing) and all things will be given you.

Denominations be damned.

That makes sense. Very well said.
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