Catholicism Everywhere: From Hail Mary Passes to Cappuccinos


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Feb 5, 2002
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We are pleased to share Dr. Helen Hoffner’s new book Catholicism Everywhere: From Hail Mary Passes to Cappuccinos- How the Catholic Faith is Infused in Culture by Sophia Institute Press.

Time for Play: The Catholic Connection to Chess, Monopoly, and Bingo

In this busy world, do you take time to play? When you engage in games such as chess, Monopoly, and bingo, you are following the advice of Catholic leaders who have urged a healthy balance of work and play. There is a Catholic connection to popular games and it was formed by St. Teresa of Avila, Pope Paul VI, and many priests and bishops.

Chess had a favorable reputation in the early days of the Catholic Church. Genodio de Astorga, a saint and the Bishop of Astorga from 909 to 919 A.D., wanted his staff to learn the game because it encouraged concentration that enabled one to focus upon God. In 1061, however, Petrus Damiani, an Italian cardinal, wrote to Pope Gregory VII expressing his view that chess was an evil game with ties to witchcraft. Cardinal Damiani was horrified that priests were seen sitting at gameboards in public. His efforts led to chess being placed on a list of games forbidden to members of the clergy and monastic orders. Until 1299, Catholic priests were forbidden to play chess and the game was considered evil for all.

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