Book recommendations

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Active Member
Sep 23, 2003
Sydney, Australia
Hi All

Just a few book recommendations.

I have, over the past year or so, purchased a few very good books on Dispensational teaching and would like to recommend them to you all.

They are all by a fellow called "Roy Heubner"

1) "J.N.Darby's Teaching Regarding Dispensations, Ages and Administrations and the Two Parenthesis"

Including A reply to Ultradispensationalism;
A reply to the charge that dispensationalism in inherently Arminian, and, A reply to the charge that the kingdom offer makes God immoral.

It's about 181 Pages. If any of you know "Dispensationalism" by Ryrie, This book is about the same size.

2) The second is actually a two volume set, each Vol can be purchased separately. Vol 1 "Dispensational Truth" and Vol 2 "Elements of Dispensational truth".

This set IMHO is by far the best work on Dispensational teachng you can get.

Table of contents icludes some of the following.....

Part 1. The Mystery as to which was kept silent

1.1. Dispensational truth, views on Dispensations, The Church not an Age, etc

1.2. Did J.N.Darby's Teachings Influence The North American Prophectic Conferences and the Scofield reference Bible?, J.N Darby's work in America, J.N Darby did not "Systemize" Dispensational Truth, Covenant Pretribulationism Alias "Progresive Dispensatioalism, etc

1.3. Did the OT Prophets Speak About the Church? Literal or Spiritual interpritation etc

1.4 The heavenly and the earthly, etc

That's just some of the first section of Vol 1, there are 8 sections in the first Vol.

The second Vol is more About prophecy and answers many of the objections thrown at pretrib futurists from Amil/Postmil, Post trib, preterism etc

I highly recommend the 2 vol set, it contains everything in the first book and much more.

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