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    If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there.

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    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist


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Aug 12, 2021
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i'll try 2 make this short ---i'm an adult christian believer w' asperger's (possibly more) that is unable 2 recognize god's voice, presence, answers, signs or even warning signs in general (except rarely after the fact...i can only understand the literal parts of the bible & not even all of that (symbolism, codes, #'s, imagary, etc is 2 difficult 4 me)...even thou i know right from wrong, i don't even know when i'm sinning as everything has 2 b written down or listed in full detail & only then am i able 2 choose...i grew up in a house w' parents who not only doesn't believe in god, but wouldn't even let me go 2 church w' a friend, until i was @ lst 13 (& even then they were unwilling) even thou i knew there was a higher power @ 5 or 6...also, they were/r extremely controlling & i was never able 2 make my own choices or speak 4 myself...i also don't have the ability/foresight 2 look into/search future events cuz like a recovering alcholic, i can only take things 1 day @ a time or my sensory system becomes overwhelmed & it can take a few days 2 fully recover...i'malso unable 2 read body language as well as in between the lines...anyway, as a result, i unknowingly/innocently/was tricked into taking the mob (the rt pcr dna test --- transhumanism = chimera, cyborg, artificial intelligence --- which changes ur dna, plus it has all the ingrediants of the mark: buy/sell, name of man/# of man/ image of beast...initially, u'r the beast & the temple is inside u, so that's how u worship the beast...i know i said this is from the test, but the vax r the mark 2 as they do the same thing, except the test does every thing @ once & yes, the test can vaccinate u & it does implant chips in u as well...it is also a gene experiment - a depopulation tool...the vax used in the pcr test is not the same as the typical vax since i had the test done in 2019 & the vaxs weren't out, but they r a form of the vax (or should i say medicine since the kits were purposly labeled as such)...i never was gonna get the test or vax, but only cuz i didn't c y a hlthy person should b tested just 2 c if u had it, w'out having it (covid) & going in 2 b tested...initially, i had 2 go 2 the er 4 what turned out 2 b an inner bleed (gastritis) in which i lost 3 units of blood in 2 hrs after admission (plus 1 more the next day)...the test was a requirement 4 admission & i felt no warning signs or anything...anyway, i finally looked up 2 get info abt the test once i was discharged as a result of what i felt & that's when i learned what it was...i know u may not believe these things 2 b the mark so if that's the case, plz answer hypothetically, otherwise do so normally...now, this is my question -- can i still b saved since this was a result of my aspergers & that it was not directly a choice i made, but 1 made 4 me???this shouldn't have happened as i was a true believer (& still am) & i never turned my back on god, or rejected him - i've never blamed him 4 this as well...being an aspie, not only am i more sensitive 2 things (like i felt the chips) & am closer 2 the spirit world (i've seen my dead grandfather, spirit forms/figures - both good & bad & even felt a human flesh & even an angel's touch)...however, i still can't recognize god or understand the bible & i'm scared that cuz i took the mark (in the ways aforementioned), i'm scared i'm going 2 go 2 hell cuz of my autism (mental illness)...so, is there a chance i can still b saved cuz of my disabilitiies???

Mark Quayle

Monergist; and by reputation, Reformed Calvinist
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May 28, 2018
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“Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
(Romans 10:13)

“I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them out of My hand. My Father who has given them to Me is greater than all. No one can snatch them out of My Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.”
(John 10:28-30)
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Dave G.

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May 22, 2017
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For someone who can't discern or reason ahead it seems you have this all studied out.

That said, the mark of the beast is not a trick situation.When that day comes You aren't tricked into it, you are require to denounce Christ and swear allegiance to the Beast. The vaccine is not the mark. Any reasonably reliable theologian, pastor, teacher will pretty much agree.
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Dec 29, 2002
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Hi... your Father is GOD and Christ that only said what the Father said.. my sheep know my voice. He can not lie. You can know HIs voice.. He said it. No matter what this world says about you.. He can not lie :) There is nothing to hard for your God/Father. He died for the sin of the world and by HIs strips we are healed.

The word says those written in the lambs book will never worship the beast. AMP "All the inhabitants of the earth will fall down and worship him, everyone whose name has not been written since the foundation of the world in the Book of Life of the Lamb who has been slain [as a willing sacrifice]."

See your name? Yeah its in the lambs book. You never have anything to worry about. Again.. GOD SAID not me not any man. Your name since the foudation of the world is written in the lambs book. You will never worship the beast. See this is what so many miss. They jump over worship and go right to THE MARK! Yet you must worship the beast first before you take the mark. If you didn't worship you die. I do not believe we will be here....

Christ will come for His Church as He said.. when exactly no clue. Know there is nothing your Father can not do.. JESUS is in you. with you forever. Be at peace.. have His joy.. His peace His strength.. His armor. On and on.

Also remember God never uses fear.. fear of not of God. So these fears.. not from Him but the enemy trying to steal your joy.
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Tolworth John

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Mar 10, 2017
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i'm scared i'm going 2 go 2 hell cuz of my autism (mental illness)...so, is there a chance i can still b saved cuz of my disabilitiies???

We are all saved by our faith in Jesus, not by our mental abilities or good looks.

It is the same with the mark of the beast. One has to voluntarily accept it and that is something you have not done.

May I suggest you keep things simple and concentrate on living day by day for Jesus.
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Aug 12, 2021
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We are all saved by our faith in Jesus, not by our mental abilities or good looks.

It is the same with the mark of the beast. One has to voluntarily accept it and that is something you have not done.

May I suggest you keep things simple and concentrate on living day by day for Jesus.
We are all saved by our faith in Jesus, not by our mental abilities or good looks.

It is the same with the mark of the beast. One has to voluntarily accept it and that is something you have not done.

May I suggest you keep things simple and concentrate on living day by day for Jesus.
thnx 4 advice - i've been trying 2 focus on god 4 the 2yrs since this happened (i've repented every day once i learned what the test & vax was, but as new info comes out, it scares me & brings me back 2 the negatative zone...so, i just want 2 b sure i understood u correctly, so if i sound repetative, plz 4give me - in know it may sound like a record or something, but it's how i process/understand stuff...so, u'r saying that cuz i wasn't aware/unable 2 recognize any warning sign whatsoever b4 takng it (as a result of my autism), & w' the fact that there wasn't any issues between god & i b4hand (except 4 the fact that i was trying 2 figure out how 2 have a better relationship w' him & that i hadn't done it yet, cuz i've had problems w'any relationship in the past - even w' my parents & i was in the process of asking advice from some christians i know, but i didn't have the time)???cuz if i had the ability 2 know, i would have refused it even thoughthe dr's said i could have died w' out the care...i know people w' asperger's r said 2 think logically, but that's not true in my case -- almost everything is the opposite...however, as u know, even thou there r many different bible versions (which i believe 2 have been altered from the original languages -greek & hebrew) they all agree 2 the fact that u will feel god's wrath & go 2 hell (i can't remember the verse)...i don't remember seeing anything abt anyone who can b saved if the take it...some say u will know it & take it (@lst along those lines), but when i've done searches that r related 2 my case, they say u can't accidently, unknowingly, innocently, b tricked into taking it...so, initially, there hasn't been much of anything 2 give me hope, esp w' so many interpretations...i also looked2 c if people w' certain disabilities -those that like me can't understand the bible as only literal parts r understood, who doesn't know when they're sinning cuz they need 2 have them listed down/written & defined, or that they just can't know rite from wrong...what bugs me is the fact that cause i can't understand the bible, that i'm not a true believer - a born again christian...i know i am cuz even thou i grew up in an atheistic/new agers (i don't know what the term is -both my parents attended church as kids, but then were/r still strongly against it), i somehow knew @ 5 or 6 yrs old that there was a higher power of sorts...i know that that doesn't soundlike much, but there were no bibles, let alone any talk of religion from any of my family that believes...sorry 4 going of track - an aspie trait...anyway, i wasn't even wanting 2 take the test or vax in the 1st place, so it was definately a result of my autism...there is one thing i didn't mention abt worshipping the beast - once u have the mark in u, u will worship it once the 5g is on...the mark is 1st supposed 2 kill ur god gene, which didn't happen 2 me as i've been praying @ lst once daily (4 repentance) & sometimes more...also, there's the dna change which literally changes u god given dna 2 that of a nephileum/fallen angel (transhumanism = chimera, cyborg, artificial intelligence)...as u know, jesus didn't die 2 save that of beasts/fallen angels, he died 4 humans...also, since the mark basically tracks u, changes ur mood, etc, there is also an execution switch which can be used @ any time, but from what i understand, it's main purpose is 2 kill those who don't worship the beast once it's turned on...as 4 the book of life, how do u know if ur name's in it & if so, can it be blotted out if u take the mark - most sites says it can...anyway, despite all ths, do u really think there's hope???
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Aug 12, 2021
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Hi... your Father is GOD and Christ that only said what the Father said.. my sheep know my voice. He can not lie. You can know HIs voice.. He said it. No matter what this world says about you.. He can not lie :) There is nothing to hard for your God/Father. He died for the sin of the world and by HIs strips we are healed.

The word says those written in the lambs book will never worship the beast. AMP "All the inhabitants of the earth will fall down and worship him, everyone whose name has not been written since the foundation of the world in the Book of Life of the Lamb who has been slain [as a willing sacrifice]."

See your name? Yeah its in the lambs book. You never have anything to worry about. Again.. GOD SAID not me not any man. Your name since the foudation of the world is written in the lambs book. You will never worship the beast. See this is what so many miss. They jump over worship and go right to THE MARK! Yet you must worship the beast first before you take the mark. If you didn't worship you die. I do not believe we will be here....

Christ will come for His Church as He said.. when exactly no clue. Know there is nothing your Father can not do.. JESUS is in you. with you forever. Be at peace.. have His joy.. His peace His strength.. His armor. On and on.

Also remember God never uses fear.. fear of not of God. So these fears.. not from Him but the enemy trying to steal your joy.
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Tolworth John

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Mar 10, 2017
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what bugs me is the fact that cause i can't understand the bible, that i'm not a true believer - a born again christian.

You do not need to understand the bible.

To be a Christian is to accept that one is a sinner.
That one is sorry for sinning and to accept the forgiveness offered by Jesus.

If that is what you have done.
Then you are a Christian and do not have to fear Gods judgement or the covid vacine.

As a child of God you are save in Jesus's hand and he will not let you go.
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Aug 12, 2021
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You do not need to understand the bible.

To be a Christian is to accept that one is a sinner.
That one is sorry for sinning and to accept the forgiveness offered by Jesus.

If that is what you have done.
Then you are a Christian and do not have to fear Gods judgement or the covid vacine.

As a child of God you are save in Jesus's hand and he will not let you go.

i just read something like that 2day actually & u just onfirmed it 4 me - thnx ( that is the part abt as a child of god, he won't let me go)...anyway, the site also mentioned that if i repent every day - which i do, i can still receive salvation, but i will still most likely die from the effects 2 my system (body & soul)...i'm ok w' that, just as long as i know i can still b saved...the thing is, i don't know if that site is true or not, as i don't know what 2 believe, but the1 thing that's helping thru this is knowing i still feel the spirit...likei said, instead of destroying my god gene, i feel the spirit more often & more intensly...plus, i'm still able 2 fight in this spiritual war w' satan & i plan on enduring until the end...
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Aug 20, 2017
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I been paying attention to this whole covid situation, with what is happening in my country and noticing in other countries as well.

I can only give my opinion based on events that is happening now.

I think this covid 19 pandemic is going to start conditioning people into eventually accepting "the mark of the beast".

I cannot comment on everywhere, but the state I live in, there is mandatory check in's (via QR Code) if you enter into a shops and so on. Now I see this as a conditioning phase.

Now I have slowly limited myself into where I go, and now have made the decision to avoid going into many places, especially supermarkets and big shopping centres and just focus mainly doing online shopping. And at rate things are going, I may decide not to set foot into any shop and just do everything online.

Now in reference to Rev 13:17, there are slight differences in the translations, but I have come to the conclusion (and this is my opinion based on research, looking at it from a theoretical point of view, and looking at the practical implications) but I think the mark of the beast is connected to this: Immunity Passport and Digitial ID. And I think it may have something to do with what is called a Quantum Dot Tattoo.
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Aug 12, 2021
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i'll try 2 make this short ---i'm an adult christian believer w' asperger's (possibly more) that is unable 2 recognize god's voice, presence, answers, signs or even warning signs in general (except rarely after the fact...i can only understand the literal parts of the bible & not even all of that (symbolism, codes, #'s, imagary, etc is 2 difficult 4 me)...even thou i know right from wrong, i don't even know when i'm sinning as everything has 2 b written down or listed in full detail & only then am i able 2 choose...i grew up in a house w' parents who not only doesn't believe in god, but wouldn't even let me go 2 church w' a friend, until i was @ lst 13 (& even then they were unwilling) even thou i knew there was a higher power @ 5 or 6...also, they were/r extremely controlling & i was never able 2 make my own choices or speak 4 myself...i also don't have the ability/foresight 2 look into/search future events cuz like a recovering alcholic, i can only take things 1 day @ a time or my sensory system becomes overwhelmed & it can take a few days 2 fully recover...i'malso unable 2 read body language as well as in between the lines...anyway, as a result, i unknowingly/innocently/was tricked into taking the mob (the rt pcr dna test --- transhumanism = chimera, cyborg, artificial intelligence --- which changes ur dna, plus it has all the ingrediants of the mark: buy/sell, name of man/# of man/ image of beast...initially, u'r the beast & the temple is inside u, so that's how u worship the beast...i know i said this is from the test, but the vax r the mark 2 as they do the same thing, except the test does every thing @ once & yes, the test can vaccinate u & it does implant chips in u as well...it is also a gene experiment - a depopulation tool...the vax used in the pcr test is not the same as the typical vax since i had the test done in 2019 & the vaxs weren't out, but they r a form of the vax (or should i say medicine since the kits were purposly labeled as such)...i never was gonna get the test or vax, but only cuz i didn't c y a hlthy person should b tested just 2 c if u had it, w'out having it (covid) & going in 2 b tested...initially, i had 2 go 2 the er 4 what turned out 2 b an inner bleed (gastritis) in which i lost 3 units of blood in 2 hrs after admission (plus 1 more the next day)...the test was a requirement 4 admission & i felt no warning signs or anything...anyway, i finally looked up 2 get info abt the test once i was discharged as a result of what i felt & that's when i learned what it was...i know u may not believe these things 2 b the mark so if that's the case, plz answer hypothetically, otherwise do so normally...now, this is my question -- can i still b saved since this was a result of my aspergers & that it was not directly a choice i made, but 1 made 4 me???this shouldn't have happened as i was a true believer (& still am) & i never turned my back on god, or rejected him - i've never blamed him 4 this as well...being an aspie, not only am i more sensitive 2 things (like i felt the chips) & am closer 2 the spirit world (i've seen my dead grandfather, spirit forms/figures - both good & bad & even felt a human flesh & even an angel's touch)...however, i still can't recognize god or understand the bible & i'm scared that cuz i took the mark (in the ways aforementioned), i'm scared i'm going 2 go 2 hell cuz of my autism (mental illness)...so, is there a chance i can still b saved cuz of my disabilitiies???

@ this pt, i feel i should explain more abt the test itself, it's actual ingrediants & what it looks like (or not), cuz this may help give u a better idea of my concern & y i'm asking if i can still be saved...i'll do my best 2 keep it short, but there's alot 2 it...first, the actual ingrediants (i'm including everything i know, but there may b more discovered as time goes on)...1st, there's the dna change (transhumanism=chimera, cyborg, artificial intelligence - beast/nephelum/fallen angel) whic is irrepairable...then, there's magnitism - they actually make u magnetic so u can b hooked up 2 the beast system (computer) which will b turned on once 5g rolls out...there's the quantum dot which is activated by lucerferous (like a firefly's light) or the so called vax that is seen under a infered lite (which i believe may be the main mark, but i'm not sure)...then there's the micro needles, which will be used 2 vax u thru the beast system...there's the digital id, invisiable tatoo, tracking, mood/mind reading & they can execute u @ will...they also destroy the god gene, so u no longer worship god, but the beast (as u r the beast & the 3rd temple 2 b built is inside u), but luckily they didn't destroy my god gene, but they did increase it that i actually feel the spirit more often & w' gtr intensity...then there's the graphene oxide & other toxins, aborted babies fetues & animal parts (this is what they don't tell u)...as 4 the rt pcr dna test - it does vaccinate u (but that is mentioned even less then it is mentioned being a mark), so that shows that the bible has been altered from it's original languages (greek & hebrew) & that it can b taken unknowingly...it is also much more dangerous as it can kill u on the spot...keep in mind i'm just talking abt the test as that's what was done 2 me, but that the vax is/does the same thing, except it takes 3 jabs 2 get the full mark & not 1 like the test...the test itself is not what it looks/sounds like as the true images r hidden from the public, meaning it's not a regular cotton swab...it actually has 2 pieces used 2gether @ the same time -- a literal 6' wand w' what looks like a not fully formed ball w' bristles (in which they can hide the ingrediants of the mark)...the 2nd looks like a tongue depressor & when used, look like tongs...as an aspie, i'm extremely sensetive, so i can honestly say that there r chips in there - one in/near the throat (the tongue depressor) & the other, the wand ( up 2 base of my brain which traveled up 2 the frontal lobe/4head...& u know the rest, but i just thought i should b more clear & that'd give u better idea as 2 y i'm asking if i can still b saved...just keep in mind it was a result of my limitions from my autism & obviously i took it unknowingly...i made a choice in a way (by feeling pressured, threatened, forced, &i was definately tricked - by the way,i don't mean force in how the dictionary, etc defines it, cuz i wasn't held down or anything,but @ lst 4 me --- i don't know abt other aspies or even neuro-typicals 4 that matter - force & other feelings come in different intensities...it's like when u describe an aspie, 1 size does not fit all...so once again, do u think i can b saved???
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243 God loves me
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Aug 17, 2020
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Yes, I do think you can be saved. The vaccination is not the mark of the beast. The mark happens during the Tribulation. We are not there yet. We are only in the beginning of sorrows in the Bible. I don’t think you should listening to all those ‘sites’ on the internet, they don’t seem to know what they are talking about. It is confusing to have all that data going in the wrong direction. You have done no wrong. @#8230, E=mC2
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Aug 12, 2021
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actually, the vaxx is the mark: MARK OF THE BEAST (666) Quantum Dot Tattoo Vaccine
this article mentions some of the technology of what's in it & how it works...also, here's new info since my 1st post - the cdc has been lying abt the #'s of people dying & now r lying abt the #'s of people (the majority being those who took the vaxx) & the companies who make the vaxx don't have 2 list everything that's ( snuck - yes snuck) into the vaxx cuz they don't want 2 deal w' the vaxx injuries, which they know will happen since they r involved...the bible has been altered (which is y there r many versions) as they have missing passages, alter the words & sentences 2 fit their agenda (loss of salvation & depopulation by the mark)the 1 thing they do agree on is that whoever receieves/takes the mark will face god's wrath, etc which in turn makes initially, the bible says that u will c it ( a lie since it's snuck in the vaxx - this i know cuz as an aspie, i'm more sensitive 2 everything & i felt the micro-chips being implanted (@THE base/bridge of my brain, then on up 2 my frontal lobe or forhead -- this being more dangerous in that it kills u as well as shows that i'm a major follower of satan, of whom i never followed in the 1st place, nor did a sin so bad that i'd reached god's limits 4 repentence & once someone takes/ receives the mark, god closes the door on repentance 4 good - which brings up another lie abt a person who doesn't repent...the reason they can't repent is cuz the spirit is no longer in them) & the liquid or vaxx going into my nose...the other parts is abt how 1 will choose it & willingly take it -- this depends on the person, but not in my case...the bible also tells a white lie in the verse that says that all (everyone) who takes it (receieves) it will face god's wrath - that is true, but it leaves out that it's unknowingly taken (snuck in), is forced (in that if u choose (which i unwillingly did as it was a hospital requirement) 2 have the test or shot, the mark is in there so yea, it's forced), that it can be taken unwillingly, w' out a choice, unwittingly & w'out informed consent, & tricked or deceieved...initially, god is allowing this 'grt delusion' so that satan can trick u into getting the mark (by the way, satan is the anti-christ, the beast is u & the false prophet is bill gates -- the medical field is involved 2, if u look @ strongs)...so, the 3rd temple has always been built as u'r the temple of god - another lie in the bible...another grt lie is that there is no tribulation & the 2nd vial has been opened - abt man & death by sword (in revelation, read chptr 14 14- 20)...there is also no pre-trib, that will occur @ the end...also there r 2 judgements - the 1st is 4 those who take the mark & r unredeemable & the second is 4 those who become believers during the so called tribulation...so, my ? is as b4, can i still b saved w' my autism since that was what led me into this mess???
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i found out that u can b tricked into taking the mark(deceieved) -- it's the grt delusion, & if u read revelation 14:14-20, it talks abt the earth's harvest...also, the bible says he who causeth...that can mean tricked, deceieved, forced (not held down, but if it's snuck into the vaxx of both test & jab) unknowingly, voluntarily (w'out knowing), w' out nformed consent (which is also happening, cuz the cdc has allowed the vaxx makers permission 2 not say what's exactly in the vaxx & what it will do, cuz of the vaxx injuries that they knew would happen), plus there's the fact that they have been lying abt the numbers & that the vaxx is a bio-weapon made from the wuhan lab in china (that is the vaxx that the pcr tests used) & the vaxx used here now (which takes 3 jabs 2 get the full mark, whereas the test takes 1) that was made in the us...finally, the bible says that all who take the mark will feel god's wrath, etc, & that means all...as 4 the repentance part in the bible that says that those who take it won't repent, well that's 1 of satans lies...the truth is, is that they can't...i don't know if this is true or not, but based off of what i learned, a person can't repent cuz once a person takes the mark; the door 2 repentance has closed & i think that that is cuz once u take it, u r bound 2 satan...so, 2 b honest, i don't c any hopes of salvation unless god has mercy on me as it was my autism that caused this whole deal...i know i never did anything bad enuff 4 this, plus i didn't/don't worship satan (unless i didn't recognize it, as that would have been caused by my autism, which would prevent me from knowing...so, if u have any other suggestions, thoughts or ideas on this, plz let me know...
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anna ~ grace

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May 9, 2010
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I don’t think the vaccine is the mark. At all.

I have seen other Christians become paranoid and miserable after browsing through websites like the ones you seem to be reading. I am concerned about the mandates, but that is not the same thing as the vaccine itself. The vaccine is a neutral choice, and ought to be up to each person.

Focus on Christ. He is your salvation. The vaccine is nothing and the virus is nothing, in light of eternity. Do the best you can, every day. Follow Christ. Pray. Read your Bible. Let Christ handle everything.
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Aug 12, 2021
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I don’t think the vaccine is the mark. At all.

I have seen other Christians become paranoid and miserable after browsing through websites like the ones you seem to be reading. I am concerned about the mandates, but that is not the same thing as the vaccine itself. The vaccine is a neutral choice, and ought to be up to each person.

Focus on Christ. He is your salvation. The vaccine is nothing and the virus is nothing, in light of eternity. Do the best you can, every day. Follow Christ. Pray. Read your Bible. Let Christ handle everything.
r u sure abt this, cuz the vaxx i had was from the rt pcr dna tests in 2019, which was made in the wuhan lab in china...it was snuck into the us in 2018- 2019 as medicine tests & then relabled as test kits...unfortunately, the article i saw is now gone (censored), plus they rn't even showing the true image (pix) of the test, but i did describe it up above & it isn't/wasn't a normal cotton swab, eitheralso, having both autism & asperger's, i'm more sensitive 2 everything & i did feel micro-chips being implanted & a liquid - the vaxx, or better yet medicine) in my nose...also, i can't remember the name of the type of test, but it was the one that went deep into my nose & yes, it felt like it was going into my brain...their have been comments abt people who had this test & they actually leaked brain fluid (that info is also censored)...so, basically, as said b4 - i just don't know if i can be saved even thou it was caused by my autism (that includes both types)...like i said, read rev 13:6 abt the word causeth - cuz causeth can mean that there r more ways than 1 as 2 how the vaxx can be given...i hope this makes some sense, cuz communication is hard 4 me...
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Mark Quayle

Monergist; and by reputation, Reformed Calvinist
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May 28, 2018
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I don’t think the vaccine is the mark. At all.

I have seen other Christians become paranoid and miserable after browsing through websites like the ones you seem to be reading. I am concerned about the mandates, but that is not the same thing as the vaccine itself. The vaccine is a neutral choice, and ought to be up to each person.

Focus on Christ. He is your salvation. The vaccine is nothing and the virus is nothing, in light of eternity. Do the best you can, every day. Follow Christ. Pray. Read your Bible. Let Christ handle everything.
Agreed. In fact, the decision to take the mark is a moral one, not a matter of accumulated knowledge or wisdom. And, I believe, but for the grace of God, if one has not the habit of obedience and pursuit of Christ, I see no reason to pretend they will even be able to resist accepting the mark.
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anna ~ grace

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May 9, 2010
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r u sure abt this, cuz the vaxx i had was from the rt pcr dna tests in 2019, which was made in the wuhan lab in china...it was snuck into the us in 2018- 2019 as medicine tests & then relabled as test kits...unfortunately, the article i saw is now gone (censored), plus they rn't even showing the true image (pix) of the test, but i did describe it up above & it isn't/wasn't a normal cotton swab, eitheralso, having both autism & asperger's, i'm more sensitive 2 everything & i did feel micro-chips being implanted & a liquid - the vaxx, or better yet medicine) in my nose...also, i can't remember the name of the type of test, but it was the one that went deep into my nose & yes, it felt like it was going into my brain...their have been comments abt people who had this test & they actually leaked brain fluid (that info is also censored)...so, basically, as said b4 - i just don't know if i can be saved even thou it was caused by my autism (that includes both types)...like i said, read rev 13:6 abt the word causeth - cuz causeth can mean that there r more ways than 1 as 2 how the vaxx can be given...i hope this makes some sense, cuz communication is hard 4 me...
Yes, I am sure. The vaccine is not the mark of the beast. Don’t worry, and get off of those websites, dear. They are causing unnecessary panic, and harm.

The Mark of the Beast will be tied in to apostasy, meaning, giving up your faith in Christ for something else. The vaccine doesn’t meet that standard.
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Aug 12, 2021
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Agreed. In fact, the decision to take the mark is a moral one, not a matter of accumulated knowledge or wisdom. And, I believe, but for the grace of God, if one has not the habit of obedience and pursuit of Christ, I see no reason to pretend they will even be able to resist accepting the mark.
so then, ur saying that even if the test was the mark, i could still b saved - cuz 1st, i wasn't gonna take the test or vaxx cuz i didn't c y a healthy person should have 2 do either if not sick (i'm unable 2 recognize warnng signs, so this was just an opinion), then the day i got the inner bleed, not only did i pray 4 protection from satan, but i asked god 2 relieve my symptoms -which he did until a more dangerous symptom hit...so, it wasn't like i rushed 2 the hospital 4 a test, i relunctely had it 4 hospital admittance - that's all...i wasn't informed that the test would inject me w' the vaxx & i wouldn't have known that something bad would happen anyway, cuz i can't read body language or facial expressions & sometimes even tones...i listed what's really in the vaxx above & & based on that info - i now have 5yrs @ most 2 live due 2 the damage in my body...plus, w' that dna change, i'm no longer in the image of god, & as stated above, once u take the mark, the door 4 repentance has closed...i'd b perfecly willing 2 die in 5 yrs, but not 2 lose my salvation as well...the only way i can be saved now is if god has mercy on me...
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Mark Quayle

Monergist; and by reputation, Reformed Calvinist
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May 28, 2018
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so then, ur saying that even if the test was the mark, i could still b saved - cuz 1st, i wasn't gonna take the test or vaxx cuz i didn't c y a healthy person should have 2 do either if not sick (i'm unable 2 recognize warnng signs, so this was just an opinion), then the day i got the inner bleed, not only did i pray 4 protection from satan, but i asked god 2 relieve my symptoms -which he did until a more dangerous symptom hit...so, it wasn't like i rushed 2 the hospital 4 a test, i relunctely had it 4 hospital admittance - that's all...i wasn't informed that the test would inject me w' the vaxx & i wouldn't have known that something bad would happen anyway, cuz i can't read body language or facial expressions & sometimes even tones...i listed what's really in the vaxx above & & based on that info - i now have 5yrs @ most 2 live due 2 the damage in my body...plus, w' that dna change, i'm no longer in the image of god, & as stated above, once u take the mark, the door 4 repentance has closed...i'd b perfecly willing 2 die in 5 yrs, but not 2 lose my salvation as well...the only way i can be saved now is if god has mercy on me...
No, that's not what I'm saying, though that notion may be valid. (i.e. that if it is intended to be the mark, it didn't work on you).

I'm saying that the vax nor the test (as demonstrated in your situation) doesn't seem to me to fit the model in Scripture of a moral fault in the recipient. I don't think that mere ignorance of just what a person is coerced into accepting, is the problem, unless it is 'ignorance on purpose'. But a warning, and an appeal to the Grace of God: The level of wisdom concerning the nature of "the mark", will serve the born-again well (who has the habit of pursuing Christ), when the mark comes, and will serve to condemn the self-satisfied wise man the more, for accepting the mark, (when he has been, prior, serving self instead of God).
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