anyone know anything about Gematria?


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May 19, 2024
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anyone know about gematria?
here's a link Gematria - Wikipedia
it's interesting that jesus and messiah = 444 and mark of beast = 666
so what do you guys think?
An example of biblical exegesis with gematria can be found in the fifth of the Ten Commandments, where the children of Israel are instructed,

Honour thy father and thy mother: Ex.20:12a

How do you honour your parents?

If we examine the gematria of the Hebrew word for honour, kabed, we find that it has the value 26

kabed (honour)
11. כ כּ Kaf/Khaf 20
2. ב בּ Bet/Vet 2
4. ד Dalet 4
Σ 26

The gematria of the thematically similar word for love, ahabah, is 13

ahabah (love)
1. א Alef 1
5. ה He 5
2. ב בּ Bet/Vet 2
5. ה He 5
Σ 13

26 = 2*13

Since the gematria of kabed is twice as large as that of ahabah, it is concluded that one honours one's parents by showing them a double portion of love.
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The word gematria comes from the Greek word geometry. Jews interpret the meaning of the numerical system as the dessert of wisdom. It is easy to see how gematria confirms this view of things.

In Proverbs it says that G-d created the heavens and the earth in wisdom

The Lord by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding hath he established the heavens. Pro 3:19 KJV

Heaven and earth were created through wisdom and insight.

The numerical value of all 7 words

In the beginning G-d created the heavens and the earth Gen 1:1
בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים ואת הארץ

Total = 2701
Original Text
Hebrew Value Inc
בראשית 913
ברא 203
אלהים 86
את 401
השמים 395
ואת 407
הארץ 296

is 2701, the product of two factors 73*37, which corresponds to the Standard (S) and Ordinal (O) value of the word wisdom

chokmah (wisdom)
8. ח Chet 8
11. כ Kaf 20
13. מ Mem 40
5. ה He 5
Σ 37(O)..... Σ 73(S)

Further in Jeremiah

He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and hath stretched out the heavens by his discretion. Jer 10:12

and the Psalms

To him that by wisdom made the heavens: for his mercy endureth for ever. Ps 136,5

The 2100 year old Jerusalem translation of the proto-verse in Aramaic reads

With wisdom G-d created the heavens and the earth

Wisdom is the fundamental building block of the universe. It finds its most complex revelation in the processes of life.

The connection between the gematria and the text is obvious, the intended message can be read out: with wisdom G-d created the heavens and the earth.

2701 is the 73rd triangular number and the symmetrical numero-geometric structure that the words in Genesis 1:1 conceal.

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The creation verse is the product of 37 and its reversion 73 and mathematically speaking (apart from 2701*1), the only possible solution to represent the very first verse of the Torah as the product of two numbers.

It is extremely fitting that the creation verse has this bilateral symmetry (mirror symmetry), since we find the same pattern throughout creation itself.

Bilateral symmetry basically means that you can cut something in half along a single plane and the two halves are identical (or nearly so).

The world is full of symmetrical structures.

In biology, for example, we speak of bilaterality when the left and right halves of an organism are mirror-symmetrical.

Most animals and many plants are bilaterally symmetrical, even if there are exceptions to this basic rule in some organs. The human body also exhibits pronounced bilateral symmetry.

Symmetry can be seen in astronomy, and it is also important in chemistry. In physics, on the other hand, we see the mirror symmetry of particles/antiparticles.

There are countless examples of mirror symmetry in architecture.

The most common type of symmetry in music is bilateral.

In human relationships, one speaks of a symmetrical relationship when a far-reaching balance and equality is found.

The Greek gematria of Iésous and Christos is forever associated with the flawless number 37

888 a perfect multiple of 37
a perfect multiple of 37

The number 19 in turn is geometrically connected to the number 37.

The 37 is the 4th centred hexagon number

This number can be represented as a six-pointed geometric star figure. The most famous figure is the Star of David. Nested in it is a hexagon of 19 points

A prime factorisation is when you write a natural number only as a product of prime numbers. For example, you can write

12 = 2*2*3 or
16 = 2*2*2*2.

The individual factors that make up the product are called prime factors.

The prime factorisation of the first 19 Fibonacci numbers results in the following

Fn/prime factorisation Fn

The sum of these in turn gives

1+1+2+3+5+2+2+2+13+3+7+2+17+5+11+89+2+2+2+2+3+3+233+13+29+2+5+61+3+7+47+1597+2+2+2+17+19+37+113 = 2368!!!

The first 19 Fibonacci numbers give the Greek gematria 2368, i.e. of Iesous Christos, just as the first 37 elements of the periodic table do.

The former gives 2368 by means of the sum of the prime factorisation, the latter gives 2368 by indexing composite numbers. They are the counterpart of the prime numbers.

Furthermore, every 19th Fibonacci number and only every 19th Fibonacci number is a perfect multiple of 37
19) 4.181/37 = 113
38) 2*19 = 39.088.169/37 = 1.056.437‬
57) 3*19 = 365.435.296.162/37 = 9.876.629.626‬


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There is no arguing with maths.

Indeed, it was G-d's honour to conceal this, and to find this out is for the honour of the king. The word wisdom chokmah in Hebrew has a value of 73 in the standard, while in the ordinal system it is 37

chokmah (wisdom)
8. ח Chet 8
11. כ Kaf 20
13. מ Mem 40
5. ה He 5
Σ 37..... Σ 73

These two numbers are chosen by G-d as key numbers in his codes, and the total value of Genesis 1:1 is 2701, which is 73*37.

For the Lord giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding. Pro 2:6 KJV

If it is said that G-d created the heavens and the earth with wisdom, then it is only logical for the ordinal and default value of the word wisdom to reflect the factors of the product of this proposition.

Physics, maths and constants such as π are only possible because we live in a rational universe sustained by a constant, unchanging and enduring G-d. Obviously, the wisdom of G-d is greater than the wisdom of man.

Just as we see patterns around us in G-d's creation, His Word contains equally incredible patterns that demonstrate His G-dly design. The numerical patterns in the Bible are too impressive to deny. Many different evidences have already been shown that point to an order behind the Bible. They simply speak for themselves.

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. 1 Cor 13:12

In the Book of Revelation it says

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Rev 22:13

It is interesting that Lord Jesus associates Himself with the letters of the alphabet, indicating that there is more to discover. The Bible is full of codes!

The language creates a world of stories, but the numbers show the essence.

The Bible was even written entirely in numbers. The original languages of the Bible are Hebrew and Greek. Gematria was used in both languages, with the letters serving as a number system. This was common practice in antiquity.

In the agora of ancient Smyrna, today's Izmir (Turkey), archaeologists have discovered a graffiti with clear Christian origins. What's more, it is older than 125 CE. It was created within one generation of Christ and his followers. The graffiti records one of the most outstanding correlations of biblical gematria and reads as follows

κυριος ω
πιστις ω

A modern translation would be

These words are the same: Lord = 800 and Faith = 800

26. Ωω Omega 800

The fact that the Bible can be reliably converted into pure numbers means that it is the greatest mathematical document in history. Hebrew and Greek, have the strongest historical tradition of gematria.

Gematria provides convincing evidence for the G-dly authorship of the Bible, the first 7 words of the Hebrew Bible alone are sufficient to confirm that G-d is the Creator.

In Jewish tradition, the letters of the Hebrew Alefbet are the building blocks of creation, and the Torah is the blueprint. The gematria within the Bible supports this view. The number differs from the text in a decisive way:

A text can be interpreted, interpreted. A number is unchangeable. A 4 is a 4 and cannot be reinterpreted as a 5. In today's world, where the Bible is being attacked in various ways, the great precision of the Word of G-d is evident.

(Hebrew/Greek Alphabet)
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May 19, 2024
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Hooray, we're having a baby!

Wonderful news. But immediately afterwards, we start thinking: when is the baby actually due?

Or: How long will the pregnancy last?

Sure, nine months, many people might answer.

But this is not true, as US scientists have been able to show.

The researchers led by Anne Marie Jukic from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences first developed a method that allows them to calculate the exact date on which the fertilised egg implants in the uterus. According to this method, the pregnancy lasts 280 days (or ten months).

If the date of fertilisation of the egg is known, an average of 266 days is calculated from this date until delivery.

Studies have now shown that the average duration of a pregnancy is only 268 days.

There are a number of instances where the Hebrew words in the Bible offer hidden information about the objects or people they represent.

Each letter of the Hebrew aleph contains three aspects.

Firstly, there are the usual simple letters that are used to form words. Then each letter also stands for a certain concept. The third aspect is the mathematical value of the letter.

Numerous Bible verses contain hidden messages in the Hebrew text that can be deciphered by exploring the meanings of the numbers they contain.

As for Ephraim, their glory shall fly away like a bird, from the birth, and from the womb, and from the conception. Hos 9:11 KJV

The Hebrew word for pregnancy is herayon

herayon (pregnancy)
5. ה He 5
20. ר Resch 200
10. י Yud 10
6. ו Vav 6
14. נ Nun 50
Σ 271

It has the same numerical value as the average duration of a human pregnancy, namely 271 days.

In Hebrew, the word for year, shanah, refers to itself,

shanah (year)
21. שׂ שׁ Shin/Sin 300
14. נ Nun 50
5. ה He 5
Σ 355

because its gematria is 355, the number of whole days in a full lunar year (12 months).

The word ear, ozen

ozen (ear)
1. א Alef 1
7. ז Zayin 7
14. נ Nun 50
Σ 58

is from the same root as the word for balance, Hebrew mozen.

The mechanism responsible for the balance of the body (vestibular apparatus) is in fact located in the inner ear.

Laban, the brother of Rebekah and father of Leah and Rachel, is one of the more menacing characters in the Torah. He is the only personal name in the Bible that is also the name of a colour.

Come and learn what Laban the Aramean did to our father Jacob. For Pharaoh issued his edict only against the men, but Laban tried to uproot them all, as it says: ‘An Aramean would have destroyed my father, and he went down to Egypt and became a nation there, great, powerful and populous. '

reads a passage from the Passover Haggadah.

At the very least, Laban deceived Jacob, tried to exploit him and chased after him when he fled.

He mixed his children, his wives, his religious beliefs, his language and his property. He idealised the maxim everything is possible, global village, as we would say today, where individuality is abandoned in favour of a collective identity.

Laban, the man who mixed everything, was to be called white long before the natural scientist Isaac Newton allowed sunlight to pass through a prism in 1671 to realise that white light is by no means as pure as many people had previously believed. White light split into several colours and must therefore consist of a mixture of several colours, he concluded.

In the beginning was the [information], and the [information] was with G-d, and the [information] was G-d. The same was in the beginning with G-d. All things were made by [it]; and without [it] was not any thing made that was made. In [it] was life; and the life was the light of men. John 1:1-4

Information is the common characteristic of all these examples. Nothing living functions without information.

John describes the production factor information, through which G-d created the world. Very precisely, concisely, everything is contained in these few sentences.

The written Hebrew language encompasses the genuine concept of G-d's plan and the reference to numerical values in the Hebrew Alefbet is a fact, regardless of whether one approaches the matter seriously or unseriously.
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