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    If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there.

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    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

Anyone else use Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds?

St. Paul

Jul 6, 2008
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In Relationship
These aren't technically drugs. They have similar effects like LSD if taken in large amounts. I use these 3-4 times a week. It cures my depression!! Should I continue taking them or am I sinning? I really enjoy taking them. [STAFF EDITED]
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Nov 13, 2013
These aren't technically drugs. They have similar effects like LSD if taken in large amounts. I use these 3-4 times a week. It cures my depression!! Should I continue taking them or am I sinning? I really enjoy taking them. I actually highly recommend them to people with depression!!

Greetings and peace be upon you. I hope you read this with a sober mind. If it's too long just read what's bolded.

Technically, LSA (chemical found in Hawaiian Baby Woodrose & Morning Glory seeds) is a mind altering drug. Lets be real, just because it's a chemical in a plant doesn't mean it's not a drug. There are thousands of naturally occurring chemicals found in plants. With that logic you would have to say opium poppy plants (where morphine & heroin comes from), coca leaves (where cocaine is found in), etc., aren't drugs either.

Though it doesn't really matter whether it's a drug or not. Let me give you a serious warning. I have experimented with LSA dozens of times (yes you're right its chemical structure is very similar to LSD), along with countless other plants, street drugs, research chemicals, and garbage not to be proud of. I'll tell you where this leads to and only hope you will slightly listen:

What you are doing is not 'curing' you're depression. You are temporary flooding your brain with an influx of your natural happy chemicals (such as serotonin) being overused and overworked. By ingesting LSA you are deliberately overloading your brain with more than it's normal amount of serotonin. After the drug and its afterglow fully pass out of your system, when its done burning up your serotonin, you'll be feeling even more depressed and craving that drug again even more, if you haven't already noticed. Because your new normal will have lower amounts of your brains natural serotonin, you're just making your depression worse, not to mention it's destroying neuron pathways, making underlying mental problems worse, and causing physical damage.

It may sound extreme and radical, even exaggerated, but it's no joke... mixing hallucinogens and mental issues are more dangerous than you think, these aren't some little harmless seeds. There are physical side effects as well, you probably have noticed the nausea and possibly vomiting, due to other chemicals strayed on the seeds (seeds are meant for the ground not human ingestion), and the wreck they are doing to your digestive track. In the long run it may affect your vision, hearing, and other senses causing them to be diminished.

I went into using hallucinogens (such as LSA) with depression, and came out with worse depression, anxiety, panic attacks, HPPD (vision and sensory problems), schizophrenic fits, and bi-polar episodes. If someone had told me all these new mental problems would rise up, I may have seen a doctor first and followed their advise instead of self-medicating. At the very least talk to your spiritual director. Any Christian priest/pastor will tell you it's a sin to abuse substances unless they are totally clueless. Do you think it's God's will for you to put these kind of chemicals in your body? Absolutely not! We want to see you being kind to your body, not abusing it.

I want to understand what you're thinking. Please shoot me a PM if you want a more personal conversation. I only lurk the forum but I created an account just to respond to your post. Please think hard about this, I care about you, God cares about you. No one's going to choose for you it's your choice at the end of the day, but remember there are benefits and consequences for using and not using mind altering [fill in the blanks].

You probably have already done other drugs and alcohol, since no one does LSA for their first time, this path your on only leads to harder, stronger, more addicting and harmful drugs. Everyone thinks they can control it, they are different, or they are only experimenting with light substances... if someone would have told you that you would be eating seeds to get high the first time you drank, smoke, or popped a pill, you probably would have thought hell no, I sure did. I also thought I would never become addicted to heroin, but I did, and you are one step closer to going there also, hallucinogens change the way you think, after some years or so of re-wiring your neural pathways, you'll justify using any drug for any reason. Continual abuse of substances leads to hospitals, psych units, jails, or even death. Please! Really think about this, with Love!!!

Sorry for the long post.

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St. Paul

Jul 6, 2008
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In Relationship
Greetings and peace be upon you. I hope you read this with a sober mind. If it's too long just read what's bolded.

Technically, LSA (chemical found in Hawaiian Baby Woodrose & Morning Glory seeds) is a mind altering drug. Lets be real, just because it's a chemical in a plant doesn't mean it's not a drug. There are thousands of naturally occurring chemicals found in plants. With that logic you would have to say opium poppy plants (where morphine & heroin comes from), coca leaves (where cocaine is found in), etc., aren't drugs either.

Though it doesn't really matter whether it's a drug or not. Let me give you a serious warning. I have experimented with LSA dozens of times (yes you're right its chemical structure is very similar to LSD), along with countless other plants, street drugs, research chemicals, and garbage not to be proud of. I'll tell you where this leads to and only hope you will slightly listen:

What you are doing is not 'curing' you're depression. You are temporary flooding your brain with an influx of your natural happy chemicals (such as serotonin) being overused and overworked. By ingesting LSA you are deliberately overloading your brain with more than it's normal amount of serotonin. After the drug and its afterglow fully pass out of your system, when its done burning up your serotonin, you'll be feeling even more depressed and craving that drug again even more, if you haven't already noticed. Because your new normal will have lower amounts of your brains natural serotonin, you're just making your depression worse, not to mention it's destroying neuron pathways, making underlying mental problems worse, and causing physical damage.

It may sound extreme and radical, even exaggerated, but it's no joke... mixing hallucinogens and mental issues are more dangerous than you think, these aren't some little harmless seeds. There are physical side effects as well, you probably have noticed the nausea and possibly vomiting, due to other chemicals strayed on the seeds (seeds are meant for the ground not human ingestion), and the wreck they are doing to your digestive track. In the long run it may affect your vision, hearing, and other senses causing them to be diminished.

I went into using hallucinogens (such as LSA) with depression, and came out with worse depression, anxiety, panic attacks, HPPD (vision and sensory problems), schizophrenic fits, and bi-polar episodes. If someone had told me all these new mental problems would rise up, I may have seen a doctor first and followed their advise instead of self-medicating. At the very least talk to your spiritual director. Any Christian priest/pastor will tell you it's a sin to abuse substances unless they are totally clueless. Do you think it's God's will for you to put these kind of chemicals in your body? Absolutely not! We want to see you being kind to your body, not abusing it.

I want to understand what you're thinking. Please shoot me a PM if you want a more personal conversation. I only lurk the forum but I created an account just to respond to your post. Please think hard about this, I care about you, God cares about you. No one's going to choose for you it's your choice at the end of the day, but remember there are benefits and consequences for using and not using mind altering [fill in the blanks].

You probably have already done other drugs and alcohol, since no one does LSA for their first time, this path your on only leads to harder, stronger, more addicting and harmful drugs. Everyone thinks they can control it, they are different, or they are only experimenting with light substances... if someone would have told you that you would be eating seeds to get high the first time you drank, smoke, or popped a pill, you probably would have thought hell no, I sure did. I also thought I would never become addicted to heroin, but I did, and you are one step closer to going there also, hallucinogens change the way you think, after some years or so of re-wiring your neural pathways, you'll justify using any drug for any reason. Continual abuse of substances leads to hospitals, psych units, jails, or even death. Please! Really think about this, with Love!!!

Sorry for the long post.


Thanks for the post. I really want to quit using them but I just feel so much better and its fun. I know that doesn't sound good but any type of medication only works so much for me. I feel guilty because I want to quit but yet I keep using them.
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Patrick Hansen

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Sep 10, 2020
Aarhus V
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I know this is an old post, and that this is probably a settled matter for you. But for anyone coming here later as myself. I appreciate your intentions Subliminal as I am sure they were good, but please don't give advice where you lack knowledge, you can cause much more damage than you realize.

Self-medication as described by St. Paul has literally saved my life when I was at my absolute lowest. It's not about the "fun" of the trip, and it's not about escaping reality, but these experiences when held sacred and with an intention of growth, can and often are life changing and improving.

Naturally, we should urge caution for anyone when they engage in risky behaviour - which all manner of drug use and potential abuse is. But the medical literature is painting an increasingly clear picture; that some substances can be extremely beneficial when used in the proper way.

So, St. Paul and anyone else seeking the validation from others when engaging with this behaviour, your unlikely to find it. It took a long time before my circle realized that my behaviour and the radical personal changes it has induced were truly stable, long-lasting and purely positive. Still, while this has clearly manifested for me beyond all doubt, still they are clearly scared of my path to these results.

The question you should ask yourself is; why are you taking it? What are you like in the period after? Are you truly a better version of yourself, is your use truly with the intent of the growth and development of your soul? No matter the religion, I suspect that to be part of our purpose. Be critical of yourself, and your habits, if nothing else make a point of doing something important and productive after each ceremony. That will be your proof that what you are doing is truly well-aligned with your god. Use the strenght it gives you to spread more harmony, more joy, more truth, and every other positive aspect that you know of.
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243 God loves me
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Aug 17, 2020
West of Mississippi
United States
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Do those seeds have inoculants on them? Sometime growth hormones, fungicide. I tried morning glory seeds and I got sick but it didn’t help. When I was in high school. Sounds like the Lord is more necessary than a hallucinogen. Check that out what did these drugs did to your faith or are gonna do? I prefer doctors.
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