
Jul 7, 2003
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Name: Angel
Age: 15
Race: White (American)
Personality: cocky, sarcastic, "I come from a dysfunctional home"-type, but all that covers up the pain of her past. Underneath all the satire lies a person dying to to show her true nature as a kind and compassionate person but she is afraid to be hurt.
Image: Tall and slender but strong nonetheless. She has black hair and crystal blue eyes. Her dark tan results from all the swimming she does. When under extreme emotional stress, markings appear on her arms and a pair of wing-shaped markings appear on her forehead all eminating a light blue glow.
Bio (history): Her painful past starts when she was 10. Angel, orginally named Elizabeth by her British parents, was sitting down to dinner with her parents one night when a group of burglars broke into their home and held a gun to her mothers head. They told her and her father to get on the ground and face floor. When they did so, the burglars stole nearly every valuable thing in the house and shot her mother. Tears streamed down little Angel's face as they came to kill her next but before they could even aim their guns, a ball of white static electricity formed in Angel's hands and and she flung it towards the center of the group. Unfortunately, the electricity electricuted them all. Her father was shocked and didn't know what to do when one of the ivestigating doctors suggested that he send her to the MTC. To Angel, it seemed like he was abandoning her. She hasn't spoken to him since. Recently though, she aquired a pet ocelot named Diamond who has been her constant companion.
Abilities: throw static balls and disappears ( she can only stay in one spot though and things can pass through her when she does so)