A Rising Body...An Ark That Floats


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Sep 22, 2008
Kamloops BC
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- An Ark That Floats -

Are you a floating device, or are you dead-weight which sinks?
Do you continuously rise higher with each increase and release of the Waters of the Spirit, or does it hold you down and drown you in condemnation and judgment?

Romans 8 : 1
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

Well, where are you? Are you in the flesh or in the Spirit? Are you in the world or in Gods’ Kingdom? Are you in a sinking ship, or in the Rising of the Body of Christ?

I Peter 3 : 18 - 21
verses 20, 21
Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.
The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ ...

Water baptism is our identification with the Cross, which publicly displays our willingness and faith in beginning a New Life in Christ. We are giving witness to our faith in the finished work of the Cross, as well as the on-going character building process of death, burial and resurrection.

But, the Baptism of the Spirit (I Corin. 12 : 13 - “immersion” into the Body of Christ) is the operation of the Spirit which positions us for the saving, transforming Power of Resurrection Life.

Col. 2 : 12, 13
verse 12
Buried with Him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with Him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised Him from the dead.

It was being IN THE ARK that saved the people in Noah’s day; and it is being in Christs’ body that saves us now. (It’s interesting that it says they were “saved by water”. Well, not only did the water cause the ark to rise, but they would have been also drinking a fresh, clean supply of that same rain on board. So, by the same rain that destroyed the ungodly, those on-board would “be saved” by drinking it in!)

Romans 5 : 10
For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by His Life.

To be “saved by His Life” we must be IN THE PLACE where His Life is, and that is IN HIS BODY”.

Romans 8 : 1
“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are” ... IN THE ARK!

Taking heed to Gods’ warning of the coming rain, Noah obeyed the instructions to build the ark. This ark was the ONLY PLACE they could be to escape the coming judgment. By this very act of obedience “he condemned the world.”

Hebrews 11 : 7
By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world ...
Once the way of escape was prepared, and the place of Life was made available - then anything OUTSIDE OF THAT PLACE was justifiably condemned.

In Noah’s day the world was already condemned in its’ corrupt condition, even as today our sin nature and a life ruled by the flesh ... is condemned. But, alas, there is therefore now no condemnation to them that are IN THE ARK, to those that are IN CHRIST and His Rising, Resurrected Body.

We are not only IN the Ark ... but we are an actual part of Its’ construction ... members of His Body. “Lively stones of a spiritual House” I Peter 2 : 5.

How deluded (and diluted) we are when we feel bad, and even apologize, if our Christian speech or lifestyle makes people “feel condemned”.

It is not our fault if they are still “of the world”, if they are still “in the flesh”, and living OUTSIDE of Gods’ provided Place of Grace and Truth. Rightfully so ... do they feel condemned, they are!

But, do you see what I am saying? You've heard people say, "You're just judging and condemning me." And then they'll quote that scripture in Romans 8:1, but they never quote ALL of it, just the first part. When one is walking in the Spirit...it is impossible to feel condemned! Conversely, when one even just feels condemned...then they are "in the flesh".

John 3 : 18, 19
He that believeth on Him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the Name of the only begotten Son of God.
And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

Isn’t that just as clear as it can be?! Either get on board! ... God’s provided Ark of Safety and Blessing - or be lost forever in destruction and judgment.

People still ask the question ... “What is the difference between condemnation and conviction?” Well, please allow me to make it simple.

“Condemnation” is something you feel when you are in that place which is condemned. If you are in a house which is “condemned”, and therefore, are governed by its’ condemned conditions, then you are condemned with it.

“Conviction” is something you feel and experience when the Holy Spirit is dealing with you to GET OUT OF THE FILTHYPLACE! (We are to be governed by the Spirit even while in these bodies, but if we walk in the will of this flesh, then of course, our actions are condemned).

Luke 17 : 26
As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man. Amen

Do you see it ? As IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH ... The same condition of the world exists - as it was back then, only more of it, and on a larger scale. And the same way of escape is made available, only now it is in a Spiritual Place of Safety that we find Refuge. Those outside of the “Ark” of Christ and His many-membered Body - are in that place of condemnation and judgment.

And as Noah was a “preacher of Righteousness” (II Peter 2 : 5), even so are we to declare “the way of Life.” And as it was then, so is it now ... those that believe are delighted in it, and those that refuse and rebel ... remain in their condition of condemnation.

What exactly does “condemnation” mean? It means: the act of condemning; eg. The condemning of an unsafe bridge, or, the condemning of a prisoner by a judge.

“Condemn” means: 1. Express strong disapproval of; 2. Pronounce guilty of a crime or wrong; 3. Also, to declare something unsound and not suitable for use.

Well now, if this isn’t one basic duty of a preacher, and the exposing effect of the Word - Itself, then Christianity has lost its’ validity and transforming qualities altogether.

Most definitely do we express strong disapproval of a life outside of Christ. We are to clearly inform others of its’ futility, and its’ dead-end results of eternal judgment. Most assuredly do we lay out plainly by the Word of God that sinners are guilty of a rebellious nature and condemned to die. We are to “reprove, rebuke and exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine”, that we may rescue others from the error of their ways.

Yes, we declare “unsound” and “unsuitable for use” in Gods’ Kingdom those that are outside of His provided way of Grace, Transformation and Empowerment.

So let me ask again, are you in the glorious Place of RISING as the Waters of the Spirit descend? Or are you outside, caught up in the darkness, futility and deception of the world, where the “flood of Gods’ Spirit” will be judgments and eternal damnation?
(11 Thess. 1 : 7 - 10)

God forbid that we sympathize with the resistance of sinners. The “Ark” is available. The way to Safety and eternal Purpose is available. The Spirit of God is once again revealing His provided Way to the Elect, and drawing them aboard - as He did then.

Do not compromise the Christian position! We are in a battle. The battle lines are drawn and clearly defined. The highest price was paid for Victory - which demands the highest Honour and loyalty. Don't let the "captain" of the wicked, or the "accuser of the brethren" (the devil), cause you to feel guilty because sinners or carnal Christians can't stand the correction of God's Word!

The Ark is Rising. Do your part to rise with it, by the Spirit of the Living God.

Contact us anytime for Fellowship or Ministry.

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Jan 12, 2008
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Well since fat floats I'd have to go with my being a floater. ;)
tulc(thinks thin may be in, but fat's where it's at!) :D

Mmmm ...tulc . . .I DO believe that 3rdday is being deadly serious. The fact that I have no idea what his point is is immaterial.

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Sep 22, 2008
Kamloops BC
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Mmmm ...tulc . . .I DO believe that 3rdday is being deadly serious. The fact that I have no idea what his point is is immaterial.


Tulc & KCKID;

Oh...pardon me, I thought this was a Christian forum.

Oh well, someone may come along who appreciates the Truth and Comfort of the Scriptures.
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