A few tips!


Sep 18, 2014
South Africa
Marital Status

I have been working with computers for quite a While now!. I know a lot about pricing and brands.

So I thought I'll Pop a few tips in and a few cool pointers on Computer brands and Pricing.

A few posts I see on the Computer forums.
- Which Brand is the best?.
- Which OS ( Operating system) Should I use?.
- What will this cost me when I replace it?.
- I have problem and I'm not sure what is causing it.
- This is broken does this mean I should buy a new computer?.
- Should I upgrade?.

All of these questions and concerns usually can be solved without even dropping a Penny or wasting your money on something you could have just fixed by yourself.

1. So to start off this long thread I will start with the question which brands are the best. Well This question is huge and to be exact you will need to do some research regarding your budget. If we are talking about a CPU,GPU,PSU or even a laptop or pre built PC then you are going to have to do some research. In fact each brand will be leading the other in each price class. What you are looking for isn't the Highest and most priciest component or PC or Laptop. You will be looking for that special bang for buck. Are you getting your moneys worth?. If you decide to spend $300 on a Graphics card then you are going to get $300 worth of Performance. The twist comes in which brand has that extra touch to it that makes it a little more worth than it really is. To make it a little bit simpler you're going to have to go Price and performance hunting!. Don't worry about the Nerdy tech behind it just look at the performance and price and you'll get your product quickly!.

2. Which OS is the best?.
This is a big one and can cause huge debate around it. I had experience with quite a few operating systems and my personal preference is Windows. Yet again it all comes down to what your needs are. I myself am a gamer and windows is so to say the best graphics and Graphics intense application OS there is. Mac and Ubuntu and Linux are user friendly but Ubuntu has quite a learning curve. If you are a gamer or do a lot of Video editing Windows is very easy and quick. Linux is good for just doing standard work or even basic Office jobs. Windows is expensive and does have problems but offers a lot connectivity and most of your basic programs work better on Windows.

3. What will this cost when I need to replace it?.
Luckily this is an easy one. You don't need to throw a lot of money down if something fails. If you don't have the same amount of money to replace the same thing don't worry! Get something that's bang for buck and wait it out till you want something new or if you have enough money then buy something better!.

4. Identifying something that is causing the problem in a computer can be a nightmare. Luckily computers have evolved so that they can work with different brand parts. Software problems should be avoided if you don't have the know how or the knowledge. A hardware problem is much easier to fix than software. Usually if something goes wrong in hardware it can be fixed and usually isn't the device or component failing. Identifying a hardware problem is quite easy seeing that removing that component then using it in another computer it can be identified quicker as the problem. Usually screens that black out or freezing can be caused by a simple problem where the Cooling unit on the CPU and GPU doesn't make contact. A simple problem that can be fixed for free at your local PC shop. A screen that freezes or makes weird lines can indicate an overheating CPU or GPU and that can be because when the Cooler doesn't make contact with the GPU or CPU the PC then shuts down or stops to protect itself. A lot of problems that are small and stupid can cause a PC to stop working. No need to brake the bank to get it working again just try and figure it out by exploring the hardware problems. Software problems are very complex and usually should be avoided and taken to your local PC shop.

5. When something fails or does give its last breath It doesn't mean you have to buy a whole new PC. Just buy something that replaces the broken component. Laptops on the other hand is a bugger seeing that if its out of its warranty then you are going to have to buy a new one.
PC's are modular things and can work with many different components! Use that to your advantage.

6.When should I upgrade?.
Did you have to fix it?. Does it give problems?. Is it starting to?. If all these answers are No then you have no need to upgrade a PC if you use it for only the basic things. Mostly Gamers,Video editors, Programmers want to know when to upgrade because their hardware is essential to be the best it can be because they need the performance. If it works fine then you shouldn't upgrade :)!

I hope this helps in your Computer struggles!.

I can't mention everything otherwise it might take too long :p.

Please feel free to add anything PC related.

Questions and concerns can also be posted!.

As always thanks for reading!.
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Born Imperishable
Feb 23, 2004
Marital Status
I'll supplement this with how to ask questions in such a way that you get the best answers.

  • Be specific. Many of us are willing to help you, but we are not gods or mind readers. So identify the problem as specifically as you are sure you are able. For example, if you can't get to your e-mail, "your computer" isn't broken. Be ready to explain how you got the error, step-by-step.
  • Understand that we need to eliminate easy solutions first, and verify everything. When we ask you if you have done a very basic step, don't take it personally. It's the troubleshooting process, not an attack on your intelligence or pride.
  • Background information is critical. If you are having a hardware problem, we'll need to know what your components, operating system, and possibly driver versions are. If you are looking for a technical solution for something, tell us what the end goal is.
  • Consult the documentation and Google. I need to do this first before I ask for help with just about anything.
  • Be available for follow-up. Some of us will be industrious, investigate, and then need to come back to you for more information or permission to make a change if we are in a position to actually access the troubled system. Please honor these efforts. Doing this also speeds up solutions.
  • When you get the solution, share it! Remember when you used Google to help yourself get to a solution? Sharing your solution helps the next person who has to do that. You'll also satiate our curious minds.
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