A Choice to Make (A story I wrote)


Mar 22, 2004
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One day at school my life had changed this girl had been asking me questions I found it kinda interesting she had been telling everyone in the class about Jesus, she said " along time ago in a place called Jerusalem this man he wasn't know ordnary man, he was the king of kings and the Lord of Lords he is the man who gave men the choice to follow him and to live in heaven for eternaty or not to follow him and die and go straight to HELL".
"Seemed fare to me I thought" but I also thought I'm a good person I'm going to heaven, that's when when she looked at me and asked "If I belived my works would get me into heaven". I said " If they don't then what does" at that moment she looked at me, smiled, and opened her bible to show me something that I have never seen befor at that moment I had a flash back so powerful that would make you wanna cry like a baby.
In my flash back I seen my self in that croud on calverys hill yelling crusife him then the next thing I knew I was caring his cross and nailing his hands and feet to that cross, blood was poring from his body running down my hands in all since I didn't understand why and how could anyone put this man here that's when I looked down and saw his blood on my hands andin that moment I relized because of my sins this man is hanging on the cross thinking his father has forsaken him.
Looking at a man that barly looked human asking myself how could someone love me so much I just don't understand.
In that moment I heard him speack saying "my God my God why forgive them for they no not what they do", at that time I started to understand I knew he did this so we could have the chance and the choice to live forever.
At that moment I came back into the present day and thats when I choose to follow christ that was the lest I could do for my christ who loved me so.
And now to this day I'm living my life for him trying to do the best I can. It's not easy, I do mess up God dosen't expect us to be perfect but to make the best effort possible we are human we do fall but he does pick us up.

Please tell me what you think...