
  1. jacob.austin

    Writing a Christian Post Apocalyptic World for a Book or other Media that isn't about the Rapture

    Hi all, I want to see if anyone has any advice for my upcoming project I've been researching for a few days. A Christian Post-Apocalyptic form of media that isn't about the Rapture. Why can't there be a Christian Post-Apocalyptic Book, Movie, TV Series, or other media, that isn't about those...
  2. aritsotle

    Prose and Praise

    Please allow a thread for praising Jesus Christ the Beautiful Lord and Everlasting King! Poetry and Prose, please. Whatever is on the heart.
  3. GodJesusAndChocolate

    What Are You Currently Writing?? ^-^ =3

    Hello Friends!! :hug::hug::):) Here we can talk about what we are currently writing!! :hug::hug::):):coffee::coffee::cookie::cookie::custard::custard::icecreamcone::icecreamcone:
  4. Tail0rMade22

    Apostolic Pentecostal - PenPals Wanted!

    Hey everyone, I hope this is allowed. My name is Taylor, I'm a 22 year old female from Florida, USA. I am Apostolic Pentecostal. We all leave church and face spiritual battles in our every day lives and households. I would love to make some friends who don't mind writing to me in snail mail for...
  5. Runako

    The Full Armor of God: A bible-inspired video game. Here's the main cast

    Hey guys! I wanted to share a project thatbI am currently working on. It is bible-inspired role playing game based on Ephesians 6. Here are the characters; what do you think? If you're interested, you can follow the project here: The Full Armor of God (@thefullarmorofgod) · solo.to
  6. EtainSkirata

    Is it a sin to write romance?

    This is about writing romance into stories, not reading romance novels. I'm currently working on a science fiction story, where the two main characters are married. There's no smut or anything, their romance isn't what drives the story (but the fact that they want to escape a situation they're...
  7. BelleMem


    I started practicing meditation and all the new age bologna, and it very quickly brought me right to God. "knock, and He will answer" indeed. So in the meditations, or prayer, He sometimes shows me great images, or teaches me amazing lessons. It is hard to explain to people, when I try, it's...
  8. FredVB

    Writing I Share

    I write and among what I have from a lot of that I share samples, these are generally stories I share, I have started that in a few places and now consider this for doing that.
  9. Mark Quayle

    "AAAAAHAHAhahaha! The FOOL !"

    I was just now reading a post, and reading the first paragraph I was thinking, "WHAT AN ABSOLUTE IDIOT!!!, then I got to the next paragraph, and realized, "No, I was just reading that paragraph out of context" On reading further, I was thinking, "Wow! This guy is GOOD! He thinks just like ME...
  10. L

    Need online help with American English and Christian Writing

    Hi fellow believers in the LORD Jesus Christ our Savior I am a Christian minister and Church planter. I had to flee from my native country with my family because of much persecution and become refugee in Europe. English is second language for me. I am seeking Online help with American...
  11. Samuel Preston

    Scripture / Editing Software for Microsoft Word?

    Has anyone come across good scripture focused editing software that works with Microsoft Word? I found two and am curious if anyone has any reviews of them? 1. PerfectIt 1b. Review of it by a Christian writer. 2. And a broader list of options. 3. And Bibliedit?
  12. J

    Christian Fiction

    Hi, I’m a ya Christian fiction author, and I’m writing on my first book. I was wondering what kind of content fellow christian teens would like to see more of in books. What topics do you want to see or problems you would like a character to face? Anything!
  13. J

    I've started a theological blog if anyone is interested!

    I've decided that it's about time I start throwing myself into writing and have a place where I can store all of my works in case anyone is interested. swalesjessiah.wixsite.com/collegetheology
  14. Landon Graber

    Call to action

    Hey everybody! I’m a Christian, I have a webcomic, and I’m looking for an artist. I’m not the best artist ever, but lately I’ve realized that I’m much better at writing. I take the story very seriously, and I’ve got a really good plan for it. I can’t offer any payment right now, but I’m looking...
  15. Reema

    I Praise You

    Here is a poem that I posted on my Christian Poetry Instagram @Faithfulexpression I Praise You with every sunrise, we praise the warm sand in which we lie sunsets calling awakening our soul sweet surrender to things unknown clouds mixing like sweet coffee creamer with this sunset, even...
  16. EtainSkirata

    Discerning God's Will

    Hi Friends, I'm not totally sure how to start so I'll just go for it. I'm having difficulty figuring out what God wants me to do here. I really like to write, I've been writing since high school, and I've recently completed the first draft of my first original novel (most of what I've written...
  17. Christsfreeservant

    Oddballs for Christ?

    With my lips I declare all the rules of your mouth. In the way of your testimonies I delight as much as in all riches. Psalm 119:13-14 ESV Fifteen years ago this month my life changed forever. For six years my husband and I had been ministering to college age adults out of our home once...
  18. B

    strange writing rules

    One of the big surprises about trying to write was learning about some of the strange rules people have come up with for how we should write. The strangest one was when someone hit me with the notion that we shouldn't use "to be" verbs--is, are, was, were. That seemed up there with the idea...
  19. Christsfreeservant

    If You are Witness

    If you are willing To obey Me, I have treasures For you multiplied. If you will follow Me Where'er I lead you, And Myself You not deny, Then I will take you To the farthest corners Of the world, In written word, To millions who, God's great salvation, Not been told them, Never heard...
  20. N

    D&D: I'm struggling to write Fantasy as a Christian

    This is my first post here on this sight, so sorry if I screw up any particular conventions or rules. I've been playing D&D for about 4 years now, and I've hosted and run my own gaming sessions for about 6 months. When trying to write Fantasy stories to fit into the game world though, I'm been...