
  1. Q

    Is it a sin for a actor to dress in drag ?

    Some actors do it for comedy is that wrong? Reading deuteronomy it was a sin in the Old Testament but is it still wrong to do it now for theatrical purposes?
  2. Q

    Should I tell this activist about their sin ?

    A abortion pro-choice activist wanted me to sign abortion petition and I denied it and kept walking I told a Christian friend about it and he told me I did the wrong thing. He told me I should’ve denied it and after that and tell the activists that they are promoting sin and explain how wrong...
  3. Q

    What makes a Christian a Apostate?

    Is returning back to sin or denying Jesus is God. What are they describing in hebrews ?
  4. Q

    What are somethings that are actually not sins but Christians act like it is ?

    What are some acts MOST Christians act like are sins when they’re actually not ?
  5. Q

    How should I respond about a non-Christian person death ?

    If you know the person lived against God and a non-christian religious belief and someone asks you is this person going to heaven or hell how to respond ?
  6. Q

    Should we confess every sin to fellow Christians?

    Should we confess past sin we did in the past to people we have wronged or should we just confess it to God and not do it again if it doesn’t affect that person today ?
  7. Q

    What does it mean to fall away as a Christian?

    Does it mean to live in sin or unbelief ?
  8. Q

    When is a person considered not a Christian anymore ?

    When can we truly say a person is no longer a Christian? Is it few months of unrepentant sin or few years of repentant sin or when they say they don’t believe anymore ?
  9. Q

    Was she wrong for asking this question?

    I went on a date with another Christian women and out of the blue she asked me do I touch myself ? Im not masturbating but isn’t that too personal to be asking? Or is that a good question
  10. Q

    Is it normal to have more sinful thoughts after not reading the Bible for a few days ?

    I notice if I miss reading the Bible for a couple days my mind starts going towards a sinful direction is this normal for most Christians?
  11. Q

    Did God ever make Abraham pay for deceiving the Pharaoh ?

    Abramham and his wife was deceptive did God ever make him pay for that ?
  12. Q

    Does music bring out certain energies out of people ?

    I listen to alot of secular music and it usually has no effect on my walk with God EXCEPT one type of music. When I listen to sensual type of music I notice I am more likely to fall into sexual sin is this common? Does music bring out certain traits in people ?
  13. Q

    Should I train this person ?

    Im a part time personal trainer and im currently about to train this woman and she revealed to me she’s a stripper and needs my help to be in better shape. Should I still trainer ?
  14. Q

    What percentage of young Christians are actually celibate and are not fornicating ?

    Is there any statistics on this information? And from experience how many self-proclaimed Christians are actually not fornicating ?
  15. Q

    Is all sin related equal in the sight of God ?

    Supported with Scripture is all sin looked at the same in the eyes of God or some worst than others ?
  16. Q

    Is it wrong for a Christian musician to make Christian and secular music ?

    If a Christian musician makes clean secular music that doesn’t contradict God’s word & if they make Christian music too are they wrong for that ? Should they only make Christian music ?
  17. Q

    What does it mean to be a lover of this world ?

    1 John 2:15 verse do not be a lover of this of this world or things in it. What does exactly this verse mean I’ve been a Christian for 12 years and never fully understood it. Some preachers told me they interpreted as do not love sin. I’ve been told it means do not love nothing of this world...
  18. Q

    What makes a Christian belief non-essential & essential?

    I know Jesus being Lord & what sin is are essential beliefs but what else ?
  19. Q

    Is it wrong for a Christian man to marry more than one women ?

    It’s not talked about as sin in the New Testament and a variety types different type of sins are discussed.
  20. A


    Would someone know if they had a reprobate mind or would they'd be too far gone to even realize they were in that state?