
  1. AlexB23

    Christian lifeguard sues LA County Fire Department over LGBT pride flag mandate

    Guys and gals, this is a heavy one. As a Christian, and as a citizen who respects the Constitution, folks should have freedom of speech, therefore, freedom of religion, as long as it does not harm anyone. This lifeguard, Mr. Jeffrey Little refused to fly the gay pride flag because of his...
  2. AlexB23

    Using AI to write a fictional news article

    Man, I love AI, when it is used for wholesome stuff. Here is an example of Mistral 7B (a free, open-weights AI run privately and locally on my laptop, though it burns through my battery, as artificial intelligence is electricity intensive) writing a fictional news article. Not sure if this...
  3. AlexB23

    Orca calf successfully returned to open water after bold rescue in Canada

    Aww, who is up for some wholesome news about a killer whale being saved by some villagers? It takes a village to raise a child, as some communal societies say. Here is the article: Orca calf successfully returned to open water after bold rescue in Canada Short summary of the open-access...
  4. AlexB23

    French national library quarantines books believed to be laced with arsenic

    So many of us have probably gotten tired of news about wars, so let's discuss books. A French library found out that some books in the collection, specifically a few from the 1800s were laced with arsenic, a toxic metalloid (partial metal with nonmetal properties, arsenic Wiki Link). Who knew...
  5. AlexB23

    Baltimore bridge collapse: city says ship was ‘unseaworthy’ before leaving port

    Update on Baltimore Bridge collapse. It appears that the ship which collided with the Baltimore bridge may have not been up to standards to travel the oceans. I know nothing about seaworthiness, but negligence of both the crew, and vessel maintenance could have played a role in the accident...
  6. AlexB23

    Revealed: documents shed light on shadowy US far-right fraternal order

    The US has far-right issues just as Germany does (German far-right leader in court charged with using 1940s German slogan). Here is the article link: Revealed: documents shed light on shadowy US far-right fraternal order Short summary of the open-access article by The Guardian (<20% in length...
  7. AlexB23

    Soldiers Charged With Violent Crimes Will Now Face More Scrutiny

    Hello folks. This is an article by ProPublica, an open-access, non-profit news (ProPublica copyright info, Creative Commons license) agency that covers current events. US soldiers may face investigations by military attorneys after committing crimes: Soldiers Charged With Violent Crimes Will Now...
  8. AlexB23

    German far-right leader in court charged with using 1940s German slogan

    Man, seems like Germany has issues with the far-right as well just as the US has the MAGA and fascist groups. The article is from a Guardian collaboration with the Associated Press: German far-right leader in court charged with using Nazi slogan Any Germans here on Christian Forums, such as...
  9. AlexB23

    Ethics of Bypassing Paywalls on News

    Is it immoral to bypass paywalls? This is a question that many of us internet users might have asked. I will provide a secular and theological explanation of why bypassing paywalls is immoral, though I do bypass paywalls myself, often to help others on CF get access to news from New York Times...
  10. AlexB23

    US Volkswagen workers file for union election to join United Auto Workers

    A German car company's employees filed to join the United Auto Workers union. I am pro-union, as people need to be payed a fair wage, especially when everything is expensive nowadays. Yes, this article is from March 2024, so it is a little old, but hey, unions are important. By the way, I am...
  11. bèlla

    In the News

    The purpose of this thread is two-fold: Sharing current events on your heart via article, podcast or video. It needn't be recent. The most important factor is your response to the situation and desire to bring it to light. While discussion is possible elsewhere I would like to see a Christ...
  12. AlexB23

    Quaker recalls certain snack bars for December 15th, 2023, but this is a rare event

    Hello folks. The probability of getting sick from oats is extremely low, but there is a recall for Quaker oats branded products with the specified LOT numbers listed on the FDA recall (linked below). But hey, Tesla recalled 2 million vehicles a few days ago. Bad products happen, but at the...
  13. Kilk1

    Are these points held by proponents of critical race theory (CRT)?

    I just heard of the following: Critical race theory debate heating up in Ohio General Assembly. Do proponents of critical race theory (CRT) support the following statements, statements the bill would ban schools from promoting? One race or sex is inherently superior to another race or sex An...
  14. dóxatotheó

    India in disarray

    Amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, India has witnessed a massive surge of cases in the past 3 weeks. As of April 30, 33 610 confirmed cases and 1075 deaths have been reported from 32 states/union territories in India. Apart from the nationwide lockdown, India has increased its testing rate and...
  15. GospelS

    Significant World Events

    (source> 2014: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Disappears. Scotland Votes to Remain Part of the United Kingdom. Eurozone Economies Falter—Again. Pro-Democracy Protests Erupt in Hong Kong. Narendra Modi Wins in India. Negotiations on Iran’s Nuclear Program Stall. Oil Prices...
  16. bèlla

    US Church Membership Drops Belows 50%

    Church membership across United States drops below 50% for the first time in eight decades, poll finds Membership at a church, synagogue or mosque across the United States reached an all-time low of 47 percent last year, the Gallup report shows Prior to 2000, membership at places of worship...
  17. bèlla

    FL Mom Boxes 12yr Old

    Florida mom, 34, is charged with child abuse after showing up to her daughter's middle school wearing a BOXING GLOVE to fight a 12-year-old girl Edith Riddle, 34, was arrested on the child abuse charge after the attack at Dupont Middle School in Jacksonville on March 18 Cellphone footage...
  18. Eilat

    Not a good "sign". (for them).

    British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Saturday announced a “stay at home” order for London and southeast England to slow the spread of the new coronavirus strain. Early data suggests the new strain could be “up to 70 percent more transmissible,” Johnson said at a televised briefing...
  19. food4thought

    Poll: Do you trust the US news media to be ethical?

    Curious as to what people think...
  20. Caliban

    Is faith a factor in climate change denial?

    One study suggest the answer is yes when combined with politics (among Evangelicals). If you are not an Evangelical, what do you think about his? Faith and politics mix to drive evangelical Christians’ climate change denial Links to PEW Research data in the above article.