
  1. CoreyD

    Who Decides - God or Us?

    For the past 10 years, I have been meeting persons who have the view that you do not have to take things in the Bible literally. They have the view that you get to decide if it's literal or not, and in most cases, people take almost everything in the Bible symbolic, from Genesis through to...
  2. T

    Word Translation

    Can someone tell me with complete confidence what ἐλέγξει means in John 16:8? The word can be translated to have multiple meanings and it’s sorta breaking my brain as to what John 16:9-11 means then.
  3. G

    How do you evolve, a "fact"?

    Hi there, So my immediate reaction to this idea, was that it's not possible to evolve a fact. I admit that. You can change the context in which it is viewed or how its interpreted, but that fact itself remains the same. I recognise that. Once I recognised that, I started to think: "maybe the...
  4. G

    Evolution (or like) that is trained to respond to false positives, is a stronger Evolution (or like)

    Hi there, So indeed, there is a question here of whether Evoutionists are identifying anything new, now that they have a semblance of a theory - that is supposed to identify relevant change (wrong?)? In principle, any theory at all, benefits from responding to what are called "false positives"...
  5. G

    If God likes me bit by bit, in the end I will be what He wanted me to be (yes)

    Hi there, So I have a substitute faith for Evolution: if God likes me bit by bit, in the end I will be what He wanted me to be. It's not complicated, it just suggests that the struggle to be Christian, comes with a commitment to the end. The world may say "you are what God wants you to be...
  6. G

    Unknowns, are better for science, than repetitions of what is assumed to be known (selah)

    Hi there, So there is a philosophical problem, with Scientism. That problem, is the value Scientism gives that which it starts out with. Science starts with unknowns. Scientism, takes those unknowns and equivocates that all unknowns have the same fundamental value. That value is antecedent...
  7. G

    The chicken or the egg? Both.

    Hi there, So I have come to the conclusion, that what we understand as the beginning, rests on entering into a relationship. That relationship, under the right circumstances, leads to a stable interaction with the world - from the point of which, what is created in that beginning, can be...
  8. G

    The flesh resonates with the flesh: "the truth!", the flesh resonates with the soul: "heresy!" - no?

    Hi there, So after much argument and contention, I finally realised what it is that I think is the problem with Evolution: its about the flesh resonating with the flesh. You are told, "the flesh grows and mutates and has to grow again, to become what it is" and you are expected to believe that...
  9. G

    "Whatever is not of faith is sin" - if God knew to create and did not, God would be in Hell?

    Hi there, So the full statement I wanted to make, was this: We are all obliged to do what we can about faith, this applies to God, as well. God could refuse to create, even, but His conscience would convict Him that He had not done something He had faith to do. God being God, He has an infinite...
  10. G

    A population of variations of the Greatest Evolution, varies the greatest it can "evolve"?

    Hi there, So, new concept: if there is Evolution that is good, there is Evolution that is best. Conclusion: if the best is varied, the best will be prolonged. Interpretation: there is better that can be evolved, until keeping what has already been evolved becomes more important. The point being...
  11. G

    Maybe this will clarify: can I encourage my offspring's instinct for Evolution?

    Hi there, So this is simple one way but complicated another: my offspring's instinct for Evolution, ultimately consists of the conversion of my experience of it (for them). There are a number of stages at which I can guide my offspring, as regards what they believe about Evolution. First of...
  12. G

    There is no sign, that Evolution has been defeated - therefore its efficacy is greatly diminshed

    Hi there! So yes, I thought I would come to you first, with this (believers) - because it leaves something out, something to be desired. I am not sure what it was that was inspiring about this notion of "beating Evolution"; I have never really desired to 'defeat' almost anyone, certainly not...
  13. G

    "Love without Grace, would lack expression" - Citizen of the Kingdom

    Hi there! So my brother in Christ (Citizen of the Kingdom) gave me this quote and it spoke directly to me, about what it is that is so confusing about Evolution: viz, how can you love the theory of Evolution, without some sort of work, that is peculiar to Evolution? Why do I ask this: because...
  14. G

    Parents pass on a partial "evolution" to their young, their young must complete it (selah)

    Hi there, So I set out a long discussion of the implications of the young (only being partial expressions of the adult) and something crashed. I basically made three points: One: the young complete being partially formed, with instinct - because of irreducible complexity and the strong...
  15. G

    "It is the Father's good pleasure, to give you the kingdom (throughout time)"

    Hi there, So this is prophecy one-o-one, right? God does not simply arrive in some context, where things are for or against Him in one way or another - rather, God works above and beyond time. God does this so that we may receive the kingdom, but not only that, that we receive the kingdom...
  16. G

    Schizophrenia is a neurological capitulation. My capitulation is from mind to memory.

    Hi there, So I worked out how to describe my schizophrenia in layman's terms: it is a capitulation. There are many ways to describe a capitulation, as there are many types of schizophrenia - the point being that knowing the particular kind of capitulation for what it is will help you relate to...
  17. G

    Help me understand this: "individuals, can't respond to population relative selection pressures"

    Hi there, So I just keep coming back to this obstacle of my understanding of Evolution: No matter how hard I try, I don't get it. Are you saying individuals need individual selection pressures (and collections of individuals need collections of 'like' selection pressures?)? Maybe I've run...
  18. G

    Honest question: do parasites evolve, if their hosts do?

    Hi there, So this is all about niche, as far as I understand it: a host of a parasite represents a 'niche' that the parasite can adapt for - the question is, if the host evolves, does the parasite therefore have to evolve? Or have the opportunity to evolve? Clearly there are different...
  19. G

    The word became flesh and the days were shortened and thus the Gospel was also

    Hi there, So I have been sifting through the times, what they mean and where they go, and I hit upon a truth that I thought as Church goers, you might be interested in. Now, I'm going to give you a progression, here, because although the truth stands on its own, it stands more easily if you...
  20. G

    For most of us, faith is sufficient but not necessary, to the one that endures - true?

    Hi there, [scripture] As Jesus said "He that endures to the end, shall be saved" (from memory). [faith] I think that learning from this, we may conclude that faith is sufficient for us, but not necessary - to the one that endures. [history] I have struggled for a long time, with what...