
  1. C

    Blessing and favor

    Good day, I'm asking for prayer that the Lord's blessing and favor would be upon Dwayne St George and Cindy's marriage, family and children. Thank you for all your prayer.
  2. C

    Marriage Restoration

    Good day, I'm asking for prayer for the return of my wife Cindy-Ann and restoration in my marriage, for Dwayne .Please pray that unforgiveness is removed and the Lord fills our hearts with love for each other. Thank you for all your prayer.
  3. P

    I need help

    My wife and I have been married for nine years. We have two children
  4. Heartofsilver

    Keep your distance

    Hello everyone, As I was deleting my previous post on social media, I was thinking about how it is ridiculous that I am doing so. I was wishing my fiancee's uncle a happy birthday from my fiancee's cousin's page when I remembered that him and his family don't want me calling him uncle even...
  5. S

    why did god dangle my prayer request?

    I've been praying for almost 5 years now for a spouse. I found a man, who fit ALL of my prayer requests, and I mean not 1 one but ALL of them. I was shocked how to the T God answered my spousal prayers because I only asked for 3 things, but was flexible on everything else- of things i was...
  6. D

    Obesity enabler or supportive husband?

    We’ve been married for 20 years. Both 49 with 1 child in school still. She’s clinically obese to The point of being partially disabled( can’t walk more than 10-15 minutes a day). Also has cholesterol of 350+, and recently diagnosed as “pre diabetic”. But she feels her weight is under...
  7. Citizen of the Kingdom

    Mutuality in Marriage

    The truth is in the representation of law vs grace and seen in the type of relationship represented. One is parent/child marriage or the other, an adult/adult marriage. Unripe or ripe fruit as some would say. Law represents the governor placed on a child until one becomes of age. When they...
  8. JohnTh

    How to find a good spouse?

    How to find a good spouse? A gathering of sayings from elders and holy fathers upon this very important topic. Enjoy!
  9. Prophesying

    Marriage: Mirror

    ***A reflection of my thoughts as a whole of what scripture says*** Marriage What God has been teaching me about His design is that the world has marriage backwards, so much so that relationships are either ruined or on their way to destruction. Marriage is not about self like you see in many...
  10. bèlla

    Powerful Words

    Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. —Proverbs 18:21 25 Ways to Build Up Your Companion I’ve been thinking about you all day. What can I do for you today? How can I pray for you today? The best part of my day is when you come home. You are...
  11. Zeena813

    Seeking some sisters and brothers in Christ for guidance

    Hey everyone! I’m new here so I don’t be know how this goes. I’m Zeena I’m 21 I’m currently trying to start over and do things the right way in my life. I could use some advice and guidance from others. I realize now that the only love I need is Jesus and that’s everything to me now.
  12. T

    Moving in?

    hello, I have been with my serious boyfriend for a while now. I found out his sister is coming to the same university and she asked me to move in with her. I would be sleeping with her in one room and he would have his own next door. I was wondering if anyone has any guidance or spiritual...
  13. Reborn1977

    What Does God Know? What Will He Reveal? In Depth Proverbs 5 Study

    How Do We Make Godly Decisions? Study of Proverbs 5:21 - 23 - God Sees So your spouse does not know. However, is there someone who knows and will expose you to your spouse? Check out the answer in this week’s posting. Please keep me in your prayers and know that if God...
  14. Joyfuliness

    Cohabitation because of trauma

    Last year I saw the bigger picture of my whole life because I finally moved out of my parents house, I got a better understanding of myself and I am thankful and terrified about it. I am glad that God open these doors at the right time it, I feel ready to face my struggles and grow stronger as a...
  15. J

    Please help and prayer. Good husband, except for porn addiction

    Hello, I really need support, advice and mostly, prayer. I've been with my husband since we were teens and had been good friends for years before. We have a 7 yo son together. I've always been a Catholic, he was an atheist. The first years of living together together were difficult. We...
  16. J

    Please help and prayer. Good husband, except for porn addiction

    Hello, I really need support, advice and mostly, prayer. I've been with my husband since we were teens and had been good friends for years before. We have a 7 yo son together. I've always been a Catholic, he was an atheist. The first years of living together together were difficult. We even...
  17. L

    A Husband and Wife will Become One

    A Husband and Wife will Become One When we look at marriage we have a picture of Jesus and the body of believers. The husband represents Jesus, and the wife represents the body of believers. The husband should treat his wife the way Jesus treats us, He gave up His Throne in Heaven to become a...
  18. C

    Finding my identity in Christ

    I have been struggling for years in my marriage and I believe that God has revealed to me that it is because I'm trying to find my identity in my wife rather than Him. Has anyone done a study in this area that they would recommend? I've been a believer and follower of Christ for about 20 years...
  19. sadnessdrifts

    Need Help! Single and facing sexual sin

    Hello, I am 28 years old and single. I previously was engaged to a man I was with for 5 years. I was not living right at all and after a hard lesson, I decided to wait until marriage for sex. I have not had sex now for 5 years, however, about a year and a half ago I fell into temptation with a...
  20. Someone5u8

    polyamorous relationships

    Do you think its morally ok from a Christian standpoint to date 2 females at once being the both are ok with it of course. Would such a relationship be frowned upon in a Church.