
  1. masmpg

    How close is the National SUNday Law?

    The "Lord's day alliance" and the European SUNday alliance are on the move to push hard for a SUNday rest day once again. These "alliances" have been at it for several decades to bring in a SUNday rest day law, making it mandatory that people not work on SUNday. Or ironically making it mandatory...
  2. masmpg

    Daniel 7:25 "And he shall think to change times and laws"

    Here is a fulfillment of prophecy which is nothing new. The Protestant reformation taught this. Hereare catholic documents that prove that the catholic church did in fact change the sabbath to Sunday, which is the "times" spoken by Daniel. And from the vatican archive is the difference between...
  3. BobRyan

    The Seventh Day is the SABBATH of the Lord thy God Exodus 20:10

    "The SEVENTH day is the SABBATH of the Lord thy God" Exodus 20:10 The Lord's Day! “If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath, From doing your pleasure on My holy day, And call the Sabbath a delight, The holy day of the Lord honorable, And shall honor Him, not doing your own ways, Nor finding...
  4. civilwarbuff

    Resisting Arrest.....

    Do we have a legal right to resist arrest for a crime we did not commit? If you are being arrested for a crime you did not commt can you resist arrest and not be indicted for it? Not asking if it is smart thing to do, just whether you believe it is legal or not.
  5. Robofan

    Civil Disobedience under certain circumstances, unethical or moral obligation?

    If no law is being broken, and only a policy with no guidelines or practical method of enforcement that you find to be directly in opposition your rights as a citizen, but not necessarily to one directly mentioned in the Bible, is it unethical or your moral obligation to challenge that policy...
  6. Hoshiyya

    Differences between Paul and Qumran theology on the issue of "works of the law"

    GALATIANS 1:13 For you have heard of my former conduct in Judaism, how I persecuted the church of God beyond measure and tried to destroy it. 14 And I advanced in Judaism beyond many of my contemporaries in my own nation, being more exceedingly zealous for the traditions of my fathers. (NKJV)...
  7. RyanC111

    The Body of CHRIST

    Hey everyone, The teaching of the blood of Christ rings loud within the Church. His blood is the forgiveness of sins. According to Jesus at the Last Supper, His blood is the New Testament. We are washed and justified by the blood of Christ. Seldom do we hear about the significance of His body...
  8. Vine and Branches

    Messianic-believer Meeting

    Hey guys! I am new here, but I am making a Messianic club! We can discuss anything about the Messianic faith and different doctrines and theologies!:amen:
  9. Vine and Branches

    What's up with Torah-observance?

    Tell me why or why not you believe it.
  10. Vine and Branches

    What is Torah?

    Note: If you want to debate this issue, please read through this commentary or just about enough to grasp the meaning of this thread. Thank you!:amen: 1 John 3:4 KJV - "Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law." The Torah defines what is...
  11. Vine and Branches

    One Law And Remnant Theologies: The Modern Church is Ancient Israel

    Note: If you want to debate this issue, please read through this commentary or just about enough to grasp the meaning of this thread. Thank you!:amen: Here's a thought, mainstream Christian doctrine teaches that the Torah was only given to Israel, yet, they say that Yeshua freed them from the...
  12. Vine and Branches

    Galatians 3: Under The Law?

    Note: If you want to debate this issue, please read through this commentary or just about enough to grasp the meaning of this thread. Thank you!:amen: Before we begin this commentary on Galatians 3, I would like to establish a foundation on a certain scripture: 2 Peter 3:16-17 KJV - "As also...
  13. singpeace

    Possible 4th suidice in this family

    I normally don't include the real names of those I am praying for, but in this case, I want everyone to say these names as they pray. It is my point of faith. Please pray for Mary, my sister in law and very close and loving friend. Mary's sister has stolen her grandchildren; ages 6 and 8 -...