
  1. AlexB23

    More than 1/3 of people in the US exposed to harmful air pollution – report

    Hello folks. Seems that air pollution is still a major issue in the US. Well, I live in an area of clean air, but got an air purifier cos of the Canadian wildfires in 2022. But, this article says that over 100M+ people in the US are potentially exposed to harmful levels of pollution. This is one...
  2. CoreyD

    Will This Planet be Destroyed?

    Some persons believe God will destroy planet earth. What do you believe? At Revelation 11:18, we read that God's time to bring an end to those who are destroying the earth, is near. Since God promised to destroy those who are destroying the earth, he obviously cares about this beautiful planet...
  3. G

    God is obliged, to help you evolve? On Earth, "no"; in Heaven, "yes" - Discuss.

    Hi there, So further to my discussion of the relevance of a host, to Evolution, I have started to wonder about God, specifically God helping creatures "evolve". Is God obliged to help creatures "evolve"? This question comes down to where it is that God offers the help. Jesus tells us "I do not...
  4. Job 33:6

    Polystrate Fossils (Again)

    Just saw this brief video by gutsick Gibbon on polystrate fossils, it had me laughing a bit and seemed to be a worthwhile share.
  5. G

    Will the Son of Man find faith on Earth, when He returns? - the Faith is most certainly willing!

    Hi there, So this is a word of jubilation to me, I have long thought there was something singularly powerful about the fact that Christ did not simply assert "there will be faith" - rather He questioned it saying Jesus often spoke in layers of meaning, while He was on Earth, speaking in...
  6. M

    Coronavirus - a symptom of Creation's brokenness

    Why does Coronavirus exist? Is it God's Will? Does He allow it? Thinking about the Coronavirus led me to a new idea about how the disease is Creation's response to its brokenness. Coronavirus — a symptom of Creation’s brokenness Excerpts: "Due to the worldwide impact of the Coronavirus, it...
  7. M

    Genesis: Beginning of Dry Land, not Planet Earth

    I believe the bible in its entirety to be inspired by Yahweh Elohim (whom most people call God.) Because of that, I believe that Genesis 1 is not about the creation of Planet Earth but about the creation of one small part of it - the raising of the land that was underwater between the Nile and...
  8. G

    John the Baptist, will rule for the rest of time (before God).

    Hi there, So we have an account of John the Baptist, that he died upholding the law,, but very few have stopped to think what the Resurrection of the John the Baptist might mean. Elijah is considered one and the same (the same as John), by Jesus and we must expect that the messenger will come...
  9. JesusYeshuaisLord

    Oh no I bought a old earth apologetics book!

    Am looking for advice from christians who have read Hugh Ross' book 'Improbable Planet' and christians who hold Genesis 1 as literal days. Should I read this book? I thought it was a book about how fine tuned the universe is but it is a book by someone who holds the belief that our universe...
  10. Tetra

    Age of the earth, why is it relevant?!

    Okay, so I'm going to start off by stating my position just so we're clear. I believe the "new earth" theory is nonsense. However, the purpose of this post isn't to debate the age of the earth, but rather, I'm trying to sort out why it matters how old the earth is?? It seems in my experience...
  11. Drought of the Heart

    The Book of Nahum ...Who Has Dominion Over Earth???

    Yesterday I read Nahum , wow...Many believe God does not micro manage His planet and people . Micro manage is a human term created from the business world. Some say God gave man dominion over earth and set up a natural environment and things just happen.First we are clueless what God does in a...
  12. AKWarrior

    Obligatory Newbie Introduction Post

    I'm a new member just testing the waters here, so to speak. *Baptist *Conservative Libertarian *Young-Earth Creationist *KJV Only *Cessationist *Post Millennialist I imagine I've shared enough info about myself to spark up potentially interesting conversation with people from all walks of...
  13. B

    What did the water on earth look like before the fall?

    What did the water on earth look like before the fall? Was it completely clear in all places? I'd imagine all of the water would be drinkable. Can anyone give me a brief answer on what the earth was like before the fall? Thanks!
  14. Christsfreeservant

    Fame and Treasure

    Monday, September 18, 2017, 8:08 a.m. – The Lord Jesus put in mind the song “Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken.” Speak, Lord, your words to my heart. I read varied scriptures on the topic of taking up our cross. Treasures in Heaven (Matthew 6:19-21, 24) “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on...
  15. Guide To The Bible

    Is The Earth Young or Old

    When I became a Christian I believed in a very old Earth, billions of years etc. But eventually I had to decide whether the Bible was right or wrong. Whether Jesus was wrong when He said Adam and Eve were made in the beginning. Jesus believed in the Old Testament in its entirety and once I had...
  16. ModernMoses

    If we are born again when we leave this earth, does that make us immortal?

    I had this thought, which made me think. I was thinking about thinking, but really what are your opinions on this?
  17. CodyFaith

    24/7 Stream of Earth from space, courtesy of NASA

    :) :earthasiaaus::fullmoonface::blacksunrays::heart:
  18. iam13

    evolve to sinlessness

    I would like to ask the question: Do Christians and all others for that matter believe that humans can spiritually evolve to a point of being sinless? My answer to this question is YES. And I can share with you how it is done. We'll wait to hear from others before I share my thoughts on the...
  19. Borislav

    Destruction Dream

    Hi last night i had a dream. I was on another planet i can't tell exactly which planet it was. So i was on another planet and i could see Earth. I wasn't alone there were other people and we saw an asteroid heading towards Earth. We saw how the asteroid hit Earth and we hide somewhere...
  20. Radrook

    Is Space Exploration and Colonization a Violation of Genesis 1:28

    Genesis 1:28 ► New International Version God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground." Clearly the only authority which...