dating advice

  1. TheRisingSun

    I want to date and marry, but I'm an "effeminate" Christian man. What do I do?

    I'm an egalitarian Christian. Non-denominational, although I may join Grace Communion International. And as the title of the post implies, I'm the kind of Christian man that complementarian pastors on Twitter (I refuse to call that site X) complain about--unmasculine. No, I don't have long hair...
  2. Lybrah

    Is it me?

    I meet a lot of men on dating sites. Things are good initially but then it gets ruined. Usually the guy wants to start having sex and then it ends. Sometimes though things get weird. The guy I was speaking to has been divorced a few times. I don’t usually date divorced men because that’s...
  3. Ana Rodriguez

    need advice about Godly relationship

    Greetings, I come looking for relationship advice. But first, some context. I’ve only had two relationships in my life, and both were with intent for marriage. One of them was with someone serious, smart, and somewhat harsh. One of them was very abusive. My dad has also been in and out of my...
  4. EtainSkirata

    How to have patience while waiting for a possible proposal?

    A couple months ago I told my boyfriend I wanted to marry him, and... we haven't really had any talks that would count as "deliberately moving us closer to marriage." But I mean, it's only been 9 months of dating, and I had told him before that I wanted to wait a year before getting married...
  5. EtainSkirata

    Physical Affection in Dating

    I know the age old question of "how far is too far" isn't the question to be asking, but rather more like, "how can I honor God in this relationship?" And I tell you what, I am STRUGGLING. My boyfriend and I don't even kiss because it's too much of a temptation. Which is fine, but I get stuck on...
  6. S

    Parental Approval

    So, me (25F) and this guy (25M) have been best friends and engaging in a long distant relationship for a while now. We knew each other before I moved states and have been keeping in touch, getting closer over the years. My parents don't know the extent of our relationship except that we talk and...
  7. K

    Mother doesn't think I should be with my boyfriend

    I am a 24 F recently graduated and living at home to save up money for my own apartment. My boyfriend and I dated for a little over 2 years at first and everything was going great, we are both Christians and never really had any problems in our relationship. However, we did break it off for a...
  8. Jadegb

    Seeking Dating Advice: Are We Unequally Yoked?

    I've been with my boyfriend for about three months now. We're both in our early 20s and are sincerely on the same page about so many important values and goals. He is kind, considerate, and genuinely listens to me. Nevertheless, I wonder if I agreed to be in a relationship with him sooner than I...
  9. EtainSkirata

    Constant anxiety in dating

    I'm constantly worried about flaws and imperfections in my boyfriend of 2 months. Every week I have something new to obsess over. "What about this thing, what about that?" I'm bouncing around his different issues--many of which he's willing to talk about and make changes on, especially the...
  10. EtainSkirata

    Struggling with same sex attraction

    Hello, I've battled SSA for about 14 years now. I've never had a girlfriend, never kissed a girl, but it's an attraction that I've been aware of for a long time. Sometimes it's barely a passing thought, but lately I've been acutely aware of the issue. I feel as though I have to police my brain...
  11. EtainSkirata

    Obsessing about dating

    So I met this guy recently. I'm usually pretty good at reading people and determining pretty fast if a guy is someone I'd want to date or not. And when I first met this guy, I had a couple small red flags. But he wanted to hang out so I decided to give him a chance. We ended up going on a date...
  12. W

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  13. S

    Can LCMS date church member?

    Here’s the background story: Single LCMS pastor, never married, age 40. Newly divorced woman, in her 40’s, member of the church and attends church regularly. This woman’s ex is a non-attending member of the church, and he only became a member for the school tuition discount. This church has a...
  14. S

    Can a Pastor date a member of his congregation?

    Here’s the background story: Single LCMS pastor, never married, age 40. Newly divorced woman, in her 40’s, member of the church and attends church regularly. This woman’s ex is a non-attending member of the church, and he only became a member for the school tuition discount. This church has a...
  15. bèlla

    Dating is Harder

    Nearly Half of U.S. Adults Say Dating Has Gotten Harder for Most People in the Last 10 Years —Pew Research Center (download report) Among those who are on the dating market – the 15% of American adults who are single and looking for a committed relationship or casual dates – most say they are...
  16. H

    Advice for meeting LDR boyfriend?

    Hi family, it’s my first post here and I would love some advice with my LDR :) my boyfriend and I have been together for almost 2 years. He was an exchange student from Asia in the city where I study in Europe. We met at church and had an instant connection, but we developed our friendship for...
  17. I

    Question for Young Women: If I Sent You This Message, What Would You Think?

    Hello! I have a question for the Christian lady readers... So there's this girl - Sommer - that I'm thinking about asking out soon. I've never actually met her before, but I know about her through my high school athletics team. My options for contacting her are: a) randomly showing up at her...
  18. D

    Confusing aspects of dating a European girl

    Please don't judge me to be a homophobe, I certainly am not. Even so, I think I’m completely losing all feelings for a girl after she told me she was questioning her sexuality, maybe even a bit emasculated too. Please excuse any ignorance towards lgbt in this post from being raised in a very...
  19. Kevin-D.77

    Premarital Counseling... That big a deal?

    I am kind of torn on this one. A lot of people who I have talked to and seen online bring up starting premarital counseling almost immediately after entering into a serious relationship. I know that I would like to do it, and of course not at the very last second, but I'm not sure when to...
  20. Kevin-D.77

    Type B Man Dating a Type A Woman

    Good evening brothers and sisters in Christ. Reaching out just to hear others' input: I definitely have a Type B personality (flexible, low-stress levels, relaxed attitude, even-tempered, laid-back, tendency to procrastinate, patient) and I have always been attracted to women who exhibit Type A...