
  1. AlexB23

    Church Dubstep Dance

    Hello folks. Just found this funny edited video from 2007 on my YouTube feed. Does exactly what it says on the tin. Church Dubstep Dance [Ages 15+, due to MC saying a unintelligible words not sure if any are cussing, dubstep is my least favorite music genre along with metal]
  2. T

    Would love to talk with someone

    Hello, I pray you are well. I am looking for a pastor, or someone extremely knowledgeable and filled with God’s Grace, who can assist me. I feel well on the path of righteousness, but something occurred about 1.5 years ago that has been a thorn in my side. The fear arises from this thorn every...
  3. Q

    Should I leave my home Church if they believe in Baptism Regeneration ?

    My church believes in baptism regeneration and I believe we get our salvation in Jesus alone but everything else in their doctrine i agree with. Should I leave just for this part in their doctrine
  4. EnriqueNye

    Am I in the wrong for saying "no"?

    Hello everyone, My wife and I are part of a church, and we're very active in serving. Last year we occasionally served in the nursery on Sundays, and I was often scheduled to clean the church on a Saturday before church. On top of that, I shoveled all the paths and was backup to lockup the...
  5. T

    The Philadelphia Church

    SCRIPTURE: I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name. Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them...
  6. T

    Predestination- What does it mean?

    Hello Brothers and Sisters. Curious, prior to Calvin’s double predestination theology, what did the church believe predestination meant?
  7. L

    Do I find a new church or stay in this one?

    My ex boyfriend introduced me to the church I go to when we first started dating. I've been going since March of 2022. I've even become a member of the church--this happened a week before we broke up. I've still been going to church, ever since we broke up this past May (we broke up May 13...
  8. T

    What is "Your First Love?"

    SCRIPTURE: 'But I have this against you: you have abandoned the passionate love you had for me at the beginning. Think about how far you have fallen! Repent and do the works of love you did at first. I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place of influence if you do not repent. '...
  9. M

    A Sticky University Situation

    Hello all. I just need some help and prayer, but most of all ~ prayer. So, I am a graduate student at the same university I had also attended in undergraduate school. (Just to note, I go to a Christian university. The professors are all Christian. And I am a 25 year old female.) When I was...
  10. T

    I dont even know if I'm a christian

    I grew up in The Vinyard church with my family. It was... good, honestly wonderful people. As a child I felt like god was everywhere and I had this burning desire to serve wherever I could. Division came into my life when I started to become angry, trauma, social isolation. I was around 14 when...
  11. A

    When did the Church which is Christs Body begin?

    There are mainly three positions in dispensationalism that believe the church began in Acts 2, 9-13, or 28 which is yours, and why? This will prepare us for a future study. See lessons. The purpose here is not to debate, but rather we all are trying to come to a better understanding of the...
  12. pantingdeer

    … ?

  13. YahuahSaves

    The true "Church" of Jesus Christ.

    I believe there's a distinct difference between believing in Jesus and actually following him. Man-made religion was not his intention when he came to this earth, and the churches humans have built are not the true "Church". The real church is the body of believers that God is building. I...
  14. EnriqueNye

    Church Planting Issues

    Hello all! Sorry for the long post, you can keep scrolling if it's too much. I'm writing today to ask for advice on how I should go about planting a church. Just to give some backstory, I have been feeling the call to ministry for several years now, and only recently felt confident in it...
  15. TisANewSeason

    Hi! My name is Emmanuel and I need advice;

    This is long and I am going to be very blunt about the whole issue I am dealing with and my feelings so you’re warned; Hi, My name is Emmanuel, tbh I randomly did a google search for forums for Christians to talk to. I need advice. I’m pretty sure I have a massive calling from God to “unite”...
  16. rockytopva

    Rapture - I would be afraid not to believe in one

    If I had to pick an end time date I would go, word by word, with the scientist, Isaac Newton... "And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for...
  17. Lybrah

    How important is church?

    Can you still be saved if you don’t go to church? My church is so boring. I find myself drifting away. I hate singing and standing. I don’t mind listening to the music and I like the songs and I can follow the lyrics in my heart but I hate singing. The sermons at my church are pretty good. I...
  18. J

    Does this make my parents too involved in our dating relationship?

    [deleted message]
  19. octopus.021

    Help - choosing a religion/church

    Hello everyone! I need a bit of help from other experienced people here. I’m new to christianity. I will tell you what I’m looking for in a church, and you can tell me which church is closest to the description. Currently, I’m not in a country that has anglican churches, but I could say I agree...