
  1. Christsfreeservant

    Why Do You Hate?

    Why do you hate her so much? Why must sin now be your crutch? Why do you go on from day after day Lying and cheating and floundering away? Why must you lie through your teeth? Why must you live low, beneath? Why do you keep on in your masquerades? Why must you live as though life is charades...
  2. HundredDays

    I still can't get over the guilt that I cheated on my ex 2 years ago.

    I know this is my first post, and I obviously rather not have it as my first post, but I needed spiritual advice. I was in a relationship with my ex for 3 years. We had a decent one with ups and downs. However, we had a lot more fighting during 2021 and 2022. I was helping a client with his...
  3. Christsfreeservant

    "Divorce and Separation" Repost Edited

    This is a repost of something that was written and posted in June of this year, but I have added some things to it and have done some editing. Matthew 19:3-6 ESV “And Pharisees came up to him and tested him by asking, ‘Is it lawful to divorce one's wife for any cause?’ He answered, ‘Have you...
  4. H

    Cheating Wife Wants Me To Raise Her Son

    Hi everyone; looking for feedback. Married 16 yrs. Wife has son (19 yrs old now) with another man. This guy was never in the boys life, not physically nor financially. I raised him since he was a toddler. Wife is having an affair. I got proof 2 months ago. Confronted her about it. She...
  5. Robslaybaugh

    Prayers for my friend and her family

    My friend that I have known for 11 years is about to cheat on her husband with another married man while her husband and two young boys are at the beach. I have tried to talk to her about not only the spiritual consequences but the world consequences she will have to deal with after. It will not...
  6. J

    How to handle Infadelity

    My life’s a mess and it’s all my fault. My wife and I got involved in sexual sin a few years ago and it’s caused a lot of pain on both sides, but the thrill prevented us from stopping. Recently God started working on my heart and I started feeling convection. I expressed that I wanted to stop...
  7. A

    What Constitutes Adultery in the Biblical Sense?

  8. ChristianGirl_96

    Prayers requested

    To cut a long story short last year I learned that my twin sister was in the hospital fighting for her life after a bathroom accident at work. That was seven months ago back in the fall of 2018 before I joined this website. Recently I asked for a update and she now is signing her divorce papers...
  9. A

    I'm afraid my wife cheated on me; I need guidance

    Hello everybody, I’m in a bit of a marriage crisis. I’m afraid that my wife may have cheated on me while she was taking a vacation with her sister to Europe a few months ago. We’ve been married for about 5 years and dated for about three years before that. I need to give some background (see...
  10. G

    I think I might be a homosexual, and I'm scared.

    Hi brothers and sisters, I joined today because I've found that I've been struggling with myself and perhaps even more importantly, my faith. I think I'm in desperate need of some guidance and prayer. Lately, I haven't felt a very great connection to God, it's almost like the light in my heart...
  11. R

    Inappropriate Behavior in the Workplace

    I’m concerned about what really occurred with my wife’s former employer and boss (a doctor). She says she hated working there and that her boss was always inappropriate—supposedly she couldn’t wait to get out of there. I believed her however I recently found at least 10 emails of him expressing...
  12. savedthroughgrace


    Hi all, (sorry for the long post) I am new to the forums but I have been a Christian my whole life. I have, however, had some struggles for a lot of my life. I'm 24 and married. At a young age I was introduced to pornography and since then sexual immorality of different kinds have been a...
  13. S

    Coping with my wife’s affair

    My wife has admitted to an affair with a coworker from a few years ago. While the affair is not recent, her confession is not that old. I am still coping with the pain and lack of trust, but trying to forgive if possible. I have written her a letter, but still do not have the courage to give it...
  14. Skyybluegirl

    My husband cheated on me n I hate the women he slept with

    I apologize for my spelling I'm typing on my phone. So My husband cheated on me the first year of marriage. It was not an emotional affair with another women. He would come home late from work and I always felt that he was cheating on me and I wanted so bad to follow him to catch him but I never...
  15. Skyybluegirl

    Hi I'm new and hoping to talk to others that may be lost like me

    Hi I'm new and hoping to talk to others that may be lost like me
  16. O

    repent for cheating in school?

    Hi, I finished my first year of college and I’ve been struggling on and off with the sin of deceit for the past few months . I’ve only read some books of in the new testament recently, but I’ve become convinced recently that all dishonesty/deceit is sinful (revelation 21:8 NIV & psalm 5:6...
  17. J


    Hello all. I'm not really a "Christian," at lest not seriously. I know about "Do unto others" and that's about as far as it goes. A co-worker suggested I search online for guidance and I thought this might be the place. The subject that brought me here is kind of embarrassing and most of my...
  18. E

    Why is my ex boyfriend acting this way?

    Hey everyone, I hope you're all having a blessed day. I apologise if this post should be on another thread, I'm new to this site. My boyfriend and I were together for a year and he broke up with me a couple of months ago. I was blindsided as he had shown no indication of being unhappy. In...
  19. A

    Can we divorce?

    In Matt 5:31-32 ... seemed to say it's the right thing to do (in my case). But many other verses seemed to indicate one must not divorce his wife. Please share your thoughts with me as I am planning to divorce her in 2 months time. Am I doing the right thing? A little background, we are now...
  20. J

    Tony Perkins Says Trump Gets A Pass On Cheating No just no. Tony Perkins has over the years shown that he's become the personification of a Pharisee. But after this development, I can't see him as being a good moral...