
  1. AlexB23

    Orca calf successfully returned to open water after bold rescue in Canada

    Aww, who is up for some wholesome news about a killer whale being saved by some villagers? It takes a village to raise a child, as some communal societies say. Here is the article: Orca calf successfully returned to open water after bold rescue in Canada Short summary of the open-access...
  2. Trogdor the Burninator

    Teacher rips Muslim students for skipping out on Gay Pride activities

    Heard online but not being widely reported, so apologies for the College Fix link :p
  3. Oompa Loompa

    Flashback: Chicago's Murder Rate Was Even Higher During Hangun Ban

    Flashback: Chicago's Murder Rate Was Even Higher During Handgun Ban
  4. Oompa Loompa

    Gun Control Failure In Canada

    Gun Control Fail: Trudeau’s Pistol Ban Sees Stores Sell Out of Handguns Can't say I didn't see this coming. I would predict guns flying off the shelves here in the United States should any gun ban bill is presented to Congress. Could Biden be a better gun salesman than Obama?
  5. The Liturgist

    New Moral/Liturgical Problem in the Anglican Church of Canada

    This development makes me extremely sad: CANADA: New gender blessings for trial use | VirtueOnline – The Voice for Global Orthodox Anglicanism As I see it, not only is this horrible liturgical theology, but also horrible moral theology, and represents a spectacular failure on the part of the...
  6. JustSomeBloke

    Canada - Thousands of firearms stolen

    Truck loaded with firearms stolen in Peterborough Sunday, police source says Truck carrying more than 2,000 firearms stolen in Peterborough, Ont.: police
  7. Dr. Duderino

    Hi Everybody!

    Hello everyone, I am new to CF after having discovered it a few months ago, and am truly blessed by the conversations and insights of the esteemed members here! I thought it would be nice to join the community of like minded believers in Christ on the new, especially given this current pandemic...
  8. Jeremy Colosi

    Hi Im Jeremy. Please pray for my friend's friend Cooper.

    Hi my name is Jeremy. I have a prayer request for my friend Pat's friend Cooper. He is currently stuck in a foreign nation (Italy) He ran into some issues so now he is stuck on the streets and can't get home. Please pray for his return home to Canada. Thank You if you can pray for this...
  9. mreeed

    What news are we missing with the world so focused on this local and global crisis?

    Canada? US? Other countries?
  10. Quid est Veritas?

    Canada to expand "medically-assisted death"

    Canada proposes expanding access to assisted dying Well, as we all saw coming, Canada is set to expand what people are allowed to be euthanised. There will be a separate programme for terminal people and non-terminal ones with ill-defined 'suffering' to be put to death. Give it a few years, and...
  11. stavros388

    Is Canadian Anglicanism a good fit?

    Greetings, Former Orthodox and lapsed Catholic here. Frankly, I've had it with dogmas and doctrines being held as more important than one's own spiritual growth in God. I am an ally of LGBTQ and have absolutely had it with the weird Catholic and overall Christian fixation on peoples' sexuality...
  12. Zoii

    Montreal taxes churches

    Taxes now apply to churches in spaces not directly used for the expressed purpose of worship. No more religious exemptions: Montreal is taxing churches Is this a good thing? In my opinion long overdue.
  13. SummerMadness

    Intrigue grows, clue surfaces in snow bear's belly button mystery

    Intrigue grows, clue surfaces in snow bear's belly button mystery
  14. SummerMadness

    Clarinetist discovers his ex-girlfriend faked a rejection letter from his dream school

    Clarinetist discovers his ex-girlfriend faked a rejection letter from his dream school He was confident that he go into the school, but soon received a rejection letter, only later to find out...
  15. SummerMadness

    A black customer was asked to prepay for his meal. Now, the restaurant has to pay him thousands

    A black customer was asked to prepay for his meal. Now, the restaurant has to pay him thousands
  16. DamianWarS

    Does this offend you?

    It's a christmas sweater (??) depicting the last supper with superimposed emojis and a Happy Birthday message. There is a picture (below) of the PM of Canada wearing it and I can't tell if I should be more offended as a Christian or embarrassed as a Canadian?
  17. Occams Barber

    Hey!! Canada!!!

    I was wondering if one of you Canada folk could do me a small favour? I keep getting daily e mails from a pharmacy offering to sell me Viagra at a really good price. I know the pharmacy is in Canada because it's called 'Canadian Pharmacy'. The e mails are getting a bit wearing so I was...
  18. J

    STOP BILL C-16! Through Prayer & Fasting

    Canada: Pray and fast now to stop radical transgender bill Pray and fast, that this unjust bill gets defeated!
  19. brinny

    Pray For Canada.

    :heart: Praying for Canada and all of her people and her leaders, Monarch Elizabeth II, Governor General David Johnston, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin. (((hug)))
  20. amariselle

    Bill C-14 (Canada's Assisted Dying Bill)

    There has been a lot said lately about Canada's Assisted Dying/Euthanasia Bill that will, if passed allow for the option of doctor assisted suicide to be presented to patients that meet certain criteria. (People such as the terminally ill and the elderly). Understandably, Bill C-14 has caused a...