
  1. H

    I want to grow closer to God and get my life in order

    Hi everyone. I am a young male and I am looking for advice on how to grow closer to God and to get my life in order. I am struggling to see clearly what the purpose of my life is. This is mostly seen in my day-to-day life: I have been unemployed for a couple of years now, since being fired from...
  2. C

    I (an atheist) dreamt about becoming a Christian and I can’t stop thinking about it

    I think that this is the wrong place to post this, but I don’t know who to talk to about this. My family are atheists and that’s how I’ve been brought up, but recently I’ve felt this pull towards Christianity that I can’t explain, it’s like I can feel a presence in beauty, nature and music...
  3. InThePottersChamber

    How to know if i am talking to God /Holy Spirit or it's just myself?

    I've been asking God questions about my future, and everytime he says the same thing. Even when I'm not aware of asking the question, he says the same thing. Is it God or just my own overactive imagination? Is the little still voice i hear in my head really God? It's crazy that I can ask the...
  4. Christsfreeservant

    Dear 15 Year Old Me

    The Date was November 1, 2018, and I was invited by a fellow blogger to participate in one of those “tags” where you were asked questions to answer and then you were to tag other people to do the same. I did not normally participate in “tags,” but I believed that the Lord wanted me to...
  5. tanyagomes

    Do I have a spiritual gift?

    I don't know if I will get an answer from this post but I was hoping a spiritual leader or someone who is closer to God and can maybe get some answers and can help me because I am really confused and sometimes scared about this and what is happening. I don't even know where to start but I...
  6. Ffion Eleri

    Struggling with my relationship - when is enough enough?

    Hi all, I have been in a serious relationship with my boyfriend for one year and three months. We both attend university, so half of the time we have a long-distance relationship, which we have made work. He is a Christian and a significant factor in my coming to faith, including my baptism a...
  7. Ana Rodriguez

    need advice about Godly relationship

    Greetings, I come looking for relationship advice. But first, some context. I’ve only had two relationships in my life, and both were with intent for marriage. One of them was with someone serious, smart, and somewhat harsh. One of them was very abusive. My dad has also been in and out of my...
  8. Karabear10

    Doubtful thoughts are hitting me hard. Trying to say new testament is evil and not true. Please help

    My thoughts are asking what if the people who wrote the new testament were evil and its not true. Like they were demons. This is so frustrating. I'm so upset and frustrated that I have these thoughts. They try and turn me away from Jesus and I hate it so much. How do I dispute these thoughts...
  9. Soldier of the One

    Christian School's Biggest Problem

    Christian Schools Biggest Problem I've been going to one for some time and this is what I've found. SoldierofHIM I haven’t been here long, but I have been here long enough to find out with little intellect I have to see this school's number one complication. And I can tell you it in one word...
  10. Karabear10

    Intrusive Thoughts Questioning Jesus

    Hi again. I made a similar post earlier and received some very good advice but I think I've better realized my problem so I'd like to ask for more advice on it. The recurring thought that I've been having feels like it is trying to make me question Christ in every way. It keep asking me how do I...
  11. Ffion Eleri

    Help and Advice Requested

    Hello everyone, My name is Eleri, and I am currently seeking support and advice regarding Christian issues. This wonderful community seems so open and welcoming, and any help would be greatly appreciated. A little about me: I am 18, female, and due to start my Bachelor's degree at the...
  12. aleon1220

    Conflict management with church leadership

    Thanks for reading this post. I am grieving and in the process of forgiving the youth pastor and lead pastor of my church. I don't find value in restoring the relationship. But I continue to go to that church as I have a personal challenge of completing 1 year in there Questions Is it wise to...
  13. EtainSkirata


  14. T

    Need advice to do the right thing

    Hey, I'm at the end of the first semester at uni, and this week + a couple of days are really stressful right now. I have an exam this friday and next week on wednesday. Now, some people have the same exam next week on monday, not on wednesday. Someone asked in the group chat if someone was...
  15. D

    Christian Aid

    Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum, so excuse me if this has been tackled before (I'm guessing this charity has come up in the past). I was looking for a Christian charity to donate to every month, and I came across Christian Aid, who appear to do a lot of work to help poor people around the...
  16. W


    Thanks for the advice everyone
  17. J

    Terminal illness

    Hi all, a volunteer where I work told me this week that their ex partner's Mum, her children's Nan, has quite unexpectedly just been diagnosed with an illness and is, incredibly sadly, expected to live for around just one more week. Prayer around this would be really appreciated - that she will...
  18. J

    Terminal illness - praying for salvation

    Hi all, A volunteer where I work, as Deputy Manager, told me this Thursday that their ex partner's Mum, their children's Nan, has quite unexpectedly just been diagnosed with an illness and is, incredibly sadly, expected to live for around just one more week. I have been praying for a miracle...
  19. J

    Terminal illness - praying for salvation

    Hi all, A volunteer where I work, as Deputy Manager, told me this Thursday that their ex partner's Mum, their children's Nan, has quite unexpectedly just been diagnosed with an illness and is, incredibly sadly, expected to live for around just one more week. I have been praying for a miracle...
  20. R

    Advice Please

    It is our anniversary. What advice during holidays, anniversaries do widowed people have. I am just going through the motions. Any help is much appreciated. Thank you. Kent