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  1. timewerx

    Anybody watch Madea movies / plays?

    I'm Asian but found Tyler Perry's Madea films and plays to be quite hilarious and excellent replay value. But if you're the type of conservative Christian might find the movies and plays offensive especially knowing Tyler Perry is a proud, outspoken Christian in Hollywood. Maybe he's just...
  2. timewerx

    Alternative cosmology maybe key to warp drive tech

    I've been thinking I found a strong correlation between "gravity anomalies" occurring within galaxies and the "expansion" of the Universe. Such as anomalies that defy gravity and anomalies that approximate gravity effects without detectable matter. Mainstream theories pin this to "dark...
  3. timewerx

    Healing/blessing Testimonies Unbiblical?

    I think some of you may be familiar with Healing/blessing testimonies where a member would walk up to the stage and share a story about trials or hardships where somehow the Lord provided a miracle and got them out of their bad situation. However, Jesus told some of the people He healed NOT to...
  4. timewerx

    Seems God warned me through a movie

    A couple of weeks ago, I made a decision that saved me from getting into a huge problem. I received a message from God through a movie and swiftly acted on it. Quite uncanny to say the least. It was the new movie Argylle. The lead character is practically me, aside from being female. While...
  5. timewerx

    Saw a massive UFO at dawn

    3:45 am. I got awakened by the hot and humid temperatures at our apartment when the AC started malfunctioning so I went out the balcony to reset the A/C's breaker. I usually wait a few minutes before switching the breaker back on to make sure the A/C's digital system made a hard reset. While...
  6. timewerx

    Giant swimming pool with huge, killer waves.

    In this I suddenly found myself in the middle of a swimming pool of gargantuan size. It looked similar to the 'wave pools' in amusement parks but at least a mile across and double that in length. The shallowest portion is 150 ft deep! And that's in the middle of the pool. In the dream, the...
  7. timewerx

    work has 'time traveled'

    I had an interesting day at work today. Sorry if this is the wrong section to post this stuff but I can't seem to find another section for posting apparently supernatural or paranormal occurrences on the mundane, day-to-day parts of our lives. I was going to work on a job requirement outlined...
  8. timewerx

    A scene in "I Robot" movie kept repeating in my dream last night

    8 hours of sleep but the same movie scene kept repeating over and over. The movie scene is the one below and it's been many years since I last watched the movie. However in my dream, I was the one laying down in the 'operating' table and it was interactive. I could ask the narrator questions...
  9. timewerx

    Inverted map of Canada in my dream

    At first I thought I was looking at a post-apocalyptic map of the Earth with some continents broken apart or new land masses going above water. This occurred in several separate dream by the way, days and weeks apart. I thought I was looking at the Asia Pacific region rendered beyond...
  10. timewerx

    Almost crashed plane in my dream

    I had this dream of flying an airliner with passengers as trainee / co-pilot. Ironically, my captain is someone I knew during high school years, a close friend. Although he's not a pilot in real life. It was a nice dream at first. I always wanted to be a pilot, I just never had the...
  11. timewerx

    Recruited into Space Force

    I keep having dreams of getting recruited by the space force for couple of years now. But not the typical "space force" we know off. The organization in my dream is part of a much larger organization with headquarters far beyond our solar system. They possessed technologies that enabled...
  12. timewerx

    Spider dream fulfilled

    It may sound like a ridiculously insignificant dream but it happened anyway and happened in the most ridiculous set of circumstances. Approximately 4 years ago, I had a dream of the "light at the end of the tunnel". I came to the end of this tunnel and saw the space beyond the tunnel is made...
  13. timewerx

    Dream Entry Zones?

    Doesn't anyone have recurring "entry zone" when they first enter dreaming state during sleep? My entry zone is some kind of a small residential building with a small store somewhere in the city. What helps me remember this place is whoever owns the place stores all their marker pens in the...
  14. timewerx

    Dream portals?

    I had this weird dream. I was in my room in that dream with a companion. She guided me through this "door". A rather small, rectangular opening floating in midair. You won't be able to get through the door standing, You either have to get through it head first or feet first or crawling. We...
  15. timewerx

    Encouraging Israel's Military campaign, instead of telling them to stop?

    I don't think Israel's military actions at this point can be justified or considered moral. The only way you can justify their military actions is you also think that killing many thousands of innocent Palestinians Arabs is righteous and moral. Is it? What even makes their campaign immoral...
  16. timewerx

    Benjamin Netanyahu is going to start WWIII and kill lots of his own people.

    This is not a prophecy. But this is where the world is going if this madness does not stop. I did not write "Israel" because I believe many Israelis themselves are opposed to Benjamin Netanyahu's self-destructive plans. Not only is Benjamin Netanyahu causing widespread deaths of innocents...
  17. timewerx

    Anti-semitic fear of Palestine Siege

    While Israel has the right to defend itself and provide deterrence against terrorists, I think Israel went too far in the present conflict and causing lots of deaths and misery in the region. The call to ceasefire has fallen on deaf ears and the Western Coalition of nations pledging support for...
  18. timewerx

    Controlling gravity

    Yesterday I was working night shift. Went to sleep at around 4am and then got into some sort of "half asleep" mode and then becoming fully awake after several minutes. Then I noticed this strange feeling that our apartment building feels like accelerating like a plane taking off while lying...
  19. timewerx

    Pet Reincarnated?

    I have a pet dog that died almost 10 years ago and a week before my birthday. Missed her dearly, she was my best friend. Couple of months ago, I saw her in a dream. It was her except in slightly different colors. Same typical Malinoise (German Shepherd) colors but without the white spots and...
  20. timewerx

    "survived" a fiery crash

    I had a dream last night. I was driving a bus. I had couple of old friends with me in the bus. We're somewhere in a road on a very high mountain. I got through a lane in the road, I though was the right way because the painted arrow on the road is pointing straight forward and I mean to go...