Recent content by ViaCrucis

  1. ViaCrucis

    Romans 4, water baptism?

    I don't know what Paul means here, and neither do you. So, in this conversation? Yes it is irrelevant. I tell you what, explain why the word water should be in the text. -CryptoLutheran
  2. ViaCrucis

    How To Understand : Acts 2:38

    We're going to go in circles if you're not going to answer my question. How does God unite me to Jesus; how does what Jesus did become mine? How does the objective work of Christ become subjective--how do I, personally, benefit? -CryptoLutheran
  3. ViaCrucis

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    Irony isn't just an experimental joint replacement. -CryptoLUtheran
  4. ViaCrucis

    Can Christians Still Support Trump after the Guilty Verdict?

    My following question is not me saying you're wrong here; but I am confused how you make the connect between the two. How would that be a matter of separation of church and state? -CryptoLutheran
  5. ViaCrucis

    Can Christians Still Support Trump after the Guilty Verdict?

    What about after the babies are born? Is it a Christian virtue that post-born babies have a right to life? I've read my Bible, and there's a lot in there about the life of the post-born. No mention of abortion in the Bible, which isn't a problem--I don't insist that it has to be in the Bible...
  6. ViaCrucis

    Can Christians Still Support Trump after the Guilty Verdict?

    When did he mock his own Church's beliefs? Can you provide an example? -CryptoLutheran
  7. ViaCrucis

    Pro-Palestinian supporters at Columbia University confront Jews ‘to push them out of camp’

    So for everyone who has been whinging at supposed antisemitism by college protestors against Israel's genocide in Gaza I have a question. Since you care about antisemitism so much, where were you when literal Nazis were chanting "Jews will not replace us" at the Unite the Right rally several...
  8. ViaCrucis

    Can Christians Still Support Trump after the Guilty Verdict?

    This, of course, is a lie. -CryptoLutheran
  9. ViaCrucis

    Can Christians Still Support Trump after the Guilty Verdict?

    Biden hasn't tried to abuse the Christian religion for selfish and personal gain. That's certainly a lot more than could be said of Trump. The best thing a politician can do for Christianity is to leave it alone and let Christianity just be Christianity. -CryptoLutheran
  10. ViaCrucis

    Can Christians Still Support Trump after the Guilty Verdict?

    Well, now we get to talk about the difference between these two scenarios. In one, land was taken, the native inhabitants were slaughtered, and it was a literal invasion. In the other we are talking about people who are coming and contributing to the general society they are entering into...
  11. ViaCrucis

    Romans 4, water baptism?

    Irrelevant. -CryptoLutheran
  12. ViaCrucis

    How To Understand : Acts 2:38

    Since you are the one using the word "contradiction", I'll use it for your sake. Why is the contradiction which you believe ok, but the contradiction which I accept not ok? I believe that baptism is necessary, but not absolutely necessary. So God is perfectly able to save anyone, and does. As...
  13. ViaCrucis

    How To Understand : Acts 2:38

    That's not my problem. You just said it was necessary, then you came up with an example of how someone can be saved anyway. All I've done is demonstrate that you hold onto the idea that something is necessary for salvation, and yet not absolutely necessary. I've nothing to wriggle out of. I've...
  14. ViaCrucis

    Except Those Days Be Shortened

    And we've seen these things for the last two thousand years. There's been no shortage of false messiahs, false prophets, and fake signs and wonders since the day our Lord ascended. There was a false messiah just a few years after Jesus' ascension, a man by the name of Theudas, mentioned in the...
  15. ViaCrucis

    How To Understand : Acts 2:38

    So it is necessary to believe 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 to be saved, but those children will be saved anyway? Do you know what necessary means? It sounds to me like you need to answer your own question before I answer it for you. -CryptoLutheran