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  1. ViaCrucis

    Eco Church

    Anything is idolatrous when it replaces the Lord. I believe that good theology includes good theology about creation. And good theology about creation means recognizing the innate goodness of the creation. The earth is good, there is an innate goodness because God is the Author of creation and...
  2. ViaCrucis

    Did John write the book of John? Or did Lazarus? I think Lazarus.

    One of the most fundamental rules of discussion and debate is that the burden of evidence rests on the one making the positive claim. And also that one does not, as a rule, prove a negative. It's not about demonstrating that Lazarus wasn't a witness, but rather it would be necessary to provide...
  3. ViaCrucis

    How To Understand : Acts 2:38

    We are talking about a Christian right? A person who has faith in Jesus, yes? Okay, good, then yes. A Christian should be able to point to their baptism and be able to say, "This is where God claimed me as His own". So, yes, I believe that God's work of saving people is sufficient to save them...
  4. ViaCrucis

    How To Understand : Acts 2:38

    Amen. That's a good reason to be confident. -CryptoLutheran
  5. ViaCrucis

    Did John write the book of John? Or did Lazarus? I think Lazarus.

    That's not a "requirement", it's an observation of what is typical, and it asserts that all we have is this present mortal life, after which we face Judgment. Lots of people have been pronounced clinically dead and then been resuscitated through modern medicine. This doesn't contradict what is...
  6. ViaCrucis

    Did John write the book of John? Or did Lazarus? I think Lazarus.

    Jesus' resurrection. There's nothing to consider here, as it has no relevance to this topic. When did they ascend to heaven? I suspect that this is another example of you just making things up. -CryptoLUtheran
  7. ViaCrucis

    How To Understand : Acts 2:38

    Yes, he is saved. Yes, we should have that kind of confidence in God's promises. The Gospel gives us that confidence in God's grace. -CryptoLutheran
  8. ViaCrucis

    How To Understand : Acts 2:38

    The thief wasn't baptized, he literally couldn't be. For one, he was on a cross next to Jesus, and for another, the Lord didn't institute Baptism until after His resurrection (see Matthew 28:19). The thief was saved because the Son of God told him, "Today you will be with me in Paradise". We...
  9. ViaCrucis

    'Stop Attacking Israel': Bill Maher Draws Applause After Clash With 'View' Host Sunny Hostin on Hamas

    Going against him now? There's nothing new about this. He's always been awful. -CryptoLutheran
  10. ViaCrucis

    'Stop Attacking Israel': Bill Maher Draws Applause After Clash With 'View' Host Sunny Hostin on Hamas

    If you asked me thoughts on Bill Maher twenty years ago I'd have the same sentiments I have now. This is the guy who made the movie Religulous back in 2008. He's always been a pompous and pretentious...well the words I'd use would get filtered here. And has been generally disliked by both...
  11. ViaCrucis

    Conviction Ensures Trump Victory

    Aggressively accepting defeat. The way that Israel is aggressively seeking peace in Gaza. -CryptoLutheran
  12. ViaCrucis

    'Stop Attacking Israel': Bill Maher Draws Applause After Clash With 'View' Host Sunny Hostin on Hamas

    I mean I don't know if either of those adjectives are correct in application to Bill Maher. Bill Maher is "liberal" in the same way that whales are fish. And I guess he's technically a comedian. I'd describe Maher as a pretentious, pompous blow-hard who has appealed to wealthy upper-middle...
  13. ViaCrucis

    Trump Found Guilty

    I don't know about politically incorrect. But it's factually incorrect and morally incorrect. Trump isn't a political prisoner, he's a criminal. Supporting Trump is morally indefensible. -CryptoLUtheran
  14. ViaCrucis

    Trump Found Guilty

    "Qanon conspiracy theories are not allowed on CF." - Terms and rules -CryptoLutheran
  15. ViaCrucis

    Why Do Christians Lie About What God Said in Genesis 2:17?

    Agreed. But I would also add that death was now part of the equation of this world. Death was now the certainty of what would happen. "Yet death reigned from Adam to Moses..." (Romans 5:14). The tyranny of death began its awful and horrific dictatorship over all of creation, now subjugated to...
  16. ViaCrucis

    Why Do Christians Lie About What God Said in Genesis 2:17?

    No. It's something you made up. -CryptoLutheran
  17. ViaCrucis

    About "Heavens"

    Every prayer? I'd like to think our God is good, and that means He gives us what we need, not necessarily what we want. And He's also God, not our wish-fulfilling genie that we conjure from an oil lamp. Sometimes God's answer is definitely "No". And we may not understand why. And sometimes...
  18. ViaCrucis


    Formatting is your friend. -CryptoLutheran
  19. ViaCrucis

    Braided hair is not holiness.

    When we fail to consider context we end up creating a lot of silly moralistic rules. This is how we get some people thinking that women can't wear bifurcated garments on their legs, and it's why my grandmother wasn't allowed to drink root beer growing up. Nobody is more or less holy based on...
  20. ViaCrucis

    How To Understand : Acts 2:38

    I won't push or pressure you to involve yourself in a discussion you don't want to discuss. But I invite you, just for yourself, test what I've said against Scripture. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Let God be true and every man a liar. But I would also invite you to consider this: What is the view...