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Why I refused the Covid-19 ‘vaccine’


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Dec 9, 2021
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What country/state said this? I have never heard about such measures. There were, for a time, temporarily, obligatory testing requirements for people who were coming to an office job, for example, and who were not vaccinated. Or for travelling between countries.
Well my state of Victoria Australia was one of the worst , our Australian health ministers kept calling it the new world order and that we are never going back to the old ways so get used to it. Every one who had a job had to take the vax or loose their job.

We saw first hand their new world order tactics. Check this 15 sec vid , notice the woman walking calmly past because she knows they won't get her because she's waring her mask.

Police brutality, Melbourne, Australia, 2021
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Strong in Him

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Well there you go , you and me no vaccine and we are still here.
Kinda makes you wonder why people bothered taking it , oh thats right I almost forgot , the Gov put a gun to peoples heads and said you better take this boy or were gonna destroy your life ,
Not in my country they didn't.
No one was forced to have a vaccination.
And of course the sheeple did what they were told , not ever wondering how come the unvaxcinated like you and me are still walking around unaffected.
1. Lost for Words has an avatar of a dog and said the VET wouldn't give him/her the vaccine. I'm not aware that pets could get Covid nor pass it on to others.
2. Have you heard of herd immunity? If enough people around you had had the vaccine and/or had had Covid, you would have been protected from it, or from the worst effects of it. You may owe your good health to other people.

I promise you won't get covid.
You can't promise that you won't get Covid - nor that, if you do, you won't infect anyone else with it.
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Nov 18, 2018
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Well my state of Victoria Australia was one of the worst , our Australian health ministers kept calling it the new world order and that we are never going back to the old ways so get used to it. Every one who had a job had to take the vax or loose their job.
It seems to me that Australia was kind of alone in such radicalism. Most countries had rational measures.
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Aug 20, 2017
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Well my state of Victoria Australia was one of the worst , our Australian health ministers kept calling it the new world order and that we are never going back to the old ways so get used to it. Every one who had a job had to take the vax or loose their job.
And yet how many people who got these shots lost their jobs because the shots ruined their life ?

It is incredible, the unvaccinated were labelled with being as misinformed, but in the end, the unvaccinated were proven to be correct. With all consequences we now see as of a result of these "covid vaccines" never once have I heard it said "the unvaccinated were right".

I knew these shots were bad, and how I came to that conclusion is that what was being said did not add up. The threats of job loss and shaming for those who refuse to get these vaccines, that alone was enough to confirm for me these shots were bad.
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Dec 9, 2021
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And yet how many people who got these shots lost their jobs because the shots ruined their life ?
That was when we began to see job vacancies everywhere about a yr or so after the vaccine rollout.
Myself and a few friends would ask them why are you short of workers , and they all said the same thing , our workers are getting sick , but not with covid.
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Aug 20, 2017
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Come the next pandemic, the next time some group of "experts" promote the vaccines or other treatment options as safe and effective, just remember how safe and effective the covid vaccines were. But chances are there will be many that simply won't learn and just line up for future shots.

To be honest, I don't even know how people can still trust many of these so called "experts"?

Someone tried to convince me to get the vaccine, but that failed. When I stood my ground and made references to Thalidomide and Tuskegee Study, the "pro-vaxx" couldn't say anything.
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Nov 18, 2018
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Come the next pandemic, the next time some group of "experts" promote the vaccines or other treatment options as safe and effective, just remember how safe and effective the covid vaccines were. But chances are there will be many that simply won't learn and just line up for future shots.

To be honest, I don't even know how people can still trust many of these so called "experts"?

Someone tried to convince me to get the vaccine, but that failed. When I stood my ground and made references to Thalidomide and Tuskegee Study, the "pro-vaxx" couldn't say anything.
I know and heard of people who got long term complications from having covid. I do not know or heard of anybody having a long term complications from the covid vaccination.
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Mar 18, 2024
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I know and heard of people who got long term complications from having covid. I do not know or heard of anybody having a long term complications from the covid vaccination.
As the old adage says, "Ignorance is bliss." I almost wish I were in your shoes. Unfortunately, I know too much--and the bliss is forever gone.

One example, for me, was getting the desperate message from a young lady I knew very well, asking what I could do to help her boyfriend who had gone blind in his left eye five days after receiving the covid vaccination. He was twenty years old. The blood clotting caused by the vaccine had unfortunately hit him in a sensitive spot--shutting off the blood flow to his optic nerve. He went to a number of doctors, none of which dared to identify the cause, and none of which could cure his condition. Once the damage is done, how can it be undone? Can one ask the doctor to take the vaccine back out? They are now married, recently had a child, but he is still blind in one eye.

God will one day bring all those to account who have knowingly played a part in harming others. While God may wink at ignorance, He will hold us to account for any willful ignorance.
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Nov 18, 2018
Czech Republic
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As the old adage says, "Ignorance is bliss." I almost wish I were in your shoes. Unfortunately, I know too much--and the bliss is forever gone.

One example, for me, was getting the desperate message from a young lady I knew very well, asking what I could do to help her boyfriend who had gone blind in his left eye five days after receiving the covid vaccination. He was twenty years old. The blood clotting caused by the vaccine had unfortunately hit him in a sensitive spot--shutting off the blood flow to his optic nerve. He went to a number of doctors, none of which dared to identify the cause, and none of which could cure his condition. Once the damage is done, how can it be undone? Can one ask the doctor to take the vaccine back out? They are now married, recently had a child, but he is still blind in one eye.

God will one day bring all those to account who have knowingly played a part in harming others. While God may wink at ignorance, He will hold us to account for any willful ignorance.
No vaccination is 100% safe. People can have for example an allergic reaction to the safest and oldest ones.

But social media take those few cases and blow it up to absurd proportion, while ignoring millions saved. As the old adage says "ignorance is bliss". And some easily impressionable people, who are unable to see things in a broader context, fall for it.
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Mar 18, 2024
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No vaccination is 100% safe.
I heartily agree. In fact, some are dangerous. For example, estimates range from 600,000 to almost a million people who acquired polio from the Salk vaccine, and even the most conservative estimates, published by the NIH itself, put the figure at 40,000 who contracted the disease, at least 200 of whom developed paralysis, and ten of whom died. One may learn more about this by searching online for the "Cutter incident."

Sadly, there is still no vaccine for covid.
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Nov 18, 2018
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I heartily agree. In fact, some are dangerous. For example, estimates range from 600,000 to almost a million people who acquired polio from the Salk vaccine, and even the most conservative estimates, published by the NIH itself, put the figure at 40,000 who contracted the disease, at least 200 of whom developed paralysis, and ten of whom died. One may learn more about this by searching online for the "Cutter incident."

Sadly, there is still no vaccine for covid.
And it can be said about almost anything. People died even from going to dentist, from receiving blood transfusions, from a routine operation, from eating, drinking water, eating peanut or from a bee sting.

There are many vaccines against Covid, for example 82.5 % of the EU adult population is fully vaccinated, which is 1.5 billion doses.

You can read about the various types here: Safe COVID-19 vaccines for Europeans. Some are mRNA, some are protein-based, some have inactivated virus.
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Leading a blameless life
Jul 14, 2015
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The blood clotting caused by the vaccine had unfortunately hit him in a sensitive spot--shutting off the blood flow to his optic nerve. He went to a number of doctors, none of which dared to identify the cause, and none of which could cure his condition.
How did they know it was a blood clot when the doctors didn’t identify the cause?
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Leading a blameless life
Jul 14, 2015
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How can you say that ...you don't even know the guy.
Because they are not seeing it happen. Idiots on Facebook are making it up and the previous posters is taking those claims at face value.
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Strong in Him

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I heartily agree. In fact, some are dangerous.
So are some illnesses.
How many people died from smallpox, scarlet fever, TB, diphtheria because there were no vaccines available?
If these illnesses exist today, it is in very small numbers - thanks to a vaccination programme.
Sadly, there is still no vaccine for covid.
Of course there is - how do you think the OP was able to refuse it if it doesn't exist?
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Mar 18, 2024
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Check a dictionary for the definition of "vaccine." We still do not have anything which meets that definition for covid. This is simply a matter of fact statement.

My dictionary has this:
vaccine | vakˈsēn | noun
a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease: there is no vaccine against the virus.
Specifically, we do not have anything that is proven to provide immunity to covid.

Virtually all of my friends and family who received the experimental "vaccine" for covid later contracted the disease. It did not protect them, but it did, in most cases, reduce the symptoms. This is easily explainable, but involves an understanding of how the immune system works. For example, pregnant women often have reduced symptoms to any illness during their pregnancy. This is because the body's immune response is somewhat muted, to prevent a rejection of the foreign DNA developing within. Any reduction in immune response results in reduced symptoms, because the body simply is not putting up as much fight--the fight that would be manifest in those symptoms.

Take fever, as one example. The saying I learned as a child was "feed a fever, starve a cold." The body needs energy to increase its temperature so that the immune system is better capacitated for its fight. If one does not have sufficient caloric intake, the fever may well disappear. In modern times, most take a paracetamol (Tylenol) or an aspirin to reduce the fever, little realizing that the fever will accelerate the healing process. The fever is uncomfortable, so the drug option is preferred, despite the fact that it will prolong the healing process. The covid "vaccine," by reducing immune response, is successful in reducing the symptoms of the virus. But the one who is ill is no less contagious, and may have a much longer road to recovery.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2018
Czech Republic
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Check a dictionary for the definition of "vaccine." We still do not have anything which meets that definition for covid. This is simply a matter of fact statement.

My dictionary has this:

Specifically, we do not have anything that is proven to provide immunity to covid.

Virtually all of my friends and family who received the experimental "vaccine" for covid later contracted the disease. It did not protect them, but it did, in most cases, reduce the symptoms. This is easily explainable, but involves an understanding of how the immune system works. For example, pregnant women often have reduced symptoms to any illness during their pregnancy. This is because the body's immune response is somewhat muted, to prevent a rejection of the foreign DNA developing within. Any reduction in immune response results in reduced symptoms, because the body simply is not putting up as much fight--the fight that would be manifest in those symptoms.

Take fever, as one example. The saying I learned as a child was "feed a fever, starve a cold." The body needs energy to increase its temperature so that the immune system is better capacitated for its fight. If one does not have sufficient caloric intake, the fever may well disappear. In modern times, most take a paracetamol (Tylenol) or an aspirin to reduce the fever, little realizing that the fever will accelerate the healing process. The fever is uncomfortable, so the drug option is preferred, despite the fact that it will prolong the healing process. The covid "vaccine," by reducing immune response, is successful in reducing the symptoms of the virus. But the one who is ill is no less contagious, and may have a much longer road to recovery.
Covid-19 vaccines, like any other type of vaccine, teach your immune system how to protect itself from the virus you are vaccinating against.

Vaccines work by introducing a small, dead portion of the harmful virus so that our bodies can generate immunity to it, without causing an infection. This protects us from potential future infections of the actual virus.

The cells in our body read the genetic code - our DNA – and create temporary genetic instructions – in the form of RNA – which tell the body how to produce the proteins they need to grow and repair. Once the proteins are created, the RNA is degraded. The vaccines made by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna identified the specific protein (the spike protein) which allows the coronavirus to infect healthy cells in humans. Their vaccines give cells a modified RNA - mRNA - that instructs them to produce that spike protein, without the rest of the virus. Our bodies then have an immune response to the spike protein, which can take a long time when the body is first exposed to it. Through this process, our body learns how to identify that protein after vaccination and can recall and produce the antibodies it needs to eliminate it much faster in the future, the event of an actual infection.

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Strong in Him

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Mar 4, 2005
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Check a dictionary for the definition of "vaccine." We still do not have anything which meets that definition for covid. This is simply a matter of fact statement.

My dictionary has this:

Specifically, we do not have anything that is proven to provide immunity to covid.
Getting the vaccination does not guarantee that you will never get the illness. It is to reduce the symptoms making it less likely that a person will become seriously ill with Covid.
You said yourself that that's what happened with your friends - so it worked.

Virtually all of my friends and family who received the experimental "vaccine" for covid later contracted the disease. It did not protect them, but it did, in most cases, reduce the symptoms.
It did protect them - they did not get full blown Covid 19. That was what was meant to happen.
Some people are protected against Covid because they DID get it, thankfully recovered and their bodies now remember the virus and have the antibodies. Those of us who did not want to risk a spell in Intensive Care opted for the jab instead.
(And some of us have not had Covid at all.)
Take fever, as one example. The saying I learned as a child was "feed a fever, starve a cold."
We were taught, "feed a cold, starve a fever" - but it's false, anyway.
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Mar 18, 2024
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Covid-19 vaccines, like any other type of vaccine, teach your immune system how to protect itself from the virus you are vaccinating against.

Vaccines work by introducing a small, dead portion of the harmful virus so that our bodies can generate immunity to it, without causing an infection. This protects us from potential future infections of the actual virus.

The cells in our body read the genetic code - our DNA – and create temporary genetic instructions – in the form of RNA – which tell the body how to produce the proteins they need to grow and repair. Once the proteins are created, the RNA is degraded. The vaccines made by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna identified the specific protein (the spike protein) which allows the coronavirus to infect healthy cells in humans. Their vaccines give cells a modified RNA - mRNA - that instructs them to produce that spike protein, without the rest of the virus. Our bodies then have an immune response to the spike protein, which can take a long time when the body is first exposed to it. Through this process, our body learns how to identify that protein after vaccination and can recall and produce the antibodies it needs to eliminate it much faster in the future, the event of an actual infection.

Rest assured, my focus here is purely medical and scientific. I do not wish to address the politics of the covid vaccine. That said, one must be careful which source(s) of information one trusts. Do consider whether a conflict of interest may be involved.

Having a degree in biology, the news that a new type of vaccine based on messenger RNA (mRNA) that would be sent into the cell's cytoplasm and/or its nucleus in order to provide the cell the pattern for producing the spike proteins caught my attention. I quickly intuited the outcome. Our immune systems are complex, and have many ranks of "soldiers" by which to fight intruders. Among the more famous of these is the "white blood cells." These cells phagocytize (eat) the enemy in order to destroy it, and some are quite large to be able to do this.

And they learn. This has been the traditional goal of vaccines--that of teaching the immune system to respond promptly. Contemplating the mechanisms involved in this new "vaccine" strategy, I realized that the white blood cells would indeed learn to destroy the spike proteins produced from the mRNA pattern by the body's own cells. In this sense, the experimental vaccine was expected to succeed. However, two questions, which I would hope should be on every biologist's mind, came to me:

1) How long would those cells which had been successfully injected with the mRNA continue to produce the spike proteins?

2) How long would it take for the white blood cells (leukocytes: i.e. lymphocytes, granulocytes, monocytes, and macrophages) to recognize the source factories of these spike proteins and turn against them?

Auto-immunity, when one's immune system attacks oneself, is very difficult to cure, if not impossible.
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