We must make sure we truly are receiving Jesus


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Nov 14, 2004
The bible says salvation is not by works lest any boast but it does not mean works should not follow saving faith to prove it if one can but your hope should be in Christ not a previous work that all are saved now by blood of Jesus not one more because of one previous works to boast so those on the right said when did we see you hungry naked sick stranger and in prison for it was receiving Christ by ministering to them not just ministering and did for their hope was not in work they did before but if you don’t minister to people who are in need when you can you dont receive Christ but it is required only to repent to accept from heart even if you can’t but if you don’t you may not have opportunity to receive Christ to seek to repent to call to Him and it was receiving Christ that some after caring for the needy did know about Christ to receive Him from them.
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Nov 14, 2004
Jesus said he who wants to be My disciple must take up his cross that our kingdom is not of this world that we are called to accept to die to gain eternal life.For it is clear the world if it is evil can support evil that it is not guaranteed for good people to defend what is right as they are evil that is why Christ did not make it so.

Satan is mad because he hates when Christian’s are united witnessing against his kingdom that he wants to destroy them so others who work for him fight for him to try to stop Christian influence.

God still gave the land to Israel though they rejected Him He does good for them for the promise of the fathers as Paul said I don’t want you to be ignorant of this mystery that God had not rejected Israel in that He still defends their rights and their land but they still must repent.What we do not do to His brethren His people for sake of Christ that they be saved we do not do for Him as He wants them to be saved.

For all humans are considered His brethren in that He was human as them so one is to do good to them as though to Christ as He wants them to be saved that they could believe but especially the Christian’s are His brethren as they are already believers and many times applies to them most because they are in need because of discrimination that others do not help.

The situation is that Muslims want to take first stage to attack the bible for the bible is about Israel as focus for God work with Israel to take away their salvation but leaving a remnant for sake of His faithfulness to nation as He does not discriminate to seek to correct and bring it back through jealousy of salvation coming to other nations.

Psalm 83 shows how others seek to do violence against them to cut off their rights and how God will punish them.

The consequence of unrepentant sin is shown below which could be before or in last days which we are in but may not be now exactly for people now to be punished but in few years I expect or maybe later.

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Nov 14, 2004
I thought it important to make a message to warn spiritual leaders and others who seek to say things to make that person turns against others that they may not succeed in any way. For as Jesus said that servant who beats his fellow servants though Christ may be patient to grant person chance for repentance but if he continues unrepentant Christ will come at time he does not expect and he won’t be saved

and we all must not talk bad about Christian leaders in any way that such can harm their life or families.
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Nov 14, 2004
churches that follow church father tradition are in danger if every single one of them rejects someone from their own background who did not follow church judging their worthiness and also others who tried elsewhere and were not accepted that if the condition remains whoever is single and still refuses the whole of them will be judged if they die before seeking to repent of that for their church beliefs are completely unjust that it teaches all teenagers who were not baptised can not be saved if they didn’t choose orthodox or catholic church when they may have been persuaded by others it is wrong not to and even if Protestants are extreme it is because others are to be safe that it seems scriptural and it does not judge those not old enough.
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Nov 14, 2004
I thought it important to make a message to warn spiritual leaders and others who seek to say things to make that person turns against others that they may not succeed in any way. For as Jesus said that servant who beats his fellow servants though Christ may be patient to grant person chance for repentance but if he continues unrepentant Christ will come at time he does not expect and he won’t be saved

and we all must not talk bad about Christian leaders in any way that such can harm their life or families.

I really like Bishop Mar Mari Emanuel that he may mean well but he is still not right though I was going to let it slide but I decided not to to give example that this is happening to show clearly how what I say is in reality that church leaders are doing wrong to harm others. For all churches that teach this is wrong for though person must seek christ and ofcourse must love God regardless it is wrong to allow others to be neglected. It is good to seek partner in church though is ok to be with Christian outside church which I am doing now as I just happened to find but not sure if person will be serious that if does not work out it is church fault to prevent to recommend to support the wrong of others to allow others to prosper and cause one to fail to allow for others to favour one over the other so those who do right should prosper so no one may boast. Also was wrong to teach not to be vaccinated is wrong that should acknowledge one mistakes. Whoever covers his sins will not prosper. Many Christian’s some intentionally wanting to harm promote this and others following blindly but is good for those at risk not to be vaccinated and to also in the future thing could be harmful and good to resist if really there is no harm but if there is harm wrong to teach others to risk harm for themselves.

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Nov 14, 2004
We must make sure we are receiving the truth which you can find in the bible and abiding in the teachings also through understanding also and by power of Holy Spirit. The gospel is found there for Jesus said if you continue in My word you will be My disciples to know the truth so one may also obey.
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Nov 14, 2004
The way to life is narrow because you need to follow all the commandments of God you can do all the time because you may die when you were not seeking God and to ensure one does not to have enough wisdom to make repentance you must turn to God wholly while it is called today. For God wisdom is given when you obey.By obeying Christ fully now you get the wisdom to fully abide in Him now. For without faith it is impossible to please Christ and if Christ says if your hand causes you to sin cut it off which ofcourse He does not mean literal we must believe there is real harm that if one does not cut it off he may die at any time while sinning or when he plans to choose to sin and one must cut it off to now live in Him to have the grace of the Holy Spirit teaching one always to live in Him.The bible says the way of life winds upward for the wise that he may turn away from hell below and the bible says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
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Nov 14, 2004
The below was posted on facebook and I replied

No it is not very difficult it is very difficult for those who wont come to christ because they love their life that they refuse to give up their old life but for those who want to and find the way it becomes very doable for with God nothing is too hard.We keep His commands and they are not burdensome. My yoke is easy and my burden is light. God sent not His Son to condemn the world but that they may be saved. Jesus will condemn many christians for making it seem harder to go to heaven if they dont repent while they can to have a change of mind that should preach different incase one dies before being able to ask for forgiveness as He said they neither enter nor allow those who are entering to go in.

God does not require one many works though one should seek to to preach to people and one must do often but not all the time to ensure to be ready incase one dies at a time when one is not ready not having done works for also required to seek to do good works that you are able the works in matthew 25 which all can seek to do all of them one at a time when you see there is need to do first that which especially requires your help but if one dies before doing all can be saved for only required to do what is possible incase not to have opportunity to repent to seek to do a work for as one is saved by grace only that salvation is a gift of God focus on living right for himself according to His teaching for himself. For the law came through Moses but grace and truth through jesus christ and of its fullness we have all received. Many will seek to enter and not be able because they delay while they can that they seek while it is too late the time of their death.

The person said

According to Jesus Christ Most of Humanity Including Christians WILL End Up in Eternal Hellfire, & that it is Very Difficult to Obtain Eternal Life & that We Must STRIVE to Enter through Him the Gate with Repentance & Godly Sorrow...

Jesus 60+ years after his Death & Resurrection in the Final Book of Revelation told 5 of the 7 Churches to Repent of their Lying, Fornication, Idolatry & Lukewarm Christianity or else he would BLOT OUT their name in the Book of Life & VOMIT them from his Mouth ✝️ Once Saved Always Saved is a Lie from the Pits of Hell. As well as Easy Believism. It's an Obedience Gospel!!

Luke 6:46
46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?

Hebrews 5:9
9 And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that OBEY him;

Acts 5:32
32 And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that OBEY him.

1 Corinthians 9:27

(Paul here Feared Being a Castaway Himself)

27 But I KEEP under my body, and bring it into SUBJECTION: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a Castaway.

Luke 13:23-27

23 Then said one unto him, Lord, are there FEW that be saved? And he said unto them,
24 STRIVE to enter in at the strait gate: for MANY, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall NOT be able.
25 When once the master of the house is risen up, and hath shut to the door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open unto us; and he shall answer and say unto you, I know you not whence ye are:
26 Then shall ye begin to say, We have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streets.
27 But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; DEPART FROM ME, ALL YE WORKERS OF INIQUITY / SIN.
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Nov 14, 2004
Christians ought not to be too dogmatic to preach as though they know something is true when they dont but are commanded to evangelise that they cant use the excuse a priest told them not to or they are not respected. It is a form of denial of christ. Christ said to evangelise. They should not be too dogmatic because others may not want to be converted to church believing it may not be true saying we do not know but that they follow church and invite them to it. But even if they are dogmatic they have to evangelise it seems some thought that to add in the mass we preach Christ death until He comes maybe most priests agree should evangelise but after having preached to preach by actions.

One person on facebook made the point that going to heaven is very difficult which I replied to but one point he made that they are lukewarm i think because they dont evangelise.

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Nov 14, 2004
I saw this post and responded


Actually the ones in danger are they who use their doctrine as an excuse to speak bad about others and teach others not to do good to them as is one choice. And you can go to church and still preach which is the only requirement to be christ follower.
Also those who try to make salvation seem very hard to do which I am not sure you are one of them but to learn not to to do focus on bashing other christians are as the servant who beats his servants and when christ comes He will punish if they dont repent

For instead of accepting others to show there is hope for all they turn others away that God wants us all at peace with one another even if others dont accept others beliefs yet they dont make it their aim to be enemies as paul said judge nothing before the time.
For when jesus said difficult is the way that leads to life that is not because it is very hard to endure with God but without God it is and it is just more difficult than what would do if he follows the flesh natural desires

Titus 3:2
to speak evil of no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing all humility to all men.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe we are not saved by doing works to need to always do but you are saved when you accept christ that your name is in the book of life for saved people the bible says will not enter condemation but has passed from death into life .The judgement is to show the evidence of salvation if you were truly saved you would do to the needy if they asked but do not have to if can not if you dont have chance to but you dont need to seek to do many works to be accepted because God declares you saved now but if there is opportunity where it is clear your help in particular would be needed you have to seek to do and at times if you were seeking it would be done as God wont let you die at time when you were seeking that it is not done but if you were not doing then when could be done you may die then as one not seeking as it would be done in that case to not have opportunity to seek to do. We are just His workmanship that we should always do good deeds.
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Was mistake to think do not need to do works when can but only need to repent to seek to do if possible or call to christ in repentance but can die while not seeking and before having opportinity to call to christ. For is important to help all that may specially need one help as I said before according to what can do.

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Nov 14, 2004
The command not to lay up treasure is not literal that if you happen to have treasure and can not get rid of it in time you can not be saved and does not mean you cant have some to have break but must not be what you treasure most important to give too much of your time to. And also the danger like a treasure is social media if you use too much without giving much time to christ.

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Nov 14, 2004
We must not let this apply to us. But not all words come from the Lord. May the Lord help us discern what word comes from Him and do it. I dont think we have reason to be condemned if we could not do a work or if we dont know or cant know for sure what He requires but we must seek to always do the works God wants from us we must find out in the word that we can assume we must help all who are truly in need according to our ability at all times from our own work not others work so their money.

The bible does say He will put every work into judgement explained by the seat that paul said we will all stand even believers that is required for sake of entering kingdom on death and rewards otherwise to be saved by fire if you just call on the Lord if that is all you can do otherwise to seek to do for does not mean even you must do a work if cant but if you can only seek to do work but one should always seek to do work as dont know if have opportunity to repent later and works would be done if you were seeking if you dont die.

And grace is not a new concept that those who follow religion seeking old testament as guide to invent works must be necessary dont know God for bible says look to Me and be saved all you ends of the earth and that certainly includes the people of Israel who live in any location and those who live in other nations that know His law and that it is always the case it is said His mercy endures forever.

Ezekiel 33:30-33
30 “As for you, son of man, the children of your people are talking about you beside the walls and in the doors of the houses; and they speak to one another, everyone saying to his brother, ‘Please come and hear what the word is that comes from the LORD.’ 31 So they come to you as people do, they sit before you as My people, and they hear your words, but they do not do them; for with their mouth they show much love, but
their hearts pursue their own gain. 32 Indeed you are to them as a very lovely song of one who has a pleasant voice and can play well on an instrument; for they hear your words, but they do not do them. 33 And when this comes to pass—surely it will come—then they will know that a prophet has been among them.”
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe it is most important to trust in God for one soul that the fear of man brings a snare. For what shall it profit the man if he gains the world and loses his soul. That instead of seeking to gain your life to put spreading gospel first and pursue otherwise if not killed or injured so that if I die for spreading gospel I am saved or if I lose an eye or foot or hand I will not care I will just spread gospel more and I will be more commited to preaching gospel.
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