CF's Rules in Regards to the LDS Church

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Following my Shepherd
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Jan 27, 2004
United States
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While the LDS church labels itself as a Christian religion, and many Mormons call themselves Christians, CF has taken the position that Mormons are not considered Christians on our forum because they don't believe in the eternal deity of Jesus Christ (please read "What LDS Believe about Jesus Christ"). Mormons also do not believe in the triune nature of God (please read "Do Mormons believe in the Trinity"). To be considered a Christian faith group at CF that faith group must accept the Nicene Creed as defined in our Statement of Faith.

From the CF Statement of Faith:

Faith groups and individuals that deny the full, eternal deity of Jesus Christ or His incarnation whereby He, as God, took on human flesh (becoming fully God and fully man in one person), are considered non-Christians at CF. Posts that deny the full, eternal deity of Jesus Christ or His incarnation are considered non-Christian theology and are not allowed in "Christians Only" forums. Discussions in all "Christians Only" forums must be in alignment with Trinitarian beliefs.​

Any member that states or argues that Mormons are Christians, or Mormon members that claim to be Christians, may have their post(s) removed and may be subject to a staff action. If you would like to discuss this with the CF Admins or Advisors, please open a support ticket.
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