“The issue isn’t how the child died, when the child died — it’s the fact that the baby was put into a toilet, large enough to clog up a toilet, left in that toilet and she went on [with] her day,” said Warren assistance prosecutor Lewis Guarnieri.
Thanks for this article.
People commit crimes every day, so long as they can get away with it.
Christians do not support criminal acts, simply because they have an opinion against the law.
For example, some people try to get around paying taxes, which the government may heavily impose on its citizens. However, Christians pay their taxes even if they know that government officials are greedy and corrupt.
I was doing some research on disposal of human corpse, and came across this.
Furthermore, in many places, failure to properly dispose of a body is a crime. In some places, it is also a crime to fail to report a death, and to fail to report the disposal of the body
State legislatures have adopted many statutes that regulate the disposal of dead bodies. Although the right to a decent burial has long been recognized at common law, no universal rule exists as to whom the right of burial is granted.
It really highlights the importance of knowing the law of the land, and then abiding by that law.
This 33 year old woman may not have known that what she did was serious, but what should the law do... ignore their law, in this case?
Surely, that woul give everyone a license, not only to break the laws, but we can be sure the sewage would soon be the cause of an environmental problem.
Nations have laws for reasons.
There also appears to be a growing concern among people about how the loss of tiny voiceless human lives are viewed by young women today.
Burying the Unborn: Baby Burials Show Dignity of Tiny Lives
‘We must mourn the deaths of miscarried babies, as well as those lost through abortion.’
In late June, Baby Monica was laid to rest after a funeral Mass at the Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Brooklyn, New York. She had been found, dead and discarded, in a bag surrounded by bloody clothing under a tree near a Brooklyn school.
The Life Center of New York worked with the Diocese of Brooklyn, the New York Police Department, a local funeral home and a Staten Island cemetery to arrange for the funeral.
“Baby Monica, like all of us, deserves dignity and respect in living and dying,” Life Center founder Fred Trabulsi was quoted in the New York Daily News as saying.
At 20 weeks, an ultrasound would have shown Monica’s heart, kidneys and brain hemispheres. She would have had working taste buds. She would not have been viable outside the womb, but she was a human being, and her remains were worthy of respect.
I think the way women dispose of their dead baby, is a reflection of how they feel about the life they were carrying, but that is just my opinion.
Sometimes grief can cause us to do foolish things, so, I am not in a position to know the mind of persons.
Only God knows, and the person themselves.