Since spending a few years in researching the origins of the bible and trying to make sense of the intent of the writers of the bible I have discovered to much evidence that the bible is far from perfect. Why do people believe it is perfect?
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Since spending a few years in researching the origins of the bible and trying to make sense of the intent of the writers of the bible I have discovered to much evidence that the bible is far from perfect. Why do people believe it is perfect?
Good point about needing a standard. In the Catholic Church that need is filled by priests, bishops and popes and the doctrines of the church developed from the Bible and tradition. Protestant denominations depend primarily and often exclusively on the authority of scripture. Just like the Catholic Church fights anything that might reveal cracks in their claim to be the one true church instituted by Christ, so sola scriptura Protestants are adverse to anything that appears to threaten the idea of the Bible as the inerrant and infallible word of God, right down to scientific and historical minutiae.Another factor is the need for a standard of orthodoxy. Hierarchical denominations like Catholicism can look to the Vatican to judge orthodoxy. The Bible has replaced the Vatican in many Protestant denominations. Just as the Catholics must accept Papal infallibility, the Protestants must accept Biblical infallibility. As soon as people begin to question portions of the Bible like Noah's flood, then it creates an avalanche. Soon people question things in the New Testament. Eventually nobody shows up to church, because they are all dancing barefoot in the forest with the pagans.![]()
Agree 100%Some Christians base their faith on the Bible being the inerrant word of God. If something in the Bible would be found to be in error, the foundation of their belief system would collapse. Furthermore, these Christians hold that if one word or verse in the Bible cannot be accepted as true, than nothing in it can be depended on to be true, and that Christianity then becomes a total lie. They paint themselves into a theological corner of their own making.
The Bible, in its stories and teachings, is filled with truths that are essential for Christians to embrace. But that is not the same as accuracy in describing historical or scientific facts, which scripture never was intended to teach. But unfortunately, some people are unable to accept the Bible as being part of the revelation of God without the requirement of factual inerrancy.
Do catholic believe that the pope cannot make a mistake?Another factor is the need for a standard of orthodoxy. Hierarchical denominations like Catholicism can look to the Vatican to judge orthodoxy. The Bible has replaced the Vatican in many Protestant denominations. Just as the Catholics must accept Papal infallibility, the Protestants must accept Biblical infallibility. As soon as people begin to question portions of the Bible like Noah's flood, then it creates an avalanche. Soon people question things in the New Testament. Eventually nobody shows up to church, because they are all dancing barefoot in the forest with the pagans.![]()
Okay. So what others here have said about the reason for believing the bible has no mistakes is not correct?The Christian doctrine of Biblical inerrantcy is a bit to complicated too deal with in a forum such as this, however, if you're truly interested, I would recommend these books:
"Scripture Alone: The Evangelical Doctrine" by R.C. Sproul
"From God To Us" by Norman Geisler
"Making Sense of Bible Difficulties" by Norman Geisler
Do catholic believe that the pope cannot make a mistake?
No, the pope is infallible only when he "proclaims by a definitive fact a doctrine pertaining to faith or morals." That is a rarity, there being olnly infallible doctrine defined since the start of the 20th century. In his teaching office, the Pope can say that a certain teaching must be adhered to by the faithful, but those are not infallible per se. Those are more common, but still not frequent. Yes, Popes in the past have made mistakes, but would not admit to it. It often takes centuries for the correction to be announced.Do catholic believe that the pope cannot make a mistake?
Please let us know which version, with which verses, with which words, is perfect. I am not sure how one can find perfection amongst hundreds of manuscripts (none of which are close to being originals) and with thousands of variations between them. Which combination is perfect? I am eager to learn.Since God is perfect, His written Word is perfect. It is also sufficient for every spiritual need (2 Tim 2:16,17).
That would require its own thread. There are some in existence and you can do a search.Please let us know which version, with which verses, with which words, is perfect.
For the purposes of this discussion, Scripture is GOD-BREATHED (Gk theopneustos) (2 Tim 3:16). In practical terms it means that every word in the 66 canonical books of the Bible's original manuscripts (Hebrew and Greek) is a word of God, and a word from God. That ensures perfection. God not only inspired His Word, but He also preserved it in the multitude (and majority) of manuscripts. The thousands of variations come from a handful of corrupted manuscripts.I am not sure how one can find perfection amongst hundreds of manuscripts (none of which are close to being originals) and with thousands of variations between them. Which combination is perfect? I am eager to learn.
Not by Muslims, as compared to attacks on the Bible by "Christians". And why would Satan attack his own invention, which promotes hatred against Christians and Jews?The Koran is never attacked? That's a new one.
Not by Muslims, as compared to attacks on the Bible by "Christians".