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What Happened to Us When We Were Baptized?


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What Happened to Us When We Were Baptized?​

Although baptized, we still fall ill. Although baptized, we feel the relentless attacks of concupiscence. Although baptized, we suffer the vicissitudes of a life subjected to sin. And, most importantly, although baptized, we are subject to death. If Adam and Eve, before the fall, were not touched by any of the evils of this life, how can we say that, through the Holy Sacrament of Baptism, “We are somewhat already in Paradise”? It is time to answer, as much as possible, this challenging question.

In order to do this, we need to reflect, using as vivid and expressive imagery as possible, on the human condition before the fall, so that we can contemplate our situation after the fall. Only when these aspects are clarified , can we revisit the topic of Holy Baptism and discuss the effects it has on those saved “by the laver of regeneration” (Titus3:5).

Luminous Bodies, “Transparent” Bodies. Before and After the Fall

Continued below.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2024
United States
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What Happened to Us When We Were Baptized?​

Although baptized, we still fall ill. Although baptized, we feel the relentless attacks of concupiscence. Although baptized, we suffer the vicissitudes of a life subjected to sin. And, most importantly, although baptized, we are subject to death. If Adam and Eve, before the fall, were not touched by any of the evils of this life, how can we say that, through the Holy Sacrament of Baptism, “We are somewhat already in Paradise”? It is time to answer, as much as possible, this challenging question.

In order to do this, we need to reflect, using as vivid and expressive imagery as possible, on the human condition before the fall, so that we can contemplate our situation after the fall. Only when these aspects are clarified , can we revisit the topic of Holy Baptism and discuss the effects it has on those saved “by the laver of regeneration” (Titus3:5).
As well as the remission of past sins, water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38), also provides the way for us to be "immersed" into Jesus, His death, His burial, and His resurrection. (Rom 6:3-6)
Romans 6 describes it perfectly.
With the destruction of our old man, (Rom 6:6), we can be resurrected with Christ to walk in newness of life (Rom 6:4)...reborn, as it were.
We are enabled to walk in and after the Spirit instead of in and after the flesh...by baptism.
Baptism also fulfills the OT's presage of circumcision.
Col 2:11 puts that together.
None of that will occur without a real, true, repentance from sin first.
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