what does it mean to suffer biblically?

Pal Handy

Irregular Member
Jun 15, 2011
Southeast Michigan
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I've been reading about how we share in God's blessings but we also share in His sufferings too. What does it mean to you to suffer biblically?
To me it means staying put being a Christian no matter what relatives think about it.
Of course that is part of it, not denying Christ in the face of opposition.

We suffer rejection and ridicule for the Christ's sake because
we believe in someone that they cannot see, touch or prove
through physical proofs and yet we have faith and to them that is foolishness.

Those that do not believe do believe in something even if that something
is that what we believe is foolishness.

We all believe in something but when Christians believe in all that has been
revealed in Christ as God's own truth, it puts them at odds with all others
because that belief challenges the beliefs of others.

As long as your beliefs are not in conflict with others and you show compromise
in those belief, you will be received and embraced by the world.

As long as Jesus healed the sick and fed the poor He was loved and followed
but when He told the people that unless you eat of His flesh and partake of
His blood you will have no part in Him.

By the way Jesus was not speaking literally of cannibalism, He was talking
about receiving Him as the passover lamb of God sent to take away the sins
of all who would partake of Him receive Him believe in His sacrifice as
the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of all who trust in Him.

So we suffer at the hands of those who reject us, despise us, abuse us
and in some nations, We as Christians are put to death for the gospel and the truth
we hold on to as our unshakable and undeniable truth from God our Father.

We suffer as Christ suffered the humiliation and rejection as people lie against us and
denounce us and exclude us and as I said before in some nations we are imprisoned,
tortured and put to death.

God loves us and He has stored up blessings for those who will hold
on to Christ till this life is over.

Those that suffer greatly in this world for Christ's sake will be rewarded
greatly in the kingdom to come.

Thank God that your suffering is light and easy to bear.

Thank God that you are not dragged out in the middle of the night
and imprisoned, tortured and executed for your faith in Christ.

Your sufferings are easy compared to those who suffer physically as Christ suffered.

So use your time wisely and ask God to make you bold and to fill you with His
Holy Spirit and give you souls to win through your testimony and your sharing of the gospel
so that you will be useful to to God in promoting His kingdom to the lost.

Pray for those who persecute you and who denounce you and
call your faith in Christ foolishness and thank God for the opportunity
to witness to others without fear of being dragged off to prison and
pray for those around the world who suffer far worse than we do in this
land of religious freedom.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2011
Fort Bragg, NC
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I've been reading about how we share in God's blessings but we also share in His sufferings too. What does it mean to you to suffer biblically?
To me it means staying put being a Christian no matter what relatives think about it.

I think that is a wonderful example :) one of a million different ones.
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King of Stoic Cynicism
Feb 20, 2011
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life sucks, as a Christian it'll suck even harder. Best thing to do is just deal with it, because you have a treasure in Heaven waiting for you if you're a believer. Otherwise things'll just keep swirling the drain without ever actually going down. Makes everything all the worse meanwhile. . .
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Restless mind, peaceful soul.
Feb 28, 2010
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Suffering is one of the few things that nobody needs to seek out. Although it seems to find some more than others, it affects everyone. Biblical suffering doesn't mean that we shouldn't feel sad or frustrated. Rather, it says that we should hold on tight to our faith and trust in God. When the suffering is due to our own behaviors, we should look to change them. When the suffering is outside of our control, we endure.
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Of course that is part of it, not denying Christ in the face of opposition.

We suffer rejection and ridicule for the Christ's sake because
we believe in someone that they cannot see, touch or prove
through physical proofs and yet we have faith and to them that is foolishness.

Those that do not believe do believe in something even if that something
is that what we believe is foolishness.

We all believe in something but when Christians believe in all that has been
revealed in Christ as God's own truth, it puts them at odds with all others
because that belief challenges the beliefs of others.

As long as your beliefs are not in conflict with others and you show compromise
in those belief, you will be received and embraced by the world.

Those that suffer greatly in this world for Christ's sake will be rewarded
greatly in the kingdom to come.

Yes my sisters are like that, don't want to challenge anybody or talk about their faith, don't want to be in conflict with others. Oh yeah and people do get embraced by the world.
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Pal Handy

Irregular Member
Jun 15, 2011
Southeast Michigan
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Of course that is part of it, not denying Christ in the face of opposition.

We suffer rejection and ridicule for the Christ's sake because
we believe in someone that they cannot see, touch or prove
through physical proofs and yet we have faith and to them that is foolishness.

Those that do not believe do believe in something even if that something
is that what we believe is foolishness.

We all believe in something but when Christians believe in all that has been
revealed in Christ as God's own truth, it puts them at odds with all others
because that belief challenges the beliefs of others.

As long as your beliefs are not in conflict with others and you show compromise
in those belief, you will be received and embraced by the world.

Those that suffer greatly in this world for Christ's sake will be rewarded
greatly in the kingdom to come.

Yes my sisters are like that, don't want to challenge anybody or talk about their faith, don't want to be in conflict with others. Oh yeah and people do get embraced by the world.
Take up this cross of rejection and follow Christ and when you stand
before Him and see the joy on His face and in that moment you know
that every time you defended Christ and told others about His amazing grace,
you were simply sharing your your best friend, brother lover of your soul,
God and Father with others in the hopes that they will find what you have found,
the truth of God's absolute and everlasting love.

Matthew 5
11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds
of evil against you because of me.
12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven,
for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

Salt and Light

13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness,
how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything,
except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.
14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.
15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl.
Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.
16 In the same way, let your light shine before others,
that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Matthew 10:24
“A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master.
25 It is enough for a disciple that he be like his teacher, and a servant like his master.
If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub,
how much more will they call those of his household!
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life sucks, as a Christian it'll suck even harder. Best thing to do is just deal with it, because you have a treasure in Heaven waiting for you if you're a believer. Otherwise things'll just keep swirling the drain without ever actually going down. Makes everything all the worse meanwhile. . .
Sad, MM. To have such a great salvation and yet have no sense of satisfaction and joy in having found a spring of living water. How do you pull it off?
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King of Stoic Cynicism
Feb 20, 2011
Somewhere away from people
Christian Seeker
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Sad, MM. To have such a great salvation and yet have no sense of satisfaction and joy in having found a spring of living water. How do you pull it off?

how can you have joy when fast food such as Burger King exists!?!?!?
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