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What do you think about the Alpha Course?


May 5, 2012
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My church ran a session of the Alpha course a few years ago, just before COVID.

Positives: The small group discussions were wonderful. I got to know some people in my church whom I'd only known superficially before. And we got to spend an evening once a week discussing our beliefs and faith practices for an hour or two, which is something I long for in church, but which I have almost never found in church. Additionally, my congregation is a bit weak on the theological basics and Christian education, so Alpha helped to fill in some of those gaps.

Negatives: Some of the assertions in Nicky Gumbel's videos differed from our church's practice of Christianity, so we had to make some adjustments. We omitted some videos; for a couple of other videos, our priest made a supplementary statement after we watched the video and before we broke into our small groups.

Overall: I really like the idea of Alpha, even though I was uncomfortable with some of the details. I'd be interested to hear from other people who either a) used the Alpha framework, but with different videos and/or different workbooks; or b) have used Alpha-like programs from different sources.
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I really like the Alpha Course. It is non threatening. People are free to state their own views and they are taught about the Lord and Christianity. I see it mainly as outreach but each small group has a couple of Christians in it.

Added advantages are that people get to meet some others so when they come to a Church service they will already have a network of friends.

Brilliant idea to have a meal first to save people rushing home from work and back out again.

Several people got saved through doing it in my previous Church. There was an Alpha plus initiative as well, but I don't know what that involved.
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David Lamb

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If you are not a fan, are there other introductory courses for enquires you would recommend?

And what about follow-up courses?
I'm not a fan, because Alpha tends to be light on sin and on God's holiness. Pastor Chris Hand (Crich Baptist Church, UK) wrote: "Alpha simply has no grasp of the holiness of God and of his wrath against sin. It has no concept of man having offended God. This explains why Alpha curiously answers the question ‘why worry about sin?’ by listing four consequences of sin. The consequences are true enough. But is all man-centred. They are the consequences for us. Surely the fact that we have offended against God is sufficient reason in itself to worry about sin… Alpha’s analysis simply does not go anything like far enough." I have heard far better reports of the "Christianity Explored Course". Christianity Explored Ministries The original course is based on Mark's gospel.
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Feb 26, 2013
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In all honesty I am not impressed with it all that much and I don't see what the need for it was? It is almost like saying to churches, look you're doing it wrong, buy this course and we'll show you how to do it. Well the church I went to a good few years ago, the Pastor (as I explained in another thread) had put together his own Christianity Explained course and printed off some handouts. I have attended an Alpha Course since, cause someone seemed to think I still needed to. But honestly the handouts the Pastor of that small church prepared were superior in teaching.

Although its implemented in different way in different churches, I don't find it helpful when a group reads a chapter of scripture a few verses at a time. This happend during one course I was at, and it didn't enable the import of the scripture passage to come home. The following discussion of it felt awkward to me for that reason. I'd rather listen to a Pastor read the entire passage bringing out its meaning than go round in a circle reading a couple of verses each.

Another point - why should a church use its funds on video and printed material etc. that in the end it partly disagrees with, presented by someone the people there have never met, and probably will never meet (so much for the supposed relational element), or what sort of life he leads, when they have their Pastor / Minister / Elders who they know, and who knows them to teach them?

What was wrong with the pre-Alpha approach whereby enquirers / or seekers attended the church services, heard the Word preached, and got to trust members of the fellowship, and pose their questions, talk about any difficulties, some of which they might not want to open up about and might not be possible to address in Alpha groups, and thus by God's Grace gradually or suddenly become a christian. Was there something wrong with that approach?
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Accidental Maverick
Jul 11, 2008
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As far as alternatives are concerned. While its not a course as such, John MacArthur's book The Gospel According to Jesus IMO is well worth a look.
Ah, I remember that book, I read it years ago and liked it.
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Just me
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If you are not a fan, are there other introductory courses for enquires you would recommend?
I really like the Alpha Course, the videos are great. It has been a while since I have looked at it, so I can't remember every theological detail. But for people exploring faith for the first time, it comes highly recommended.
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Just me
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As far as alternatives are concerned. While its not a course as such, John MacArthur's book The Gospel According to Jesus IMO is well worth a look.
John McArthers doctrine (Calvanism) is repulsive.
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A follow-up question, what would you include in a 'Beta' Course?

Again I don't know about a course, but people may benefit from some sort of guide to Kingdom living. Renovation of the Heart in Daily Practice I am looking into at the moment, its by Dallas Willard and Jan Johnson. It's a bit easier to follow than some of Willard's other books. It has short chapters of two or three pages with an "experiment" at the end aimed at getting the teaching from head to heart.
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Accidental Maverick
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John McArthers doctrine (Calvanism) is repulsive.
I don't remember that book being Calvinistic, but it was a very long time ago that I read it, and my perspective is quite different now.
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Jan 16, 2019
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I was a group leader for the alpha course several years ago and shared our results in the past. All of the men in our group came to faith and we had other occurrences too. One was delivered from a gambling and alcohol addiction. Another was healed and reconciled with his family. One found a job and moved to another state. Many were homeless and that's no longer the case.

I held a prayer session after each meeting with my co-leader and another and went through their requests and lifted up the group. I was also a den mother of sorts and brought desserts or other treats to the sessions. The personal touch coupled with a non intrusive approached was the difference. I treated them the way I was received at the synagogue.

While we discussed the questions the way it unfolded differed. The church provided a catered meal for the duration and we ate together. The consistency of care and bonding made them feel welcome. I spent more time demonstrating Christ and allowing the Holy Spirit to move their hearts. We were conduits for His will.

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Thanks for your comments. It does seem to differ from church to church. In a sense any framework including Preaching that allows the Gospel to be presented would when there is Prayer and where the Holy Spirit is at work result in people being drawn to Jesus Christ.
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Clara bonam audax
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As others have said, and as I've said elsewhere, Alpha has benefits and drawbacks; for myself, after running it several times, I now feel the drawbacks outweight the benefits, and I wouldn't willingly use it again.

In terms of alternative options, there are several. I had a really good experience with Animate: Faith a few years back (that particularly suited the group I was working with at the time). I've also heard really good things about the Pilgrim Course from England but haven't used it myself.
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It was imperative they learned how to hear from the Holy Spirit. That's difficult when others are filling in the blanks and telling you what to think or feel. They needed to be comfortable with questions, uncertainty and not knowing. It's part of the process. Recognizing the Lord's hand and influence is another as is learning how to pray intentionally. Equipping was an undercurrent throughout. We wanted to leave them bettered no matter the decision and trusted the process.

We didn't need a slam dunk because God knows how to get His man. We were conduits for the process but the end results were certain and we rested in that. By the time I led the group I'd completed missionary prep and had a lot of experience in different facets of leadership and service. And I was functioning in my calling.

The group they assigned to me was the same demographic I was ministering to already. But they couldn't know it because I was new and hadn't shared it. But the Lord knew and the revelation was a source of encouragement for the team.

Before I joined the church I knew I was meant to teach and the lost were my focus. Alpha was a mechanism for Him to work through His servants and I was meant to be in that role. In many respects it was bigger than Alpha if you grasp my meaning. I was put in that position to change lives and wasn't hindered by the constraints because I knew the Lord was in it all along.

I hope that helps.

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