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What’s going on with Trump?

Tom 1

Optimistic sceptic
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Nov 13, 2017
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Trump is set to change how the world will look in 5, 10, 15 years from now. This is why so many non US citizens, like me, are following US politics more closely. Trump’s plan appears to be something like ripping up every deal, and replacing them with deals that are more favourable to the US. This sounds good - I mean it sounds like something that would benefit the current situation of power balance in the world, but, in reality, it’s hard to see any evidence that Trump actually knows how to put things together, once they have been pulled apart. Short term measures lead to short term gains - but in the long term the picture gets a bit murky. Of course Trump will blame any future problems on whoever is in charge at the time, but that hardly solves anything - yet this seems to be all that matters to the current administration- scoring points over the opposition, and looking the part.
US influence in Asia as in Europe really matters, if the US is to continue to have some part in everything that is entailed in being a world leader, and yet Trump can’t seem to be bothered about getting involved, and when he does, he can’t seem to manage himself or be taken seriously. What is going on with Trump? Are the easy short term wins really worth the long-term fallout?


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2018
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Trump is set to change how the world will look in 5, 10, 15 years from now. This is why so many non US citizens, like me, are following US politics more closely. Trump’s plan appears to be something like ripping up every deal, and replacing them with deals that are more favourable to the US. This sounds good - I mean it sounds like something that would benefit the current situation of power balance in the world, but, in reality, it’s hard to see any evidence that Trump actually knows how to put things together, once they have been pulled apart. Short term measures lead to short term gains - but in the long term the picture gets a bit murky. Of course Trump will blame any future problems on whoever is in charge at the time, but that hardly solves anything - yet this seems to be all that matters to the current administration- scoring points over the opposition, and looking the part.
US influence in Asia as in Europe really matters, if the US is to continue to have some part in everything that is entailed in being a world leader, and yet Trump can’t seem to be bothered about getting involved, and when he does, he can’t seem to manage himself or be taken seriously. What is going on with Trump? Are the easy short term wins really worth the long-term fallout?

in reality, it’s hard to see any evidence that Trump actually knows how to put things together, once they have been pulled apart.

Canada, Mexico, Europe. North Korea is a work in progress but at least progress is being made. They all got put back together fine, and were more favorable to the US. I don't see what the concern is.
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mark kennedy

Natura non facit saltum
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Mar 16, 2004
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Trump is about to find out the tariff wars without trade negotiations don't work. Executive decisions without Congressional action is going to be unfunded. Taking credit for economic success gives way to taking responsibility for down turns. Here in a couple of months he is going to find out what it means for the political pendulum to swing when he faces a Democrat controlled House, just like his predecessors did the hard way. I don't know the outcome but looking forward to the reality check and let's not count him out, let's see how he us at making deals when his party loses significant control.

It's his time to shine or fall. I'll make the popcorn.
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Tom 1

Optimistic sceptic
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Nov 13, 2017
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Canada, Mexico, Europe. North Korea is a work in progress but at least progress is being made. They all got put back together fine, and were more favorable to the US. I don't see what the concern is.

What progress has been made? Do you have an analysis piece that lays out what the gains are?
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Tom 1

Optimistic sceptic
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Nov 13, 2017
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Canada, Mexico, Europe. North Korea is a work in progress but at least progress is being made. They all got put back together fine, and were more favorable to the US. I don't see what the concern is.

I think you can add all of Asia to that list of ‘works in progress’, and Trump isn’t giving any signs of being all that interested. What would be an example of progress being made?
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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2018
United States
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Why should the usa continue to be involved in the world when no matter what we do we are considered the evil empire and blamed for everything no matter what happens. Screw being the world leader. Let the rest of the world figure it out without the involvement of the usa. I'm sick of hearing about how our soldiers have to fight and die and be crippled for life for some cause that will only result in everyone hating the usa even more than they already do. If everyone thinks that the usa is the evil empire in the way they talk about the usa then they should be thrilled and celebrate the idea that the usa butts out of their business. If they really believe in a cause enough then they can fight for it themselves. I heard that even France and Germany are now calling for building an army that can stand up against China and Russia AND the USA. I thought they were our allies, but even they see us as a potential threat. It seems like the world expects the usa to fight all the battles and then blames them for everything under the sun. I saw screw that.
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Tom 1

Optimistic sceptic
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Nov 13, 2017
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Why should the usa continue to be involved in the world when no matter what we do we are considered the evil empire and blamed for everything no matter what happens. Screw being the world leader. Let the rest of the world figure it out without the involvement of the usa. I'm sick of hearing about how our soldiers have to fight and die and be crippled for life for some cause that will only result in everyone hating the usa even more than they already do. If everyone thinks that the usa is the evil empire in the way they talk about the usa then they should be thrilled and celebrate the idea that the usa butts out of their business. If they really believe in a cause enough then they can fight for it themselves. I heard that even France and Germany are now calling for building an army that can stand up against China and Russia AND the USA. I thought they were our allies, but even they see us as a potential threat. It seems like the world expects the usa to fight all the battles and then blames them for everything under the sun. I saw screw that.

The US chose to get involved in the Middle East, they weren’t made to do so, they led the way. There are elements in the Arabic world that see the US as ‘the great Satan’ but that’s hardly universal.

Apart from that, if you read this article, it has nothing to do with armed conflicts. This is mainly about why Trump doesn’t seem to be engaged in trying to strike economic deals with countries across Asia, and doesn’t appear to be able to manage himself on a personal level when engaging with partners in Europe. These are basic issues - the US does trade with the world, other world powers, China in particular, appear to be taking advantage of the rather chaotic state of the current administration to expand their own influence globally, in Asia and Latin America in particular. What you or anyone ‘feels’ about it doesn’t seem relevant, the question is - what is actually going on here? It seems pretty random.
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Tom 1

Optimistic sceptic
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Nov 13, 2017
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I thought they were our allies, but even they see us as a potential threat.

Trump has snubbed Western European leaders while feting Putin at every opportunity. He has laid into NATO without even taking the time to figure out how it works, and seems set on kick starting a new arms race. European leaders can hardly just sit back and see what happens.
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disciple Clint

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Mar 26, 2018
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Trump has snubbed Western European leaders while feting Putin at every opportunity. He has laid into NATO without even taking the time to figure out how it works, and seems set on kick starting a new arms race. European leaders can hardly just sit back and see what happens.
This is just opinion on my part but from what I see Trump makes friends with anyone who can become a threat to his goals or who can help him to achieve his goals. Everyone else he treats as someone who he has to tolerate but has no real interest in. He is all business and strictly transactional. Pure Utilitarianism. I find myself often thinking, I like what he is doing but I don't like the way he is doing it. America first should be what our President is about but America alone is not.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2018
Los Angeles
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Trump is set to change how the world will look in 5, 10, 15 years from now. This is why so many non US citizens, like me, are following US politics more closely. Trump’s plan appears to be something like ripping up every deal, and replacing them with deals that are more favourable to the US. This sounds good - I mean it sounds like something that would benefit the current situation of power balance in the world, but, in reality, it’s hard to see any evidence that Trump actually knows how to put things together, once they have been pulled apart. Short term measures lead to short term gains - but in the long term the picture gets a bit murky. Of course Trump will blame any future problems on whoever is in charge at the time, but that hardly solves anything - yet this seems to be all that matters to the current administration- scoring points over the opposition, and looking the part.
US influence in Asia as in Europe really matters, if the US is to continue to have some part in everything that is entailed in being a world leader, and yet Trump can’t seem to be bothered about getting involved, and when he does, he can’t seem to manage himself or be taken seriously. What is going on with Trump? Are the easy short term wins really worth the long-term fallout?

You are making the mistake that he actually cares about any of this.

In fact, no politician really does. Trump's job is to help bring about something that is meant to change the paradigm. But, he is only the most visual and vocal to do this right now. Every government is changing the world from the foundation to bring about a proper paradigm shift.

We (plebs) are the only ones last to know, because we also do not care about what happens to the world at large. Our demographic? Sure. Our country? Sure. Our family and friends? Sure. But, the world is not concerned about the world - otherwise things would be changed by the people on such a fundamental level that there is no choice but to socially, spiritually and intellectually advance. Instead, we choose complacency until it is too late.

Trump is doing exactly what any person without scruples would do: bump the heads of fools. In America that is particularly easy to exploit since the nation rarely confronts the dark histories and activities - instead playing war of demographics and statistics, politics and games of ridicule. There is no one to blame but us; we fail to learn from history.
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Tom 1

Optimistic sceptic
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Nov 13, 2017
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This is just opinion on my part but from what I see Trump makes friends with anyone who can become a threat to his goals or who can help him to achieve his goals. Everyone else he treats as someone who he has to tolerate but has no real interest in. He is all business and strictly transactional. Pure Utilitarianism. I find myself often thinking, I like what he is doing but I don't like the way he is doing it. America first should be what our President is about but America alone is not.

I think some of what he is trying to do makes sense, but I'm not so sure if he has the ability to see it through, and I get the impression he doesn't seem to be too keen to listen to others who might have abilities he lacks, and so could work with him.
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disciple Clint

Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2018
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I think some of what he is trying to do makes sense, but I'm not so sure if he has the ability to see it through, and I get the impression he doesn't seem to be too keen to listen to others who might have abilities he lacks, and so could work with him.
The reports are that he is very willing to listen to others and he has some very capable people around him. Trump is not the kind of man who will not listen but he is the kind who will not be controlled. You have no doubt seen him do exactly what his attorneys have told him not to do. He tends to speak right off the top of his head which for him is about as helpful as swimming in lead underwear.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2016
the Hague NL
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Trump is set to change how the world will look in 5, 10, 15 years from now. This is why so many non US citizens, like me, are following US politics more closely. Trump’s plan appears to be something like ripping up every deal, and replacing them with deals that are more favourable to the US. This sounds good - I mean it sounds like something that would benefit the current situation of power balance in the world, but, in reality, it’s hard to see any evidence that Trump actually knows how to put things together, once they have been pulled apart.
That would depend very much on who reports on it.
This is what's going on:
We are witnessing the systematic destruction of the old guard.
Mainly in USA but also worldwide.
The old guard are the satanic power elites, who think there are too many of us and who want to drastically reduce our numbers, so they can enslave humanity.
They think they own the planet.
And in many ways they do...
Since they own the banks and the media, they have a LOT of power.
Their god is not our God.

To them it's also about bloodlines.
Apparently, (i haven't investigated this myself though) their families go back to ancient Egypt, Pharao's.
This is apparently relevant to them and to who revere them.

Hopefully it won't get too messy.
But it seems Trump is gonna get rid of the Federal Reserve Bank and their debt based system.
The Fed is breaking the economy by raising interest rates at the moment.
I'm no expert though, i can't explain the ins and outs.
But with the Central Banks reduced or done away with, there will be no money for the globalist elites.

Either way, the establishment obviously hates Trump.
Still many people hate him too because their media tells them to.

Crazy times...
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Tom 1

Optimistic sceptic
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Nov 13, 2017
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That would depend very much on who reports on it.
This is what's going on:
We are witnessing the systematic destruction of the old guard.
Mainly in USA but also worldwide.
The old guard are the satanic power elites, who think there are too many of us and who want to drastically reduce our numbers, so they can enslave humanity.
They think they own the planet.
And in many ways they do...
Since they own the banks and the media, they have a LOT of power.
Their god is not our God.

To them it's also about bloodlines.
Apparently, (i haven't investigated this myself though) their families go back to ancient Egypt, Pharao's.
This is apparently relevant to them and to who revere them.

Hopefully it won't get too messy.
But it seems Trump is gonna get rid of the Federal Reserve Bank and their debt based system.
The Fed is breaking the economy by raising interest rates at the moment.
I'm no expert though, i can't explain the ins and outs.
But with the Central Banks reduced or done away with, there will be no money for the globalist elites.

Either way, the establishment obviously hates Trump.
Still many people hate him too because their media tells them to.

Crazy times...

This is more about economic deals - trade deals, and who is going to end up having more influence in Asia - China or the US. It does have some importance in the longer term. Trump only seems to take an occasional interest, when he can do something showy. Not convinced he really knows or cares how to make it work in the interests of the US.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2018
Los Angeles
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That would depend very much on who reports on it.
This is what's going on:
We are witnessing the systematic destruction of the old guard.
Mainly in USA but also worldwide.
The old guard are the satanic power elites, who think there are too many of us and who want to drastically reduce our numbers, so they can enslave humanity.
They think they own the planet.
And in many ways they do...
Since they own the banks and the media, they have a LOT of power.
Their god is not our God.

To them it's also about bloodlines.
Apparently, (i haven't investigated this myself though) their families go back to ancient Egypt, Pharao's.
This is apparently relevant to them and to who revere them.

Hopefully it won't get too messy.
But it seems Trump is gonna get rid of the Federal Reserve Bank and their debt based system.
The Fed is breaking the economy by raising interest rates at the moment.
I'm no expert though, i can't explain the ins and outs.
But with the Central Banks reduced or done away with, there will be no money for the globalist elites.

Either way, the establishment obviously hates Trump.
Still many people hate him too because their media tells them to.

Crazy times...

Unfortunately, getting rid of the "old guard" is a misdirection. They will be dismantled, but not because of us: because the fallen and Enemy will be kicked out of the heavens straight down to this realm. The "rulers" will be plebs like the rest of us compared to the principalities, archons and powers that will influence this realm in a very direct (and seemingly uninhibited) way.

The disasters that lead up to the paradigm shift will usher in the fake(s). WWII and cultural Armageddon are necessary in order to give everyone such abysmal hope such that when this entity comes with powers and wonders, people will readily believe "that one" is the Christ. It will be very convincing - so convincing, that if you have a hunch who it is you are likely wrong (that entity is likely a misdirection).

It will get tremendously worse for people that don't enjoy hell on this realm before it gets better.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2008
Montreal, Quebec
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What is going on with Trump? I think a journalist captured it best with the statement “there is clearly something very wrong with the man”.

A statement of the obvious perhaps, but worth reflecting on. Policies aside, the President certainly appears to be somewhat “unhinged”.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2016
the Hague NL
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Unfortunately, getting rid of the "old guard" is a misdirection. They will be dismantled, but not because of us: because the fallen and Enemy will be kicked out of the heavens straight down to this realm. The "rulers" will be plebs like the rest of us compared to the principalities, archons and powers that will influence this realm in a very direct (and seemingly uninhibited) way.

The disasters that lead up to the paradigm shift will usher in the fake(s). WWII and cultural Armageddon are necessary in order to give everyone such abysmal hope such that when this entity comes with powers and wonders, people will readily believe "that one" is the Christ. It will be very convincing - so convincing, that if you have a hunch who it is you are likely wrong (that entity is likely a misdirection).

It will get tremendously worse for people that don't enjoy hell on this realm before it gets better.
I would have agreed with you a year ago.
But there are still too many Christians on earth i.m.o. for God to deem earth unredeemable.
I mean, God also waited for Lot and his family to leave Sodom before He turned it into ashes, for example.
As Revelation puts it, "there will be a falling away first".
This i think has not happened yet, at least, not in the USA.
"Blessed is the land who's God is the LORD"

But i don't know. You could be right.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2018
Los Angeles
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I would have agreed with you a year ago.
But there are still too many Christians on earth i.m.o. for God to deem earth unredeemable.
I mean, God also waited for Lot and his family to leave Sodom before He turned it into ashes, for example.
As Revelation puts it, "there will be a falling away first".
This i think has not happened yet, at least, not in the USA.
"Blessed is the land who's God is the LORD"

But i don't know. You could be right.

I think we may actually agree. I do believe we will have a moment like Christ where we will *feel* like our Father has abandoned us - but this is the refinement. Of course He hasn't gone anywhere. He is like a parent that MUST watch the child get hurt, cry, and work out a solution based on the teachings of the parent - fighting the instinct to run over and coddle the child. In other words, this trial period will be for us to see who we are; He already knows us. In fact, I would argue this carnal life is to show us why we deserve to be wherever we already reside.

I certainly don't think earth is irredeemable; our Father always leaves a remnant. However, I am much more cynical about humanity as a whole than the status quo.

And, I am very worried about believers especially thinking that the Enemy/Antichrist is here before any 1 of the Trump's has been blown, for example. Moreover, this entity is going to be so convincing that believers will have to shake our heads to realize the entity isnt the Redeemer. We have a long, terrible road ahead. But, if we are His, it will be nothing to us spiritually.

The Enemy has knowledge on those who forsake the holy covenant, so there is no running or hiding. This will be purely spiritual even though we will be in flesh bodies - once the veil is lifted completely.
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Well-Known Member
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Oct 20, 2015
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What is going on with Trump? I think a journalist captured it best with the statement “there is clearly something very wrong with the man”.

A statement of the obvious perhaps, but worth reflecting on. Policies aside, the President certainly appears to be somewhat “unhinged”.
There are millions of Americans who disagree because they look at what Trump is achieving and not the caricature of the man presented in the Left media.
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