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Warm oil or honey


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Jan 18, 2020
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Example 1 (blog post + comments):

[blog post extract]

Now I know some people reading this may not have experienced one of those beautifully sweet times when the Holy Spirit broods over worship. He’s light permeating the darkest recesses of your soul, warm oil anointing your head, and love overflowing your heart. No words fully describe the naked encounter of your person with the person of the Holy Spirit.

[comment by one of the readers]

Dan, Thank you for all you have written here. I teach Bible students, and have been sharing some written testimonies with them of moments when the anointing or presence of the Holy Spirit has been experienced by believers as like warm oil or honey falling on the head physically. So I am engaged with your phrase “warm oil anointing your head”. May I ask: Are you saying you have felt the Holy Spirit as if like oil poured physically on your head? Do you know others who speak this way about feeling the Holy Spirit as if He can sometimes be physically felt like warm oil? It would help me in my work to learn more about what you write here. Best, Steve Miller, Canterbury, UK

Example 2 (video + timestamp):

[...] as soon as I said it I got the most amazing feeling [...] it was like someone pouring oil or warm honey from the top of my head and it just sort of slowly moved down my body, and as it was going down I just felt the warmth, just pure love, pure joy, pure peace. I've never felt it [...]

Example 3 (video + timestamp):

[...] and I felt the anointing, I felt like warm oil that just went from my head all the way down to my body, all the way down my legs, it was just like warm oil, and all of a sudden I had waves and waves of pure joy just bubbling out of me [...]

Example 4 (video + timestamp):

[...] when I felt that sun on the back of my head it was nothing but joy, [...] and I felt the oil all over the top of my head and going down my neck and my shoulders, and I literally remember taking my hand and, like, feeling, like making sure ... it literally felt like there was physical oil on me, that's how it felt, so warm, and it was like it was pouring all over the top of my head, and I kid you guys not, in my whole 31 years of life, I never experienced anything like that. And, I just get emotional thinking about it [...]

Example 5 (reddit comment):

I'm not a notable anything, but it happened to me. One minute I was a (frankly smug) intellectual atheist/agnostic ironing my clothes, and the next I felt a physical presence of God's love covering me. There was a physical sensation like warm oil or honey being poured over my head and the most profound sense of peace and joy.

Has anyone else experienced something similar?
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Aug 12, 2007
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That is the anointing placed upon a Christians head. It is required for The Holy Spirit to rest upon them in power,...

Luk 4:18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, Because he anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor:

It is the next step in faith beyond the filling of The Spirit and His gifts inside. It is required for The Holy Spirit to operate the power gifts, ie gifts of healings/gift of faith/working of miracles.

Btw, the anointing is not something floating around that suddenly decides to attack us,.... like certain individuals tend to teach. It is the Spiritual application of the OT material example.
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Jul 4, 2004
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It's cool that God has given some people that sense. I wouldn't say that it is required to prove anything. I used to hold that tongues was the evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, but the Bible documents prophecy being the evidence in one place. I think that there will usually be some sort of outward change, but I'm not dogmatic about that anymore.
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Apr 15, 2007
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This is awesome and authentic. I remember back in the 00's there were a lot of people claiming to have oil dripping from their persons. The only time I came across somebody claiming to have this manifestation, I went up and shook their hand later and purposefully grabbed their forearm (they were wearing a suit) and could feel the tubing underneath. They were invited to come in, speak and everything. I informed my pastors and they ended up kicking him out. The whole time before when it was announced and this manifestation of his was talked about, I had a catch in my spirit about it and informed my pastors of that as well but nothing came of it until I caught him in the act of being a charlatan.

This is nothing like that. They don't seem to be saying that when I was filled with the Holy Spirit oil came on my head, they just felt a warmth that started from the top of their head like warm oil being poured over them. That is awesome.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2020
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This is nothing like that. They don't seem to be saying that when I was filled with the Holy Spirit oil came on my head, they just felt a warmth that started from the top of their head like warm oil being poured over them. That is awesome.

When you say "they", do you mean the testimonies I shared in post #1 or other testimonies you are aware of?
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Apr 15, 2007
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When you say "they", do you mean the testimonies I shared in post #1 or other testimonies you are aware of?

Sorry, "they" as in the testimonies in post 1. What post 1 describes is so much more different and just feels more genuine than the charlatan I came across all those years ago.
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Oct 28, 2004
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Has anyone else experienced something similar?

Yes. At a Morris Cerullo crusade at Kelvingrove April 97. Remember it well, came just at the right time.
Altar call after the P/W. My uncle was standing beside me had the same experience.
God Bless :)

Edit: Yes like post 1, felt like warm oil, it wasn't actual dripping oil. I remember it began on my right cheek, near the cheekbone and best described as feeling like the index finger of an invisible hand touched me on the cheek, then a warm feeling like warm oil radiating from the place where I had been touched. The thing was I went out with my uncle Joe to the altar call, he had been unwell and was looking for a touch from the Lord. I was going out with him to steady him, not really looking for anything in particular at the time.
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Arthur Rosh

Jun 30, 2017
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When you say "they", do you mean the testimonies I shared in post #1 or other testimonies you are aware of?
One of the first times I received the Anointing of the Holy Spirit it was like warm Oil that was poured on my head and I will never forget it.

In my 15 years as a believer I came across 2 other people who described it in the same way (see below).

It happened when I was still a young believer and I didn't know much about Baptism with the Spirit or things of that sort.

We were meeting for prayer in a church basement and I started praying and before I said the first word it was like some kind of warm Oil came on me from above and I started praying not in tongues but like the Holy Spirit was praying through me in regular words, not me praying but the Holy Spirit praying through me to the Father in very deep affectionate love and I was not thinking of the words it was just coming from inside. I was not thinking of what to pray it was like the Holy Spirit took over and was praying through me. Afterward I was supercharged with so much power and energy and I had no more fear of anything at all.

I think the word feeling is inappropriate because it is not a "feeling" or an "experience" but rather we must remain in the Anointing as 1 John says. Regardless, it is the greatest "feeling" you can experience and no other comfort or thrill on earth can compare to it.

I have experienced the Baptism with the Spirit at other times and it would happen similarly like it comes over you and you have some kind of New Wine inside you like instantly, it's hard to describe, and it's very hard to predict when it will happen but we have to seek it!

It gives us everything we need to serve the Lord.

As Tiko Angelos says in his song, Living Water (Agua Vida):

Will you drink and be filled
Taste of His Spirit you can have more still
It's only thru Him you can do God's will

Song and lyrics:

The 2 other people who have described it as warm Oil being poured on the head are below:

If anyone has similar testimonies or hears about them please send them.

The Anointing of the Holy Spirit is like warm Oil poured on the head - Part 1 (Jose Muniz)

The Anointing of the Holy Spirit is like warm Oil poured on the head - Part 2 (June Cardinal-Howse)

P.S. Does anyone know how to get in touch with Steve Miller (above) who has additional written testimonies of believers who have experienced the Anointing of the Holy Spirit as warm Oil falling on the head....
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Arthur Rosh

Jun 30, 2017
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Psalm 23:5
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with Oil; my cup overflows.

Psalm 45:7
You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness. Therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the Oil of gladness beyond your companions.

Psalm 89:20
I have found David, My servant; with My Holy Oil I have anointed him.

Psalm 92:10
You have exalted my horn like that of the wild ox; you have poured over me fresh Oil.

Psalm 133:2-3
It is like the precious Oil on the head, running down on the beard, on the beard of Aaron, running down on the collar of his robes. It is like the Dew of Hermon, which falls on the mountains of Zion.

1 John 2:27
The Anointing that you received from Him remains in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as His Anointing teaches you all things and is true, and is no lie—just as it has taught you, remain in Him.

Luke 24:49
I am sending the promise of My Father upon you; but you are to stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.
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Aug 12, 2007
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This is the OT material example of the NT Spiritual reality,...

1Sa 16:13 Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren: and the spirit of the LORD came mightily upon David from that day forward. So Samuel rose up, and went to Ramah.

Having the oil of gladness poured upon our heads and The Holy Spirit coming to rest upon us in power was the promise that Jesus told His disciples would happen to them/us after He was ascended and seated to the right of The Father.

That step,..... is the empowering step that He promised us, not the filling of The Holy Spirit. Too many people deny themselves the full arsenal of gifts from GOD, or people receive such a gift from GOD and don't know how to keep it. The filling of The Holy Spirit with the gifts and fruits is essential, but it was the step towards receiving the anointing.

A good 99% of Christianity don't realize this.
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