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Rick Otto

The Dude Abides
Nov 19, 2002
On The Prairie
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"Polio is NOT even contagious or infectious (never proven to be). There is NO proof Polio is caused by a virus. There is NO evidence that
anyone caught polio from another person in the family. There is NO evidence that any nurse or doctor caught polio from a patient." Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

[A non-infectious (1) man-made disease from medical injections and pesticides such as DDT that got into the milk supply--polio incidence in the US mirrored DDT usage (1). Made worse by the vaccinators fad for tonsillectomy. The virus hunters were used to create a smokescreen, and bring in another profitable drug, the appointment of Dr Kumm to head up the March of Dimes polio charity was a big red flag for that, and another was another Rockefeller man, and Military (Rear Admiral, no less) Thomas M. Rivers. Also the real agenda of the Medical Cartel can be seen in their suppression of the non-drug treatments for polio 1, such as Dr Sandler's nutritional one, Dr Klenner Vitamin C cure, their lies to make the vaccine appear effective (they had to disappear the 1955 to 1970 United States Polio Surveillance Unit's bulletins 1), and they were caught out recently trying to kill African children with the Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV), as Kihura Nkuba discovered. Polio (mostly vaccine induced Provocation polio) is now hidden under names such as Acute flaccid paralysis. Also, more recently, have a look at their HIV racket outlined by Jon Rappoport in Depopulation and HIV]"


Rick Otto

The Dude Abides
Nov 19, 2002
On The Prairie
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Polio vaccination media stories

[2013 Feb] Half of Pakistan’s polio cases were vaccinated: Health officials complain to WHO about OPV efficacy

[2012 April] India: Paralysis cases soar after oral polio vaccine introduced

[2012 Jan] FURY AT VACCINE SCANDAL HUNDREDS of public sector workers who claim their lives have been wrecked by vaccines say the Government has abandoned them. Up to 200 doctors, nurses, firefighters, prison officers, police officers, forensic scientists and binmen say they have developed serious physical and mental health problems after injections essential for their work over the past 10 years. All have given up their jobs and some are now 60 per cent disabled. Last night it emerged they are to miss out on payouts, prompting furore among campaigners......health problems, which include chronic fatigue, muscle pain, weakness and cognitive problems, because illnesses developed soon after vaccination......Steve Robinson, ....was vaccinated six years ago against hepatitis A, B and polio, tetanus and diphtheria as part of his work as a forensic specialist. Two days later he became ill and developed muscle weakness and chronic fatigue......is now 60 per cent disabled, which an industrial injuries tribunal put down to the vaccinations. He has also been diagnosed with macrophagic myofascitis, a disabling condition which may be caused by the aluminum in vaccines. He also suffers from problems that cause him to fall with no warning. He said: “Before I had the vaccinations I was very healthy, a keen mountain biker and enjoyed walking and keeping fit.

[2011 Nov] Vaccine-nation: ‘Globally-supported company is funding fatal polio shots’ A government inquiry has found that polio vaccines for infants funded by the Global Alliance for Vaccination and Immunisation are causing deaths and disabilities in regional countries including Pakistan......The report stated that five deaths have been reported in Japan this year soon after the vaccination was administered while 25 serious adverse reactions, including five deaths, were reported in Sri Lanka in 2008

[2011 June. India] Parents blame infant`s death on polio drops

[2011 June] 78 percent of Pakistani children with polio were given polio vaccines Last year, there were 136 cases of infected youth, and 107 of these had been administered multiple polio vaccinations.

[2011 April] Belgium: the end of compulsory vaccination against polio is making waves

[2011 Jan] Vaccine fear strikes again death of a two-year-old child, who received OPV drops at an immunisation camp set up in a balwadi (nursery) centre.....Dhanalakshmi, the 22-year-old mother of the deceased child said, “He was very dull after receiving the vaccine. I brought him home and fed him idlis and milk. I also bought him some ice cream and put him to sleep in my lap. We later discovered that he was limp, and had stopped breathing.”

[2009 Aug] Polio surge in Nigeria after vaccine virus mutates

[2009 June] 8 yrs old female, Case of P-1, P-3 Polio Virus experts are trying to find out which virus was dominant, leading to her paralysis. The girl had received six doses of monovalent oral polio vaccine of Type-1 (mOPV-1).

[2009 June] Pakistan reports 18th polio case of the year a ten-month-old child....The latest case, Tahzeeb, is reported by the district health authorities to have received all routine and additional doses of polio vaccine during different campaigns right since birth.

[2008 Oct] Mo. court upholds $8.5M polio vaccine award Cortez Strong contracted polio in June 1987, shortly after receiving a second dose of the vaccine Orimune, which was made by American Cyanamid Co. Strong said he was frequently teased, struggled to fit in with other children and now has limited use of his left arm and right hand.

[Jan 2008 India] Two children die after being given polio drops

[Oct 5, 2007] Officials say drug caused Nigeria polio A polio outbreak in Nigeria was caused by the vaccine designed to stop it, international health officials say, leaving at least 69 children paralyzed.

[July 2007 India] UNTESTED VACCINE SURFACES IN POLIO OUTBREAK A potent new vaccine introduced in Uttar Pradesh by the WHO has had no safety tests; the rash of new polio cases in the state may’ve been caused by the vaccine itself,

THE POLITICS OF VACCINATION-II The Policy Of Forcing Hepatitis-B And Hib Vaccines On India And Pressure To Eradicate Polio--- DR OMESH BHARATI
The number of vaccine attributed polio victims in India is anywhere between 30,000 to 300,000 according to media reports. The IMA has a figure of 85,000, up to 2005, in its website. Doctors have been "advised" to keep quiet on these issues for "the greater good of humanity".
It is very sad that no effort is being made to track, treat and compensate the unfortunate children. GAVI, UNICEF, Rotary and WHO do not reply to our mails making it plainly evident that they are least bothered about the health of Indian children. Shame upon them who wish to profit by killing and maiming little babies.
It is very disturbing that poisons are being introduced into infants who are not supposed to be fed anything other than breastmilk during the first six months of their lives. The spread of cancers, diabetes and other immune disorders in children cannot be hidden any longer. Countries putting the maximum emphasis on vaccines have the highest rate of infant mortality. The health of teenagers today is alarming.
We also do not understand how the voices of Indian doctors are not being heard and instead "foreign experts" dictate terms in matters of vaccination policy in India. Who are these "experts" and what influence do they yield to dictate terms? What are these "experts" doing to ensure compensation and treatment for the millions of vaccine damaged children? What are they doing to educate the public about vaccine dangers?
You cannot take the "First do no harm" medical oath and push vaccines at the same time. This is ludicrous. This is madness. This is utter stupidity. - Jagannath

"In October 1988, Lenita Schafer brought her three-month-old daughter Melissa for her first oral polio vaccination. A month later, while fixing Thanksgiving dinner at her New England home, Lenita began feeling severe back pain. Within 48 hours she was unable to move her legs; 13 weeks after that, she was told she would be in a wheelchair the rest of her life. Lenita had contracted polio by changing her daughter's diaper."--Money Magazine
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Rick Otto

The Dude Abides
Nov 19, 2002
On The Prairie
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QUOTE="JackRT, ]Yet another conspiracy theory.
Who would've thought.

Sounds like the mind control redefinition of "conspiracy" to mean "crackpot" was a raging success.

And yet polio, like smallpox, has been eradicated as a disease largely using vaccination as a most effective tool.
OK, so just admit you don't want to read any of the articles about how the media and doctors fudged the data. I get that. Science is god nowadays, it's just a fact.
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Rick Otto

The Dude Abides
Nov 19, 2002
On The Prairie
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There is a paper by Dr. Viera Scheibner, Ph.D., that argues smallpox has not been eradicated - as well as the affects of the vaccine itself. (It may take mod approval.)
"[The quick guide to the smallpox vaccine racket. Main page and index: Smallpox. In depth exposure: The Smallpox Hoax. They knew how to cure smallpox in the 17th century as Sydenham had a 98% cure rate, yet they tried to kill him with a duel. They also campaigned against Sanitation reform, as Biggs exposed1! Then Natural Healers had 98-100% cure rates in the 19th century (see: Dangers of smallpox), and the whole city of Leicester refused to vaccinate for decades and exposed them completely. They knew, of course, smallpox was a disease of (no) Sanitation, and any idiot could tell that cutting septic pus, called Vaccine 'Lymph', into babies arms would only kill and spread diseases such as Leprosy, Erysipelas, Smallpox, Syphilis, TB, etc, so there is no doubt smallpox vaccination was attempted murder, as Shaw said in 1911. If that isn't enough then the statistics prove smallpox epidemics followed mass vaccination, Philippines 1905-1920 being notable, and Biggs statistics from Leicester are damning, which proves the statement from National Anti-Vaccination League that (1877) 'that 25,000 babies are yearly sacrificed by diseases excited by Vaccination'. While only 10% of the world was vaccinated, which is damning in itself. Yet this is how they saved us from smallpox, not only is that a lie, bad enough, but it's way worse than that, smallpox vaccination KILLED MILLIONS DELIBERATELY. ]"
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Rick Otto

The Dude Abides
Nov 19, 2002
On The Prairie
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[back] Smallpox

"Tell a lie loud enough and long enough and people will believe it."--Adolph Hitler
"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."----George Orwell'

[This props up vaccination which is the main pillar of Allopathy, so a very important lie for the Medical Mafia. The oft mentioned 'smallpox vaccination saved millions and eliminated smallpox' is a very important lie that justifies all sorts of vaccine and drug horrors along with the general failure of Allopathy to cure anything other than bacterial infections. One of the greatest benefits outweigh the risks Rationalizations. A triumph of Authority and Repetition propaganda ploys, helped by the million or so medical industry workers who need to believe in it. For a quick summary see the Smallpox vaccination banners.]

For a quick summary in pictures see the Smallpox Banners

As usual the truth is the exact opposite to what they say. Smallpox vaccination can easily be dissected in 8 ways, each of which in itself will shred vaccination:

1. Lymph reality and the spread of infections.
2. STATS: Smallpox incidence stats. Epidemics followed vaccination.
3. STATS: Case mortality: Allopathy Vs non-allopathic medicine

4. STATS: Only 10% of the world was vaccinated and little vaccinated countries like Australia expose vaccination.
5. STATS: Most victims had been vaccinated.
6. STATS: Infant death rate huge under vaccination.
7. DISEASE THEORY. Pasteurian vs Bechamp.
8. DISEASE THEORY: Sanitation vs Vaccination.
9. Leicester: Vaccination completely exposed by sanitation.
10. Medical heretics: the true smallpox vaccination Authority
Propaganda Ploys (how they do it)

See: 2002 Smallpox Heist

[Telling quote] "In 1926, 130 members of the Dallas (Tex.) Chamber of Commerce cancelled their trip to Mexico because vaccination was required as a precedent to entrance. Nearly a 100 medical men, at a conference in Dallas, went to Mexico, after they obtained permission to enter without being vaccinated. Think this over before you submit your child to this evil and superstitious rite."--Dr Shelton DC Vaccines and Serum Evils by Herbert Shelton (c1940's)

knife and then use unsterile ivory needles (that may have been used on hundreds of people already) to put an unsterile septic mixture of germs, mixed with glycerine, taken from a vaccinifer (see: Arm to arm vaccination) or calf's belly, you could easily get them arrested, yet this is the reality of over 100 years of smallpox vaccination. A new needle every time is now considered the only safe way on injecting drugs. And this was in the day when diseases like syphilis and leprosy were rife. In 2001 the WHO estimated Over One Million Die Every Year World Wide By Injections.

[Infection knowledge nil c. 1847] In 1847, Semmelweis introduced hand washing with chlorinated lime solutions for interns who had performed autopsies. Semmelweis was outraged by the indifference of the medical profession and began writing open and increasingly angry letters to prominent European obstetricians, at times denouncing them as irresponsible murderers. His contemporaries, including his wife, believed he was losing his mind and he was in 1865 committed to an asylum (mental institution). Semmelweis died there only 14 days later, possibly after being severely beaten by guards. (ref)

See: Vaccine "Lymph" Vaccine 'Lymph' quotes and Genocide & vaccination quotes about the mass re-use of dirty needles as a covert genocide ploy.
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Rick Otto

The Dude Abides
Nov 19, 2002
On The Prairie
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There's ordinary raving lunacy, and there's raving lunacy that can kill people. This is in the latter camp.
Same could be said of the above post.
In fact, that is what the information here substantiates in case you're vaguely interested in more than pushing emotional buttons.
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Jun 30, 2003
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In fact, that is what the information here substantiates in case you're vaguely interested in more than pushing emotional buttons.
No, I'm not interested. Arguing with someone who rejects a massive body of scientific evidence is never productive.
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Cute Tink

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Your God is my God... Ruth said, so say I.
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Mar 25, 2004

In case, you are not interested in canabalism, know that "human-diploid fibroblast cell cultures" are harvested fetus material. The WI-38 cell line is widely known to be “derived from lung tissue of an aborted white (caucasian) female fetus,” as even the pro-vaccine Wikipedia website admits. As the Coriell Institute for Medical Research explains about the MRC-5 cell line / WI-38:

The MRC-5 cell line was developed in September 1966 from lung tissue taken from a 14 week fetus aborted for psychiatric reason from a 27 year old physically healthy woman. The cell morphology is fibroblast-like. The karyotype is 46,XY; normal diploid male. Cumulative population doublings to senescence is 42-48. G6PD isoenzyme is type B.
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Nov 23, 2016
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In case, you are not interested in canabalism, know that "human-diploid fibroblast cell cultures" are harvested fetus material. The WI-38 cell line is widely known to be “derived from lung tissue of an aborted white (caucasian) female fetus,” as even the pro-vaccine Wikipedia website admits. As the Coriell Institute for Medical Research explains about the MRC-5 cell line / WI-38:

The MRC-5 cell line was developed in September 1966 from lung tissue taken from a 14 week fetus aborted for psychiatric reason from a 27 year old physically healthy woman. The cell morphology is fibroblast-like. The karyotype is 46,XY; normal diploid male. Cumulative population doublings to senescence is 42-48. G6PD isoenzyme is type B.

Rand Paul calls on Hillary Clinton to refund Planned Parenthood donations

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