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Trump's Truth Social Social Site is Losing Money Quickly


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2023
United States
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Donald Trump had hoped that starting a social network site would be a source
of income for him.

Unfortunately, last year it lost 58.2 million dolaars in 2023, and AMAZINGLY the
company lost 327.6 million dollars in the last quarter. The company is bringing in
only about 770,000 dollars in revenue, in the last quarter.

As many financial commentators have said, Trump is not particularly good at making
money. His investors, historically, have not gotten a good return on their Trump
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Truth Social has been welcoming to the conspiracy theories of Tucker Carlson,
and the radical "re-imagining" of reality that is required, for Trump and his
supporters to imagine that Trump won the 2020 presidential election, and
suffers from terrific persecution from some always hidden "Deep State"
conspiracy. Although Trump is massively rich, and has unending financial resources,
he could not hire investigators to find ANY substantial evidence of fraud in the
2020 presidential election, that was supposedly "stolen" from him. It has been
verified that 4 votes were involved in a fraudulent vote-stealing scheme, but
these 4 votes had no effect on the outcome of the election. Trump has filed about
24 lawsuits, claiming that the election was stolen. But they have ALL been rejected
by American courts, because Trump could not find ANY substantial or relevant
evidence that the election was stolen.

Still, Trump continues to use Truth Social to spread his fantasies about Deep
State persecution, daily, repeating over and over again, conspiracy theories
that he cannot demonstrate are true.

There are a number of similarities between Truth Social, and the official
media voices of radical Muslim jihadist news stations. Some of these are...

1 Many "news" items seem to be presented, only because they can be
used to try to tell a story of some "persecuted" group, to elicit anger
at some identified bully (such as Jews, or Christians, or "patriots")

2 The "news" items are presented as if there were overwhelming proof
of the trueness of the assertions of the announcers. But the "evidence"
that is presented to try to establish the truth of the assertions, is often only
an EXPLANATION that might fit with the assertion being true. Or, worse,
the assertion is noted to be compatible with other conspiracy theories
that have NOT been rigorously demonstrated. (This fosters the evolution
of an alternative "reality" that is fake.)

Many of the "news" items are only a coincidence, but they are explained
as causal events that demonstrate the truth of conspiracy theories that the
news outlet already presents as truths.

3 The news outlet has "journalists" or "experts" that continually are
repeating conspiracy theories, all day long. And this is done with the hope
that repeating a theory dozens of times a day, 7 days a week, will make
those listening to the outlet think that what is repeated is truth.

4 The conspiracy theories repeated, are meant to emotionally enrage
listeners, and make them think that they are "patriots", or "warriors of
truth", or the vigilante executors of justice (such as some DC Comics
characters such Frank Castle, the persecuted FBI agent, who became
"Punisher"). The comic book writers recognized this market for rage,
long before recent politicians such as donald Trump did.

5 These "news" outlets that propagate conspiracy theories, are targetted
at people who are illiterate (in the case of many Muslim jihadist recruiting
sites), or who do not have enough knowledge of logic and computer research
resources to investigate whether an assertion is sound, or whether an
argument that is presented, is valid.

Note that formal logic is based on a type of causality, called "logical
but the conspiracy theory "news" outlets present versions of "causality" that
are merely correlation (at best), not logical causality. Try reading my threads on
Formal Logic, for more information.

6 These "news" outlets also present interpretations of history, that support
their ongoing goals to gain radical followers. Some examples of these are...

-- the Crusades in the Middle Ages were wars initiated by Christians to
destroy Muslims and Muslim culture. The reality is that Muslims engaged
in the conquering of Christian cities and cultures, for 3 centuries, before
we have the European response of the "Crusades".

-- Christianity is a white man's religion. In reality, Christianity was mostly
Asian and African, before the Muslims largely destroyed Asian and Muslim
Christian cities, leaving the Northern European Christians as "the last
man standing". Christianity grew in Europe, because Muslims waged physical
and cultural war on Asian and African Christians.

-- Note that there are many versions of interpretting history, whose goal
is to spread racial biases and fake blame.

... the Jews are involved in a worldwide plan to take over financial markets,
for their own benefit, and for the subjugation of non-Jews

... non-whites are inferior to Northern Europeans

... the goal of Christianity is for white Europeans to colonize the rest of the
world.... There are always colonizers that try to take advantage of ANY
religion, but that does not mean that they personify the virtues of that

... America was founded as a Christian country, for Christians. (This is the
fallacy that the Christian nationalists push). Although almost all the founders
of America were types of Christians, they explicitely built "freedom of religion"
into the founding documents, SO THAT America would NOT engage in the
religious wars that happened for a century in Europe, among Christian groups
(Catholic, Lutheran, Reformed), where all groups carried out unspeakable
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There are many reasons that Trump's Truth Social propaganda/conspiracy theory/recruiting
site should be seen as a flawed recruiting and alienating tool, to carry out Tump's own
goals. Truth Social spreads as many conspiracy theories as any radical Muslim jihadist
"news" site, or as some White Supremecist "news" site.

More and more people, when confronted by these crude similarities, are realizing that
Trump created this company as a propaganda site, with the goal of enraging American
citizens, pointing out fake "persecutor" groups, promoting (some) conspiracy theories,
and as a tool to incite lawless and unconsitutional violence against Trump's political

As with the Project 2025 publishing, as more Americans see what Donald Trump's
real goals for America are, fewer and fewer Americans are looking to Truth Social
for intelligent and honest discussions of current events.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2012
United States
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idk… Sure, it’s funny to watch the stock drop, but Trump didn’t put any money into this venture and was just handed a pile of stock in exchange for being the face of the company. Even if it tanks, he’s still going to come out ahead.
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The Barbarian

Crabby Old White Guy
Apr 3, 2003
United States
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idk… Sure, it’s funny to watch the stock drop, but Trump didn’t put any money into this venture and was just handed a pile of stock in exchange for being the face of the company. Even if it tanks, he’s still going to come out ahead.
If the suckers weren't giving the money to Trump, who knows what else they might have been doing with it?
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