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Trump was Correct. The Unmasking of Susan Rice


Mar 29, 2005
Just listened to an Intelligence person.

Susan Rice unmasked with high frequency and widely disseminated names of Trump transition team personal. This is highly highly unusual. It appears that it was done to do damage to Trump and his transition team.

One week ago Susan Rice adamantly denied she unmasked any names. Today she admits she did.

Her interest was not in national security but to advance the political interests of the Democratic party. The thing to bear in mind is that the White House does not do investigations. Not criminal investigations, not intelligence investigations. Remember that.

Read more at: Susan Rice’s White House Unmasking: A Watergate-style Scandal


So is America great again yet?
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Aug 31, 2013
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Just listened to an Intelligence person.

Susan Rice unmasked with high frequency and widely disseminated names of Trump transition team personal. This is highly highly unusual. It appears that it was done to do damage to Trump and his transition team.

One week ago Susan Rice adamantly denied she unmasked any names. Today she admits she did.
Not seeing the part where Trump was right?
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Oct 4, 2010
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Hi eastcoast,

I looked into some information so far about Susan Rice and what I'm finding is that it hasn't yet been determined that she did ever leak any names. What does seem to have been a statement of fact is that she did request to unmask some people. Now we need to find out whether that request was granted and by whom, if it was. Whether or not she was actually the person that did leak the names in question, and if so, did she do it with permission granted from someone or did she just decide to go out on her own and start naming names? All of the information that I've read so far doesn't answer any of these questions. These are exactly the questions that Judge Jeannine Pirro is wanting to get the answers to.

God bless you,
In Christ, ted
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Dec 8, 2004
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Once again, the deluge of claims made by the Democrats and the Media that Trump lied, was making things up out of nothing, etc ...

...has wound up with him being shown to have been correct all along.

So, predictably, the next step in this routine brought to you by the same folks is to say that it doesn't matter or "it's not illegal, so who cares?" Or "We need more information" (but "we" didn't need more information before claiming that Trump lied, please notice). Or that what Susan Rice said...she actually didn't say! That last one's priceless.

It would be amusing if this routine were not being repeated time and time again.
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Oct 4, 2010
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Once again, the deluge of claims made by the Democrats and the Media that Trump lied, was making things up out of nothing, etc ...

...has wound up with him being shown to have been correct all along.

So, predictably, the next step in this routine brought to you by the same folks is to say that it doesn't matter or "it's not illegal, so who cares?" Or "We need more information" (but "we" didn't need more information before claiming that Trump lied, please notice). Or that what Susan Rice said...she actually didn't say! That last one's priceless.

It would be amusing if this routine were not being repeated time and time again.

Hi albion,

Good morning. The last one's priceless? Isn't that coming from the same people that are on record, no matter how the chips fall out, after President Trump made his bold claim that President Obama was wiretapping him at Trump Tower, "He really didn't say."

I just think that you're not being fair. In the last year there have been more, 'he really didn't say...' responses given for some of the things that Mr. Trump has said than any other single person in all of politics. I absolutely do agree that we need more information on many of these issues. It's the nature of mudslinging that one will say whatever they can conceive to say in whatever 'bad light' they can say it. It's a lot like when one reads an article in the National Enquirer. One must always be mindful that there's more information to be had to know if most of the stories reported in that rag are actually true.

Let me ask you, if I may. Did President Trump say that there was a line of people trying to get in to hear him speak at CPAC? Was there a line six blocks long? There is video footage of the front doors of the venue and the surrounding streets.

Here's an article you should read. Now, you can say that the Huffington Post isn't a reputable news source. You can say that the Huffington Post is a part of the 'fake news' MSM. But, you can also research the report yourself. You can find recorded or video evidence of most of the statements that are claimed to have been made and you can find evidence of whether they were true statements at the time that they were made. You can do that. You don't' have to rely on the Huffington Post's journalists and what they have written as the only way to know the truth about these claims.

The First 100 Lies: The Trump Team's Flurry Of Falsehoods | The Huffington Post

Admittedly, some of the 'lies' reported in the article weren't actually made by the president himself, but his team. So, I'm satisfied to scratch a few. But leaving just the claims of words that came out of the mouth of President Trump, it is still a long list and this list was actually compiled after President Trump had been in office only 36 days. There have been more to add since then.

Now, I challenge you to find me any single article by any single 'reasonably reputable' news source that has ever printed such a claim about any other president after their first 100 days in office. Can you find any evidence that even makes some reasonably similar claim that after 100 days in office President Obama had told several dozen lies? How about President Clinton or either of the Bush Presidents. Jimmy Carter, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, John Kennedy?

I just firmly believe that anyone paying attention to the things that Presdient Trump says and has said and trying to stand by some position that he is not just a regular, and seemingly compulsive, liar just isn't awake upstairs. I'll leave it at that and I want to make clear that this is just my belief. I'm not speaking for anyone else.

God bless you,
In Christ, ted
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Dec 8, 2004
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Hi albion,

Good morning. The last one's priceless? Isn't that coming from the same people that are on record, no matter how the chips fall out, after President Trump made his bold claim that President Obama was wiretapping him at Trump Tower, "He really didn't say."
Hi, Ted. What Susan Rice said in one interview can be seen on TV and what Susan Rice said later to another interviewer can be seen and listened to by any of us; and the one refutes what she said in the other. Some online anchors are saying in good CNN fashion that we are not to listen to any of this and that they will not cover it themselves , but it's out there and was covered before the decision was made to bury it if possible.

I just think that you're not being fair. In the last year there have been more, 'he really didn't say...' responses given for some of the things that Mr. Trump has said than any other single person in all of politics.
You know why that is, don't you? If Obama had been subjected to the same nit-picking scrutiny that Trump has been, HE would be the record holder. He was given a pass on many misstatements that were really evident, nothing like the things these people have tried to pin on President Trump.

Let me ask you, if I may. Did President Trump say that there was a line of people trying to get in to hear him speak at CPAC? Was there a line six blocks long? There is video footage of the front doors of the venue and the surrounding streets.
I don't know about that, but everyone is now talking like they know that "wiretap" is a commonly used term for any kind of electronic eavesdropping, that something did happen in Sweden when he was ridiculed for mentioning it, that his inaugural crowd indeed filled the mall, unlike the picture they contrasted with one taken at the Obama inaugural, and so on.

Here's an article you should read. Now, you can say that the Huffington Post isn't a reputable news source.
I'll be very disappointed if YOU don't say that yourself, Ted. This is a publication that refused to cover anything about candidate Trump after saying it would do so but only in its comics section.
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Mar 29, 2005
Not seeing the part where Trump was right?

President Trump knew weeks ago that he was being listened to. The media pounced , but in retrospect he was being listened to.

In the intellegience community a target can be listened to under the guise of not being the actual target.

All incoming Presidents have discussions with representatives if various countries. So the NSA or whomever listen in on all conversations under the front that the target is the foreign national but in reality the target is Trump or Flynn.
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So is America great again yet?
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Aug 31, 2013
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President Trump knew weeks ago that he was being listened to. The media pounced , but in retrospect he was being listened to.

In the intellegience community a target can be listened to under the guise of not being the actual target.

All incoming Presidents have discussions with representatives if various countries. So the NSA or whomever listen in on all conversations under the front that the target is the foreign national but in reality the target is Trump or Flynn.
Trump's claim was that "Obama wiretapped" him. So shoehorn all you like, but this isn't that.
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Frustrated in Hooterville.
Feb 25, 2005
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So he said 'wire tapped'. So what!? The idea is the same. He was being spied on for political reasons.

Are you ok with an executive administration abusing it's power like this and spying on their political opponents for politcal gain? Not to mention the blatant lying? One day she says this the next that. It's unbelievable how gullible people can be. This scandal is 50 times worse than water gate ever was. And the media and liberals continue doing everything they can to protect their Democrat god.

Seriously, it demonstrate that you are willing to cling to anything to hold onto your world view regardless of the truth or the consequence.
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Oct 4, 2010
Seneca SC
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Hi, Ted. What Susan Rice said in one interview can be seen on TV and what Susan Rice said later to another interviewer can be seen and listened to by any of us; and the one refutes what she said in the other. Some online anchors are saying in good CNN fashion that we are not to listen to any of this and that they will not cover it themselves , but it's out there and was covered before the decision was made to bury it if possible.

Ok, let's just go ahead and assume for the time being that Mrs. Rice told a lie. That's one lie against a litany of lies by your choice of leader.

You know why that is, don't you? If Obama had been subjected to the same nit-picking scrutiny that Trump has been, HE would be the record holder. He was given a pass on many misstatements that were really evident, nothing like the things these people have tried to pin on President Trump.

I honestly think the stack of lies attributed to each one wouldn't even be close.

: 93831"]I don't know about that, but everyone is now talking like they know that "wiretap" is a commonly used term for any kind of electronic eavesdropping, that something did happen in Sweden when he was ridiculed for mentioning it, that his inaugural crowd indeed filled the mall, unlike the picture they contrasted with one taken at the Obama inaugural, and so on.

I have no idea where you get your pics from, but they aren't the ones I've seen.

I'll be very disappointed if YOU don't say that yourself, Ted. This is a publication that refused to cover anything about candidate Trump after saying it would do so but only in its comics section.

And there we have the fallacy of knocking down the presenter of the evidence rather than the evidence itself. Ok, If that's proof to you, then so be it.

God bless you,
In Christ, ted
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Frustrated in Hooterville.
Feb 25, 2005
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Ok, let's just go ahead and assume for the time being that Mrs. Rice told a lie. That's one lie against a litany of lies by your choice of leader.

I honestly think the stack of lies attributed to each one wouldn't even be close.


Obama’s list would be considerably larger. The left wing media didn’t like to report it though.

Although, even the extremely left wing Washington Post compiled this list...

Obama’s biggest whoppers

Just imagine if Trump spewed out these whoppers... the media would remind us several times a day for months. Not with Obama though... Hush, hush.
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Oct 4, 2010
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Obama’s list would be considerably larger. The left wing media didn’t like to report it though.

Although, even the extremely left wing Washington Post compiled this list...

Obama’s biggest whoppers

Just imagine if Trump spewed out these whoppers... the media would remind us several times a day for months. Not with Obama though... Hush, hush.

Hi hsilgne,

Read the article. I'm on record that I've never considered pretty much any politician to be completely truthful. Article states that it had checked out 250 statements or claims made by Mr. Obama. I say Mr. here because at least one of the statements is credited to his days as a senator. Of those, they never actually give a count of just how many of those 250 statements were deemed partially or fully untruthful. They list 10 that span a period of time before President Obama took office to the time that he left the office of the president. That comes to 4%. If you have a more accurate percentage I'd be happy to look at it.

As the record stands with politifact:

President Obama:
The PolitiFact scorecard
This covers the timeframe of his entire presidency.

President Trump:
The PolitiFact scorecard
This covers a timeframe of less than 6 months in the first year of his presidency.

In defense of my statement, here's my evidence from the same source that you apparently find trustworthy to report such things.

The Whoppers of 2016 - FactCheck.org

Pay particular attention to the much, much smaller time frame and that your own evidentiary source has titled President Trump the King of Whoppers.

Anyway, each of us have to go with what we believe.

God bless you,
In Christ, ted
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Frustrated in Hooterville.
Feb 25, 2005
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Hi hsilgne,

Read the article. I'm on record that I've never considered pretty much any politician to be completely truthful. Article states that it had checked out 250 statements or claims made by Mr. Obama. I say Mr. here because at least one of the statements is credited to his days as a senator. Of those, they never actually give a count of just how many of those 250 statements were deemed partially or fully untruthful. They list 10 that span a period of time before President Obama took office to the time that he left the office of the president. That comes to 4%. If you have a more accurate percentage I'd be happy to look at it.

As the record stands with politifact:

President Obama:
The PolitiFact scorecard
This covers the timeframe of his entire presidency.

President Trump:
The PolitiFact scorecard
This covers a timeframe of less than 6 months in the first year of his presidency.

In defense of my statement, here's my evidence from the same source that you apparently find trustworthy to report such things.

The Whoppers of 2016 - FactCheck.org

Pay particular attention to the much, much smaller time frame and that your own evidentiary source has titled President Trump the King of Whoppers.

Anyway, each of us have to go with what we believe.

God bless you,
In Christ, ted
Do you trust politifact.org and factcheck.org and the info they provide?
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Frustrated in Hooterville.
Feb 25, 2005
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Pretty much every single staffer at the DNC was fired last week, clandestinely ofcourse. And by that I mean our watchdog media isn’t reporting it. I wonder why they were fired?
Imagine if it were the RNC that did that....
The media would be going bonkers...
Chris Matthews would be vibrating uncontrollably from the thrills going up and down every limb in his body... Don Lemon would be celebrating in a pub, buying shooters for every patron while getting his nipples pierced...
  • Haha
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Oct 4, 2010
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Do you trust politifact.org and factcheck.org and the info they provide?

Hi hsilgne,

Fair enough. Although I do trust their fact checking because they make their findings public and they present the claims that were made, which anyone with a computer can check. It's a lot like those who say that the Scriptures have been rewritten or otherwise changed since Jesus' day. Godly people would have been up in arms about such a thing. The Jews, who take great pride in the careful and meticulous copying of the Scriptures would still be crying foul. Similarly, if an organization whose very existence depends on people's trust, was found to be regularly untrustworthy, they'd have long since been abandoned to the scrap heap of worthless enterprises. But, that isn't the case.

Such a complaint as yours, attacks the presenter of the evidence as being somehow untrustworthy, but can't actually put in print a statement that is reported in one of their reports and say, "that's a lie!" Yes, you can likely claim that you don't agree personally with their findings, but can you make a charge advanced by factual evidence to support where exactly their facts or findings are incorrect?

But, fair enough. Here's the very same source that you linked in your post concerning President Trump on this same issue.

100 days of Trump claims

Now, if you're going to claim that we can't trust the Washington Post because it's part of the MSM, that's perfectly ok, but then you have to throw out the claims of your post substantiated by the same 'untrustworthy' source. All I'm asking is that we be fair. We be honest in our assessment of each man's abilities and work.

Personally, I'm not a part of this new age idea that we can't trust news sources that have been held as reputable news sources for decade upon decade. Journalists, and their respective employers, have a job to do. That job is to report the facts of events as accurately as they can assess based on fact finding evidence through phone calls and interviews. It just seems a near impossibility that an entire group of long respected news sources are now looked at with such distrust and have somehow colluded in keeping the truth away from their readers.

The Christian faith rests on the initial testimony of just 4 or 5 men who actually walked with Jesus. The argument that we can believe the new covenant Scriptures rests on our logical understanding that if these men had been spreading lies, then people would have made a big stir of it all. But there is no evidence that any of their testimony was untruthful. Yes, there are people who will make that claim today, but we have no evidence that in the time that the new covenant writings were actually being made that anyone ever took issue that any of the reports were not correct. Why? Because it's hard to get away with a lie that is spread among thousands and thousands of people. Somebody is going to have been there and be able to say, "No!!! That didn't happen." Luke, in writing his gospel starts out by telling us that he gathered the information that he presents in his writing from firsthand accounts of eyewitnesses.

So, believe what you will about who is or isn't a reputable news source, but just know that I'm of a mind that when source after source of the long established reputable news sources say the same thing among themselves, then it's very likely the truth. Especially in this day and age when all it takes is a few key strokes to bring up the actual video account of the things that are being claimed to have been said. I've got ears -- to hear.

God bless you,
In Christ, ted
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