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Trump Economic Boom Leaves Millions Behind

Ricky M

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Apr 19, 2017
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From the Los Angeles Times
Trump boom is leaving millions behind

President Trump and his economic advisors have been taking a rather premature victory lap about the nation’s economic performance during his three years in office.
It’s premature in part because Trump’s term isn’t over yet. And also because the economy hasn’t performed nearly as well as he says, even if one discounts a good portion of his rhetoric as bombast.

In his State of the Union address earlier this month, Trump proclaimed the economy to be “the best it has ever been.”

In the foreword to the latest report from his Council of Economic Advisors , released last week, Trump boasts of having “championed policies to restore the United States’ economic strength ... including tax cuts, deregulation, energy independence, and trade renegotiation.”
The report itself, however, acknowledges that as of December the U.S. economic expansion had reached its 127th month, meaning that it began 7 1/2 years before Trump took office.
As for his assertion that his economy is the best in U.S. history, the rationale for that claim is a mystery. It’s not true by any measure.

Much of Trump’s economic rhetoric is aimed at the Obama administration by asserting, as he does in the latest White House economic report, that he has reversed “trends seen under the previous administration.”

(He may have been goaded by a tweet issued by Obama on Feb.17 marking the 11th anniversary of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act. Obama tweeted that the act had paved the way “for more than a decade of economic growth and the longest streak of job creation in American history.”)

With Trump’s tenure entering its fourth year, evidence is mounting that the economic expansion under his leadership has left millions of Americans behind. The government’s own statistics demonstrate that large sectors of the economy — including those for which Trump is making especially bold claims — aren’t performing well at all.

They include coal mining, which appears to have become bound in implacable doldrums since 2016, and manufacturing, which entered a recession late last year and in which employment has stagnated.

As we’ve reported before , Trump’s campaign promise of driving the economy to a growth rate of more than 3% has receded into the mists of time. The president’s economic report projects real annual growth of about 3.1% this year, falling to about 2.8% toward the end of the decade.

But that’s only with “full implementation” of Trump’s agenda of further business deregulation and an extension of the tax cuts enacted in December 2017, which were heavily tilted toward the wealthy. Barring that, the economic team says, annual growth could fall to just over 2% a year.

The stock market has been soaring, but even the biggest gain in the Standard & Poor’s 500 of the Trump years — the 31.1% gain last year — didn’t match the best year under Obama, a 32.43% gain in 2013.

The index never had a negative year during Obama’s eight years in office, incorporating dividends, but already has had one (2018) under Trump. After sell-offs Monday and Tuesday, both the S&P 500 and the Dow Jones industrial average turned negative for 2020.

It may be unfair to blame Trump for the coronavirus-driven selling, but since he’s been claiming largely undeserved credit for the market gains up to now, he can take the blame too. In any event, the stock market is not the economy, though it may from time to time put money in the pockets mostly of the affluent, who earn as much as half their annual income from capital gains.

What’s more telling is to examine how average workers have done under Trump. There the facts warrant even less braggadocio.

It’s true that the economic expansion that started under Obama following the 2008-09 recession has continued under Trump — but at the same pace or less than under his predecessor in terms of job growth. Under the circumstances, it’s proper to ask what Trump’s role in the expansion has been.

To begin with, there are no signs that it has picked up steam. Quite the contrary. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Trump added an average of 181,000 jobs per year over his three years in office. Obama added an average of 224,000 in his last three years and 216,000 per year during his entire second term.

Trump asserted in his State of the Union address that his policies have been especially good for low-wage workers, “who have seen a 16% pay increase since my election.” That’s before inflation. Counting price increases, it’s 9%.

Economist Jared Bernstein of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a former economic advisor to Vice President Joe Biden, agrees with Trump that low-income workers have seen larger gains than middle- or high-income workers.

But their incomes are still too low to make ends meet. The same living wage calculator cited by Bernstein, which is produced by MIT, shows that in a household in Los Angeles with two working adults and two children, each worker would have to earn $20.28 an hour, full-time, to cover the family’s typical living expenses of $84,352. That’s a stretch for almost anyone outside the fields of law, medicine or other top professions, the MIT survey indicates.

Low-wage and middle-class Americans remain caught in the same vise that has been squeezing them for decades. “Your paycheck hasn’t grown as much as it needs to,” says Thea Lee, president of the labor-oriented Economic Policy Institute, “and everyone has seen a rise in costs.” Part of the reason is an “eroding public sector,” she says, including a consistent defunding of public universities that transfers costs to families.

According to an analysis of census data done by the EPI in conjunction with the journalism website Capital and Main, the growth of real median household income has slowed nationwide under Trump. To the extent that low-wage workers have experienced income growth, Lee notes, much of that results from increases in the minimum wage enacted in several states and cities.

“Increasing the minimum wage is not a policy of which Trump approves,” she says, “so that’s not something President Trump can take credit for.”

Meanwhile, the Trump administration has been moving to shoot holes in the economic safety net by pushing initiatives that would throw millions of households off the food stamp program and thousands off Medicaid. Trump supports a lawsuit brought by Texas to invalidate the Affordable Care Act, which would end premium subsidies for as many as 10 million Americans and could leave those with pre-existing medical conditions without access to health coverage.
As recently as Tuesday, the Trump-controlled National Labor Relations Board significantly weakened the so-called joint employer rule , which had made franchise companies such as McDonald’s responsible for the workplace treatment of employees by franchisees.
By depriving those workers of bargaining rights with the parent companies, according to the Economic Policy Institute , the change from an Obama-era rule could cost workers $1.3 billion annually.

The biggest doubts about the Trump economy apply to his industrial policy. Trump promised during his election campaign to restore the coal industry’s health. Throughout his term he has displayed hostility toward renewable energy sources such as wind. Last year he unveiled an amendment to the Clean Air Act aiming to extend the life of coal-fired power plants, despite evidence that they’re a danger to public health and contribute to climate change.
But the industry hasn’t come back, and there’s reason to doubt it ever will. U.S. coal mining employment fell to its lowest level ever in the fourth quarter of 2019. Coal generation has been undercut by historically low prices for natural gas, which burns cleaner anyway.
“No one’s going to argue with the point that coal, as a percentage of U.S. electricity generation, is declining and will probably continue to decline for some time,” Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette said this month .

It’s worth noting that Trump’s focus on coal is a distraction in terms of the big economic picture. The entire U.S. coal mining industry employed about 50,000 workers at the end of last year. Amazon.com alone employs 10 times as many workers in the U.S., and Walmart 30 times as many.

More worrisome is the slump in manufacturing, another sector Trump promised to support. As my colleague Don Lee reported , manufacturing entered a recession late last year. Layoff announcements surged during 2019, especially in states such as Pennsylvania and Michigan that would be crucial for Trump’s reelection.

Manufacturing employment reached 12,851,000 in September but has largely stalled since then. Following a gain in November, the sector lost 5,000 jobs in December and an additional 12,000 in January, landing again at 12,851,000, according to preliminary government figures.

Part of the problem is Trump’s trade war, which has disrupted the supply chain for many American manufacturers, despite Trump’s insistence that it’s designed to protect American jobs.

Farming has been another black hole in the Trump economy. Farmers have been whipsawed by the trade war. They’ve been targeted for retaliatory tariffs by China, which reduced its buying of American soybeans virtually to nothing. As I reported in May , farm prices are down, bankruptcies are up, farm equipment is getting more expensive and export markets are fading away.

Trump announced last month that China would commit to stepping up its purchases of U.S. produce as part of his “Phase 1" trade deal, but skepticism still abounds over whether or how soon China will make good on the pledge.

Trump has tweeted about increasing subsidies to American farmers hurt by the trade war, but the tweet caught his own agricultural officials by surprise . That would be on top of $28 billion the government has already committed in aid to the farm sector, most of which has gone to large agribusinesses, not small farmers.

Some of the most significant headwinds hampering growth may come from Trump’s own immigration policies, which have choked off the flow of lower-income workers who help keep the overall economy humming.

White House acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney acknowledged as much in a private meeting in England reported by the Washington Post . “We are desperate — desperate — for more people,” Mulvaney said, according to a recording of the meeting. “We are running out of people to fuel the economic growth that we’ve had in our nation over the last four years. We need more immigrants.”

Mulvaney specified that he meant immigrants who came to the U.S. legally, but the administration has tightened standards for legal immigration as well as trying to stem the inflow of those coming illegally.

Mulvaney’s remarks underscored the essential disconnect between the administration’s desire for economic growth and the constraints its ideologies have placed on growth.

Taken together, the numbers indicate that Trump’s policies have benefited the wealthy and large corporations, but left the fortunes of the middle class and low-income households behind. His economy may be booming, but it’s not everyone’s economic boom.

Keep up to date with Michael Hiltzik. Follow @hiltzikm on Twitter, see his Facebook page or email michael.hiltzik


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Jan 3, 2014
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From the Los Angeles Times
Trump boom is leaving millions behind

President Trump and his economic advisors have.....

All economies leave millions behind. Even the healthiest and most vibrant and growing. Trump's opponents have no basis for complaint because instead of legislating they've spent the last three years pursuing an impeachment everyone knew would fail, wasting millions of dollars and thousands of legislative hours and power they were elected to use more fruitfully.

If there is any blame to be laid anywhere then much of it falls on the critics and haters. Time to wipe the dirt of the mirror.

Are you familiar with the recent firing of Bob Wright for admitting his socialism prompted him to squash legitimate news and anything favorable to his opponents? For his willful lack of objectivity and willful practice of censorship and propagandization? Have you ever read the journalists' Code of Ethics and do you think Michael Hiltzik meets those standards?
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Wake me when it's soup.
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Economies have a mind of their own regardless of what politicians say or do. The biggest reason so many are 'left behind' is because they don't have the education or the skills needed by the workplace. Kids are running off to college, later to be unemployed (and often unemployable because of worthless degrees), and deeply in debt. Meanwhile companies have to import both blue and white collar talent in order to compete and grow.
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Ricky M

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Apr 19, 2017
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Now put your fingers in your ears and repeat after me, "La La La La".
We wouldn't want to let facts get in the way would we?

Even when they derive from Trump's own advisors reports.
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Dona Quixote
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Jun 11, 2005
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What's more, Trump's gutting of the CDC, muzzling the few doctors and scientists of conscience who remain by forcing them to filter their communications through Pence, and attempting to "handle" the Covid 19 pandemic by pretending it's under control and hoping against hope nature will cooperate will leave the "economic boom" behind.

There are religious people out there (not me) who sometimes call tragedies "God's punishment." I suppose that we might consider Covid 19 and the serious economic repercussions God's punishment for electing an unstable, impulsive leader whose only concern is for his own bottom line. Sad as it is to think of, I am sure he spends more time scouting the Manhattan real estate market right now, hoping some highly leveraged buildings may have to be sold off because of the economic crisis than he does worrying about the health and well being of Americans.

I have a son living in Asia who has told us in detail about what we may have in store for us very soon, and his country DOES have universal health care, and DOES take the possibility of a pandemic seriously, and DOES intend to contain it ASAP. Even so, there are food and grocery shortages, ports lie vacant, schools are closed, local businesses are closed temporarily because no one is venturing out. That's a mere week after the first case was diagnosed.

We have uninsured people who will not pay to get tested for a virus which must be "ridden out" and cannot be cured. We have many workers in the "gig economy" with no sick leave. They will remain out in the open, infecting others, because our non existent social safety net will not allow them to seek treatment or stay home sick.

The boom is being lowered on the economic boom, and at some point, unlike the Mueller Report and the faux impeachment trial, the AG won't be able to cover it up and control the damage.
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Wake me when it's soup.
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It would be prudent to buy a few extra foodstuffs at this point. I'm going shopping today and will buy a few more items than I normally do. I will also observe the shopping habits of others in this regard. There are no cases of the virus in my region but that could change overnight, and possibly cause a mini-panic and a run on foodstuffs. Best to get ahead of it, which will signal the suppliers to get ready for a rush.

I have always felt that the best place for the community food "store" was in the pantries and freezers of the people themselves, not the local supermarket. This is how shopping was done in the past, and still is for some. We had a large food pantry which we filled with canned and dry foods that lasted for a full year for our family of five.
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May 22, 2015
From the Los Angeles Times
Trump boom is leaving millions behind

President Trump and his economic advisors have been taking a rather premature victory lap about the nation’s economic performance during his three years in office.
It’s premature in part because Trump’s term isn’t over yet. And also because the economy hasn’t performed nearly as well as he says, even if one discounts a good portion of his rhetoric as bombast.

In his State of the Union address earlier this month, Trump proclaimed the economy to be “the best it has ever been.”

In the foreword to the latest report from his Council of Economic Advisors , released last week, Trump boasts of having “championed policies to restore the United States’ economic strength ... including tax cuts, deregulation, energy independence, and trade renegotiation.”
The report itself, however, acknowledges that as of December the U.S. economic expansion had reached its 127th month, meaning that it began 7 1/2 years before Trump took office.
As for his assertion that his economy is the best in U.S. history, the rationale for that claim is a mystery. It’s not true by any measure.

Much of Trump’s economic rhetoric is aimed at the Obama administration by asserting, as he does in the latest White House economic report, that he has reversed “trends seen under the previous administration.”

(He may have been goaded by a tweet issued by Obama on Feb.17 marking the 11th anniversary of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act. Obama tweeted that the act had paved the way “for more than a decade of economic growth and the longest streak of job creation in American history.”)

With Trump’s tenure entering its fourth year, evidence is mounting that the economic expansion under his leadership has left millions of Americans behind. The government’s own statistics demonstrate that large sectors of the economy — including those for which Trump is making especially bold claims — aren’t performing well at all.

They include coal mining, which appears to have become bound in implacable doldrums since 2016, and manufacturing, which entered a recession late last year and in which employment has stagnated.

As we’ve reported before , Trump’s campaign promise of driving the economy to a growth rate of more than 3% has receded into the mists of time. The president’s economic report projects real annual growth of about 3.1% this year, falling to about 2.8% toward the end of the decade.

But that’s only with “full implementation” of Trump’s agenda of further business deregulation and an extension of the tax cuts enacted in December 2017, which were heavily tilted toward the wealthy. Barring that, the economic team says, annual growth could fall to just over 2% a year.

The stock market has been soaring, but even the biggest gain in the Standard & Poor’s 500 of the Trump years — the 31.1% gain last year — didn’t match the best year under Obama, a 32.43% gain in 2013.

The index never had a negative year during Obama’s eight years in office, incorporating dividends, but already has had one (2018) under Trump. After sell-offs Monday and Tuesday, both the S&P 500 and the Dow Jones industrial average turned negative for 2020.

It may be unfair to blame Trump for the coronavirus-driven selling, but since he’s been claiming largely undeserved credit for the market gains up to now, he can take the blame too. In any event, the stock market is not the economy, though it may from time to time put money in the pockets mostly of the affluent, who earn as much as half their annual income from capital gains.

What’s more telling is to examine how average workers have done under Trump. There the facts warrant even less braggadocio.

It’s true that the economic expansion that started under Obama following the 2008-09 recession has continued under Trump — but at the same pace or less than under his predecessor in terms of job growth. Under the circumstances, it’s proper to ask what Trump’s role in the expansion has been.

To begin with, there are no signs that it has picked up steam. Quite the contrary. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Trump added an average of 181,000 jobs per year over his three years in office. Obama added an average of 224,000 in his last three years and 216,000 per year during his entire second term.

Trump asserted in his State of the Union address that his policies have been especially good for low-wage workers, “who have seen a 16% pay increase since my election.” That’s before inflation. Counting price increases, it’s 9%.

Economist Jared Bernstein of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a former economic advisor to Vice President Joe Biden, agrees with Trump that low-income workers have seen larger gains than middle- or high-income workers.

But their incomes are still too low to make ends meet. The same living wage calculator cited by Bernstein, which is produced by MIT, shows that in a household in Los Angeles with two working adults and two children, each worker would have to earn $20.28 an hour, full-time, to cover the family’s typical living expenses of $84,352. That’s a stretch for almost anyone outside the fields of law, medicine or other top professions, the MIT survey indicates.

Low-wage and middle-class Americans remain caught in the same vise that has been squeezing them for decades. “Your paycheck hasn’t grown as much as it needs to,” says Thea Lee, president of the labor-oriented Economic Policy Institute, “and everyone has seen a rise in costs.” Part of the reason is an “eroding public sector,” she says, including a consistent defunding of public universities that transfers costs to families.

According to an analysis of census data done by the EPI in conjunction with the journalism website Capital and Main, the growth of real median household income has slowed nationwide under Trump. To the extent that low-wage workers have experienced income growth, Lee notes, much of that results from increases in the minimum wage enacted in several states and cities.

“Increasing the minimum wage is not a policy of which Trump approves,” she says, “so that’s not something President Trump can take credit for.”

Meanwhile, the Trump administration has been moving to shoot holes in the economic safety net by pushing initiatives that would throw millions of households off the food stamp program and thousands off Medicaid. Trump supports a lawsuit brought by Texas to invalidate the Affordable Care Act, which would end premium subsidies for as many as 10 million Americans and could leave those with pre-existing medical conditions without access to health coverage.
As recently as Tuesday, the Trump-controlled National Labor Relations Board significantly weakened the so-called joint employer rule , which had made franchise companies such as McDonald’s responsible for the workplace treatment of employees by franchisees.
By depriving those workers of bargaining rights with the parent companies, according to the Economic Policy Institute , the change from an Obama-era rule could cost workers $1.3 billion annually.

The biggest doubts about the Trump economy apply to his industrial policy. Trump promised during his election campaign to restore the coal industry’s health. Throughout his term he has displayed hostility toward renewable energy sources such as wind. Last year he unveiled an amendment to the Clean Air Act aiming to extend the life of coal-fired power plants, despite evidence that they’re a danger to public health and contribute to climate change.
But the industry hasn’t come back, and there’s reason to doubt it ever will. U.S. coal mining employment fell to its lowest level ever in the fourth quarter of 2019. Coal generation has been undercut by historically low prices for natural gas, which burns cleaner anyway.
“No one’s going to argue with the point that coal, as a percentage of U.S. electricity generation, is declining and will probably continue to decline for some time,” Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette said this month .

It’s worth noting that Trump’s focus on coal is a distraction in terms of the big economic picture. The entire U.S. coal mining industry employed about 50,000 workers at the end of last year. Amazon.com alone employs 10 times as many workers in the U.S., and Walmart 30 times as many.

More worrisome is the slump in manufacturing, another sector Trump promised to support. As my colleague Don Lee reported , manufacturing entered a recession late last year. Layoff announcements surged during 2019, especially in states such as Pennsylvania and Michigan that would be crucial for Trump’s reelection.

Manufacturing employment reached 12,851,000 in September but has largely stalled since then. Following a gain in November, the sector lost 5,000 jobs in December and an additional 12,000 in January, landing again at 12,851,000, according to preliminary government figures.

Part of the problem is Trump’s trade war, which has disrupted the supply chain for many American manufacturers, despite Trump’s insistence that it’s designed to protect American jobs.

Farming has been another black hole in the Trump economy. Farmers have been whipsawed by the trade war. They’ve been targeted for retaliatory tariffs by China, which reduced its buying of American soybeans virtually to nothing. As I reported in May , farm prices are down, bankruptcies are up, farm equipment is getting more expensive and export markets are fading away.

Trump announced last month that China would commit to stepping up its purchases of U.S. produce as part of his “Phase 1" trade deal, but skepticism still abounds over whether or how soon China will make good on the pledge.

Trump has tweeted about increasing subsidies to American farmers hurt by the trade war, but the tweet caught his own agricultural officials by surprise . That would be on top of $28 billion the government has already committed in aid to the farm sector, most of which has gone to large agribusinesses, not small farmers.

Some of the most significant headwinds hampering growth may come from Trump’s own immigration policies, which have choked off the flow of lower-income workers who help keep the overall economy humming.

White House acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney acknowledged as much in a private meeting in England reported by the Washington Post . “We are desperate — desperate — for more people,” Mulvaney said, according to a recording of the meeting. “We are running out of people to fuel the economic growth that we’ve had in our nation over the last four years. We need more immigrants.”

Mulvaney specified that he meant immigrants who came to the U.S. legally, but the administration has tightened standards for legal immigration as well as trying to stem the inflow of those coming illegally.

Mulvaney’s remarks underscored the essential disconnect between the administration’s desire for economic growth and the constraints its ideologies have placed on growth.

Taken together, the numbers indicate that Trump’s policies have benefited the wealthy and large corporations, but left the fortunes of the middle class and low-income households behind. His economy may be booming, but it’s not everyone’s economic boom.

Keep up to date with Michael Hiltzik. Follow @hiltzikm on Twitter, see his Facebook page or email michael.hiltzik

This is such typical leftist propaganda. The economy is roaring, more people have jobs, income is up, trade is getting better and what do leftists say?

It's not good enough!

I'd like to know what IS good enough? What does the unemployment rate have to be to be good enough? How high does income have to increase for everyone before it's good enough?

What exactly is the plan the leftists have for increasing pay other than a mandated wage? How exactly are they going to lower the unemployment rate? How exactly are they going to bring manufacturing back to the US? These immigrants they want to bring in. What are the jobs they are going to fill and how much are they going to get paid?
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Ricky M

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Apr 19, 2017
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This is such typical leftist propaganda. The economy is roaring, more people have jobs, income is up, trade is getting better and what do leftists say?

It's not good enough!

I'd like to know what IS good enough? What does the unemployment rate have to be to be good enough? How high does income have to increase for everyone before it's good enough?

What exactly is the plan the leftists have for increasing pay other than a mandated wage? How exactly are they going to lower the unemployment rate? How exactly are they going to bring manufacturing back to the US? These immigrants they want to bring in. What are the jobs they are going to fill and how much are they going to get paid?
True, the LA Times is a liberal publication. That is to be taken under consideration. But when they quote facts and figures from outside neutral organizations, that's not them propagandizing. That's just reporting.

And the employment situation will be good enough when current compensation packages equal that of the 1950's, when the middle class - and society - and this country - was at it's strongest.
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May 22, 2015
True, the LA Times is a liberal publication. That is to be taken under consideration. But when they quote facts and figures from outside neutral organizations, that's not them propagandizing. That's just reporting.

And the employment situation will be good enough when current compensation packages equal that of the 1950's, when the middle class - and society - and this country - was at it's strongest.

The poverty rate in the 59s was about 22%. The poverty rate in 2019 was about 11%. In the 50s about 66% of Americans were middle class. Now about 52% of Americans are middle class.

That means in the 50s about 12% of Americans were upper class.

Now about 35% of Americans are upperclass.

So having more people in the middle class are a BAD thing for Americans. That means people are losing wealth. The middle class is shrinking NOT because Americans are getting poorer, but because they are moving upward. That's good for Americans.
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Jun 19, 2018
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Economist Jared Bernstein of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a former economic advisor to Vice President Joe Biden, agrees with Trump that low-income workers have seen larger gains than middle- or high-income workers.

But their incomes are still too low to make ends meet. The same living wage calculator cited by Bernstein, which is produced by MIT, shows that in a household in Los Angeles with two working adults and two children, each worker would have to earn $20.28 an hour, full-time, to cover the family’s typical living expenses of $84,352. That’s a stretch for almost anyone outside the fields of law, medicine or other top professions, the MIT survey indicates.

Low-wage and middle-class Americans remain caught in the same vise that has been squeezing them for decades. “Your paycheck hasn’t grown as much as it needs to,” says Thea Lee, president of the labor-oriented Economic Policy Institute, “and everyone has seen a rise in costs.” Part of the reason is an “eroding public sector,” she says, including a consistent defunding of public universities that transfers costs to families.

I guess this is supposed to be some type of anti-Trump attack piece that big coastal media especially love churning out, but the economic issues driving this stuff are decades-old. The lower class laborers, especially, have been hit a double whammy with exportation of formerly high paying union manufacturing jobs with the importation of tens of millions of cheaper, lower-wage laborers that are sometimes outright bumping Americans out of a number of formerly union industries, such as meatpacking and construction.

Trump has complained of both importation of cheap labor and offshoring jobs and has been attacked by both parties for it. It's why he wants to encourage people to trade schools. The trades used to be the backbone of working America, and they paid well, until those workers were displaced by cheaper foreign labor.
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Jun 19, 2018
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The poverty rate in the 59s was about 22%. The poverty rate in 2019 was about 11%. In the 50s about 66% of Americans were middle class. Now about 52% of Americans are middle class.

That means in the 50s about 12% of Americans were upper class.

Now about 35% of Americans are upperclass.

So having more people in the middle class are a BAD thing for Americans. That means people are losing wealth. The middle class is shrinking NOT because Americans are getting poorer, but because they are moving upward. That's good for Americans.

What is the definition of middle class and upper class here? No longer can a man with only a high school education support a family with a single income.
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Dona Quixote
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Jun 11, 2005
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This is such typical leftist propaganda. The economy is roaring, more people have jobs, income is up, trade is getting better and what do leftists say?

It's not good enough!

I'd like to know what IS good enough? What does the unemployment rate have to be to be good enough? How high does income have to increase for everyone before it's good enough?

What exactly is the plan the leftists have for increasing pay other than a mandated wage? How exactly are they going to lower the unemployment rate? How exactly are they going to bring manufacturing back to the US? These immigrants they want to bring in. What are the jobs they are going to fill and how much are they going to get paid?
To be fair Barack Obama had more success on most of those fronts.
And his Oscar winning documentary, American Factory, showed how auto workers got their jobs back at 60% less an hour, living in relative's bssements. Should they be kissing Trump's feet? Ugh.
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Jun 19, 2018
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To be fair Barack Obama had more success on most of those fronts.
And his Oscar winning documentary, American Factory, showed how auto workers got their jobs back at 60% less an hour, living in relative's bssements. Should they be kissing Trump's feet? Ugh.

I've never seen this documentary but this stuff really exploded when we combined offshoring of good paying jobs (autos to Mexico, manufacturing to China) and began importing tens of millions of cheaper foreign laborers. All of that amounted to an assault on the middle class. Perhaps it's time to do some studies on how much income from American labor is being diverted to foreign countries in the form of remittances?
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Jun 19, 2018
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Are you familiar with the recent firing of Bob Wright for admitting his socialism prompted him to squash legitimate news and anything favorable to his opponents? For his willful lack of objectivity and willful practice of censorship and propagandization? Have you ever read the journalists' Code of Ethics and do you think Michael Hiltzik meets those standards?

I am familiar with the Code of Ethics for journalists and I can't think of a single news outlet that remotely cares about meeting that standard.
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Jan 7, 2016
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Well yeah. Look at how many Americans are having to turn to Go Fund Me to pay for insulin, medical care, basic expenses. The minimum wage in America is the same as it was when I was in kindergarten & I'm now in college. The cost of living has soared in a lot of areas & to afford it you typically need a college degree but the cost of college tuition is way higher than it was in generations past even when adjusting for inflation.

Trump constantly focuses on the stock market when the majority of ppl don't have stock, it's ppl who are already rich getting richer who benefit the most from that.
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Ricky M

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What is the definition of middle class and upper class here? No longer can a man with only a high school education support a family with a single income.
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Ricky M

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I've never seen this documentary but this stuff really exploded when we combined offshoring of good paying jobs (autos to Mexico, manufacturing to China) and began importing tens of millions of cheaper foreign laborers. All of that amounted to an assault on the middle class. Perhaps it's time to do some studies on how much income from American labor is being diverted to foreign countries in the form of remittances?
In all of it's forms.
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Jun 19, 2018
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Trump constantly focuses on the stock market when the majority of ppl don't have stock, it's ppl who are already rich getting richer who benefit the most from that.

Anyone with an employee retirement account does. The mutual fund I have from my former employer dropped $2k in value in the last week due to coronavirus fears.

I would also not take on face value anything from GoFundMe.
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Anyone with an employee retirement account does. The mutual fund I have from my former employer dropped $2k in value in the last week due to coronavirus fears.

I would also not take on face value anything from GoFundMe.

Well yeah. 401Ks took a swift beating.

There's a lot of ppl who are living paycheck to paycheck w jobs that are effected by the coronavirus in China & are not going to just be able to rebound.

They're actually pretty good at identifying fakers & refunding donors. All the ppl who got scammed by the Trumper who wanted to fundraise to build a wall got reimbursed.

Even b4 the existence of GoFundMe desperate Americans were going into surreal debt bc of insane medical expenses. 2/3rds of Americans who file for bankruptcy have cited medical debt. My sister's medical bills were insane when we lived in the US, my parents have always had super great jobs, it was still a burden. We emigrated Canada when I was younger, she's had way better care, no medical burden.
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