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The Tabeen school massacre


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“There were pieces of men, women and children lying in front of me … heads separated from bodies, hands and legs all over,” Nasser said. “It was very difficult, but the worst was the man who was on fire, running and screaming. We ran over to him and put out the fire. He had burns all over his body to a massive degree.”

At least 80 people were killed in three Israeli missile strikes on the school, where about 6,000 displaced people were sheltering, according to the health ministry in the Hamas-run territory."

And the death count has risen

Obviously a war crime and evil. Just as calling this simply 'war' is evil.

God has spoken and we know His thoughts on the matter.

Exodus 22:22
Ye shall not afflict any widow, or fatherless child.

Exodus 22:23
If thou afflict them in any wise, and they cry at all unto me, I will surely hear their cry;

Exodus 22:24
And my wrath shall wax hot, and I will kill you with the sword; and your wives shall be widows, and your children fatherless.

That is what is coming to Israel for this and similar crimes. I agree with God, such evil must be punished. The decree is already made.
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So says the hamas source. Not so bad from the Israelis. Who do you trust?
How many other sources in Gaza are there? Not like there are many journalists running around fleeing with the masses from supposedly safe zones.
But your point is moot since the IDF itself admitted it conducted the strike

"The IDF and Shin Bet security agency on Saturday night named 19 Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror operatives that it said it killed in an airstrike Saturday morning on a Hamas and Islamic Jihad command room at the Taba’een school in Gaza City."

I see no proof was offered that the school was some 'command room'. The people on the ground claimed it was nothing of the sort. So what we seem to have here is a pattern of Israel claiming anything they hit was some Hamas HQ or centre or etc.
We could not believe the people that sent missiles into a school, especially one surrounded by many thousands of civilians who had fled. They should no longer even be quoted or listened to whatsoever, let alone believed.
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Blame Hamas which uses human shields and refuses to surrender!

Also, blame Iran for arming these savages!
No. Blame the ones who did it. God will use Iran and others to punish them as He did through history. I gave a verse here in the OP that shows He already ruled on the issue.
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243 God loves me
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We see who you trust. Israel said it was not that bad. Small explosive. They have started going after schools and mosques because terrorist hide there. They are committed not to genocide they have kept civilian casualties low. Hamas is inclined to inflate numbers for themselves and against Israel because western press wants to believe them.
Hamas is paying for their war crimes. This was not a war crime just a simple attack on leaders not civilians. Too small blast to do that much damage. You can’t trust hamas they are antisemites to the death. It’s not going to be judged by the world but by Israel. They have experienced the enemy’s evil and can’t change them. This is what they understand.

amir tsarfati is my source on telegram.
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We see who you trust. Israel said it was not that bad. Small explosive.
Who cares what killers say?
They have started going after schools and mosques because terrorist hide there.
They are committed not to genocide they have kept civilian casualties low.
Hamas is inclined to inflate numbers for themselves and against Israel because western press wants to believe them.
As if there was any need
Hamas is paying for their war crimes.
No the people are being killed wholesale.
This was not a war crime just a simple attack on leaders not civilians.
Absurd. A school was hit with what witnesses say were missiles. Israel admits the attack. It is known it was a place thousands of refugees camped. You simply want to label civilians as something else.
Too small blast to do that much damage.
Killing people is damage. Denial is futile
You can’t trust hamas they are antisemites to the death.
I wonder why?
It’s not going to be judged by the world but by Israel.
No, by God and it is already decided. I gave the verse from God.
They have experienced the enemy’s evil and can’t change them. This is what they understand.
The whole world understands and so does God and Israel soon will also
amir tsarfati is my source on telegram.
He might as well be a paid operative of the IDF! I listened to him a lot before this genocide. He does not have the sense to stop trying to justify the wicked. He is also wrong about God already bringing Israel back there. No way. Only saved Jews after the tribulation will be be brought back by God. Right now they are on their own in having got there and what they are doing there.
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Yet you believe the killers of hamas…
I don't call school kids killers, sorry. Neither does God. He says that if they afflict ANY widow or fatherless (and Israel not only starves and afflicts them but maims and murders them by the tens of thousands) that He will absolutely surely hear their cry and kill the oppressors. You think God is a terrorist? What do you have to say about that scripture?
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243 God loves me
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None of this has happened and the time of the attack was 5 am- no school kids. You are not listening to honest sources. It’s a time of warfare and pay backs. Civilians are not being targeted. What about the young and old that hamas murdered. They arent saints. They started this war.
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None of this has happened and the time of the attack was 5 am- no school kids. You are not listening to honest sources. It’s a time of warfare and pay backs. Civilians are not being targeted. What about the young and old that hamas murdered. They arent saints. They started this war.
The attack actually came at the time of morning prayers when it would kill the most people.

"At around 4:40[12] during Fajr morning prayers in the Al-Tabi'een school, which was being used to house roughly 6,000 refugees and internally displaced Palestinian citizens, three rockets struck the building, causing the structure to collapse. According to witnesses, no warning was given prior to the attack.[13] The number of Palestinians in the school was higher during the attack due to it occurring during Fajr prayer, with eyewitnesses claiming that roughly 250 people were inside the prayer hall at the time of the strikes.[14][15]"
To claim civilians were not targeted is plainly false
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These kinds of things are difficult for me to figure out in my head and coming to a definitive answer of whether it was a "fair" attack to be made or not, seems impossible.

Hamas has a known history of sheltering in civilian occupied areas... like schools and hospitals. To me, that's clearly using people as human shields and "not right". I believe that the international consensus is that using human shields is a crime.

Israel has pretty much come to the conclusion that the IDF is no longer going to allow Hamas' tactic to deter the end goal of defeating the enemy.

Israel has brought the issue to the attention of the world for decades and has been told that it has no proof. But for several years now Israel has provided proof that, not only is it happening, but that the UN and NGOs are complicit with Hamas in doing such things.

As much as I would prefer no war at all, I understand that war is never pretty. Israel has clearly and repeatedly told everyone in Gaza, as well as the world, what it plans to do including attacking Hamas regardless of where they hideout. I think that if I were in the IDF, I'd agree with that approach.

The thing that I dislike as much as the war, is media being involved in it to the extent that it is. I think that it should be there to document things going on, but it's become a source of entertainment. It entertains political leaders and the public and it spins the info however it wishes. And the world sits by and debates which side is doing better and who is cheating. That's the sadder thing, imho.
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These kinds of things are difficult for me to figure out in my head and coming to a definitive answer of whether it was a "fair" attack to be made or not, seems impossible.
I find it simple. If a school is attacked, that is bad. If a place where refugees have had to live around is bombed, that is bad. When children are killed and civilians, that is bad. If people are praying in a large group and they have missiles reign down on them, that is bad. Not fair. Not good. Not of God.
Hamas has a known history of sheltering in civilian occupied areas...
Meaningless almost since they are in a crowded virtual outdoor prison of Gaza. You thought they could disappear altogether and never have family or shop etc?
like schools and hospitals. To me, that's clearly using people as human shields and "not right". I believe that the international consensus is that using human shields is a crime.
Not applicable. They do not even know who the 'Hamas' are! How would they recognize one if one was in a store? How would we believe that some hospital or someplace was really a HQ for them, when no one at the hospital knows anything about it? By having IDF photo some machine gun or something after they kill folks, bomb the place and come in? Seriously??
Israel has pretty much come to the conclusion that the IDF is no longer going to allow Hamas' tactic to deter the end goal of defeating the enemy.
In other words they blame all genocide and murder on Hamas being there supposedly.
Israel has brought the issue to the attention of the world for decades and has been told that it has no proof.
Lots of issues have been brought to the world with no action. The male rapes of prisoners (many or most without charges apparently) for example.
But for several years now Israel has provided proof that, not only is it happening, but that the UN and NGOs are complicit with Hamas in doing such things.
No one in their right mind should believe Israel any more than they should believe Hitler. Not any more.
As much as I would prefer no war at all, I understand that war is never pretty. Israel has clearly and repeatedly told everyone in Gaza, as well as the world, what it plans to do including attacking Hamas regardless of where they hideout. I think that if I were in the IDF, I'd agree with that approach.
Who cares if they announce they will mass murder children or not?
The thing that I dislike as much as the war, is media being involved in it to the extent that it is. I think that it should be there to document things going on, but it's become a source of entertainment.
So many journalists have been killed in Gaza, is that the entertainment for Israel you refer to?
It entertains political leaders and the public and it spins the info however it wishes. And the world sits by and debates which side is doing better and who is cheating. That's the sadder thing, imho.
No debate remains. Only judgment from God as He decreed. The fatherless and widows have been oppressed, starved, tortured, lied to,and murdered. I have no idea as to what remains some mystery here.
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243 God loves me
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You are again inflammatory. Read it again. Unspotted from the world. Antisemitic. Pro terrorism. There are some who say you can’t be a Christian and be antisemitic. Israel is taking care of their own not the enemy. You take care of the enemy. That’s your job. America takes care of its own…. But Gaza spent all of its money on weapons and tunnels, not to help the orphans and widows. And they kill and wound their own also. I’ve seen videos of it. Trying to get food from hamas.
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You are again inflammatory. Read it again. Unspotted from the world.
False. Being unspotted with the world very much includes not being a mass murderer of the fatherless and widows etc.
Antisemitic. Pro terrorism.
There is no issue with what race people are who are killing the children. Strawman in the extreme.
There are some who say you can’t be a Christian and be antisemitic.
There are some who also realize that when God speaks about a need to be kind to the fatherless and widows, that it has nothing to do with being anti Muslim or anti Jewish. Again, more extreme dishonesty
Israel is taking care of their own not the enemy.
Who asked what they 'took care of'?
You take care of the enemy. That’s your job.
Say what? What enemy? God's enemies are those who kill the innocents. Their enemies will be working FOR God when He either allows them or sends them to fulfill the sentence He decreed. The word enemy is worthless
America takes care of its own….
So? Like that is relevant here?
But Gaza spent all of its money on weapons and tunnels, not to help the orphans and widows.
None of your business how people spend their money. (as if we would believe you anyhow)
And they kill and wound their own also. I’ve seen videos of it. Trying to get food from hamas.
Was that at an IDF screening?
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