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Dum Diddy Dum Dum, Oh Boy!
Sep 25, 2002
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I gots an idea!  Everyone post your best poem you've written, then I, the judge, will award a first second and third place on the poems for which I like best.  Today's Feb. 16, so I will judge the poems on the 26th, so you have 10 days to enter.  I'm gonna start by entering a poem, even though it can't win! 

Have fun Y'all!


Come Back Soon!


The lovely waters flow at your feet
You are the one I long to meet
I will go to the end, oh so deep
Your pain and your sorrow, oh I weep

When I am standing at your grave
Deep regret, sorrow, I wave
Walking across the road you pave
I search for myself in a cave

My inner self I need to find
To me you were so kind
I find myself in a bind
My motor you used to wind

You are the one I long for
You are the reason my tears pour
Come and fill my core
Prove to me you're not a lore

Jesus I am longing for you


The Midnight Shift
Feb 14, 2003
S.E. Michigan
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<PRE><TT><SMALL>God's Warehouse by Glenn316

God's warehouse is not in some seedy section of town
It's not by some dock or quayside
It's in Heaven above

God's warehouse doesn't have peeling paint
Broken windows
Or a leaky roof

God's warehouse has the best equipment God can imagine
The most efficient angelic delivery system
The best heavenly climate controlled environment

God's warehouse is full of blessings for all of God's people
Everyone has a full shelf ready for instant delivery
Stacked high and 10 deep.

God's warehouse is strangely quiet most days
The angels stand around fluttering their wings in anticipation
But they have no orders to fill

God's warehouse is quiet
And the Lord is sad
Because no one asks
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The Midnight Shift
Feb 14, 2003
S.E. Michigan
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<PRE><TT><SMALL>Praying hands;

A famous sculpture of a pair of hands,

fingers interlaced.

Praying hands;

The palms of a child pressed together

held upright before their face.

Praying hands;

Two rough tear stained hands

held together in someone's lap.

Praying hands;

Damp palms pressed against

a weeping face

Praying hands;

Outstretched hands raised

toward the sky.

Praying hands;

Clenched fists held

tightly at their side

Praying hands;

Nail scarred hands stretched wide,

on the cross
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The Midnight Shift
Feb 14, 2003
S.E. Michigan
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The Word became flesh,
And dwelt among us.

The creator of all things,
Seen and unseen.

The Word of God became,
The son of a carpenter.

He became a worker in wood,
A worker in the hearts of men.

Jesus made new creations out of wood,
Even out of our souls


by Glenn316
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The Midnight Shift
Feb 14, 2003
S.E. Michigan
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<TT><PRE>Sunday 07/17/01 during the ensemble song I was struck by the phrase

broken people. I remembered the story about the building of the former Sha of Iran’s temple. They received a shipment of mirrors that were all broken. Instead of throwing them away they used the pieces to make something more beautiful than the original mirrors could ever be. This happened in an instant. I visualized a mirror being broken, the myriad pieces falling to the ground. The glittering pieces flowed themselves up onto and over a cross making it glitter in the light of The Son. Then I saw a glittering wall, as if made up of grains of glass. The view backed away, and I saw the form of a massively huge and brightly shining building. And I realized this represented The Church, His Church, made up of broken pieces transformed into something new and glorious for Him.



God loves all the broken people

the shattered glittering pieces

of lives broken by sin

by life,

by death,

by love,

by loss,

ground to bits.

God draws all the broken people

to the foot of the foot of the cross

all the broken pieces are loved by Him

by The Father

by The Son

by The Holy Spirit

He makes them One

Whole like Himself

He takes all the broken pieces

the shattered glittering bits

now reflecting His love

He encourages them

strengthens them

builds them up

into His Church

for His glory.

By Glenn316</PRE>
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Just so you know I wrote this in Creative Writing and the prompt was to write something you were sorry/wanted to apologize for but in the end you really weren't sorry for it.

I feel so bad for admitting this and I'm sorry
that I did it, but I had no way out.
I'm sorry that it wasn't me, the one who
could make you smile.
I hate not being the one with the gleaming
rock-hard shoulder.
I cry that I'm not the one to hold your hand
when you're scared.
You're the one who constantly says
"I'm a baby," but in reality I'm the mouse,
who's crawled deep into the hole.
The hole is not into your heart but into mine.

Yet I am the one who makes you frown and
I am the one who brings waterfalls to your eyes.
My shoulder is rock hard but not for you.
Your pillow is wet and your dreams are fierce,
all because of me.

And even though I hate myself for all the things
I've done, you undoubtedly deserved it.
You're the one who hurt me so and you're
the one who left me here.
You left me in this cold dark world to chisel myself out.
All I have is a sliver of sun to guide my tortured path.

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Feb 19, 2003
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It's All Figured Out

Sometimes I ask "Why?"
I don't understand.
But How could I get,
Such a Master plan?

Cause If I could grasp,
A Glimpse of your mind,
You wouldn't be God,
You'ld be as mankind.

It's all figured out,
In your complex mind.
Your infinite sea,
Of knowledge devine.

Now I have no doubt,
Everything will be fine.
You'll do what you need,
In your precious time.

So I realize now,
it's all figured out.
A huge master plan,
That I know more doubt.

So let me remember,
And always have faith,
You'll never give me,
What i cannot take.

It's all figured out,
In your complex mind.
Your infinite sea,
Of knowledge devine.

Now I have no doubt,
Everything will be fine.
You'll do what you need,
In your precious time.

Copyright 2003


A couple summers ago I was fustrated with my life and with things that was going on. But something [The Holy Spirit] inside me seemed to comfort me telling me that God was in controll and that i di not need to worry because I could not see the whole [glorious] picture of what was happening. And i started out writing "Why?" and the words just flowed from my heart as I was comforted. My main point is that God is in control and he will never send something your way that you are not able to handle. I'm putting this one on here cause its probably the best ive written. And Id llike to know what you guys think.
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<font color="darkblue">I love to be PMed or IMed!!
Feb 12, 2003
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Nails pierced your skin.
My laughter and joy rings.
A crown of thorns seer your forehead.
My smile extends from ear to ear.
Your back is torn from the whip.
I skip and run without care.
You suffocate.
I sigh.

How can I be so ignorant
And You so willing?
Why is it I am so undeserving
But You are the One to die?
What is this love
So great and unconditional
That nothing, not even death, can
Hold you back from saving one
Sole selfish, rude, ignorant child?

Your head hangs low.
Mine sinks into my hands.
Your arms are opened wide.
Mine are lifted up.
Your eyes, closed.
My eye lids silently fold.
Tears dry on your face.
Mine gently sweep my cheek.
Yours are filled with pain, undying love,
Selflessness, and eternal joy.
Mine hold heavy pain, grief, and
The proof of a broken heart.

It’s too hard to understand,
Too painful to ignore,
Too great to hide inside.
You’re dead, but
My heart pulses with Your
Ever present joy that settles
In my soul forever more.
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EspressoDuck, not ExpressDuck.
Jun 1, 2002
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Here's one of my favorites that I've written...


It's a wonder to look at the glittering stars
shining down on the frost-riddled ground.
It's wonder to look at the feathery clouds
drifting by with a soft blowing sound.
And the pearl-laden moon on a inky black night
shining down on a pond still as glass
O'er the heron- a statue as silent as death-
Waiting for the long night to pass.
It's a wonder to watch as an eagle soars by,
Swift splendor in the fields of the sky
It's a wonder a butterfly cares to live
With a lifespan of four lonely weeks
And a fish willing to swim many miles
To find the home that it seeks
There is wonder in the grass
Wet with early morning dew,
And the cat that stares in awe
At the way a bluebird flew
There's amazing wordless wonder
From the smallest grain of sand
To the sun that warms the timberwolf,
Scouting out the land.
There is wonder in the winter,
There is wonder in the spring,
There's enchanting wonder in the way
Of every living thing.
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But It Did Happen
Feb 3, 2003
Tupelo, MS
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Nothing But a Bump on the Head of Democracy
9.14.02 by Michael David Perkins

Celebration sings my name, ringing bells and banging drums
And my dwelling place has become a battle station for the armies of the old and depressed.
My getaways are filled with the trash of the urban jungle, the tramplings of the lesser man under the foot of commerce and industry.

Feathers and bone lay on the ground, symbol of the dying breed
A flock of do-dos taken in by poachers and southerners dressed in bright orange suits
And shirts with green blotches and pants with worn out knees.
Filling my time with everything else in this forest of my dreams.

The surface crowd is singing now to the music of the skies.
And though my eyes are far from fine, I still see you in the field.
You’re dancing, dancing, forever dancing to the music of the skies.
And all my mouth can not sing loud enough to change you.

But take me away to the ceiling of the youthful fleeting rest.
The social segregation leaving comfort in its wake.
My economical, sociological, something I just can’t say
Oh well, that’s what life’s for I guess.
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But It Did Happen
Feb 3, 2003
Tupelo, MS
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Some Things Are Made to Be Broken (But You Broke the Wrong Thing)
2.22.03 by Michael David Perkins

Here you are
You wear your goodness like a cheep suit
Watch TV for the bad stuff
Healthy diet of chocolates and sweets
Don’t stand so close, you might fall, you might fall

Falling hurts some, but you turn to see who’s watching
Hiding under the skin of advice and counsel
Behind the picket signs and the boy’s cot by the radio

Laugh when others burn
Laugh when others burn
Push, push, push
Maybe someday you’ll find perfection
Until then you’ll just have to settle for you.
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Feb 19, 2003
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On this path I trod,
Alone am I.
'Tis how I feel,
I know not why.

My entire journey,
Am I to be,
With none around,
To comfort me?

With none around,
Why shall I strive?
No more motives,
To live this life.

When the road is split,
Shall I decide?
Will I discern,
The wrong from right?

I know the truth,
But how shall I act?
Should I choose wrong,
Who'll bring me back?

Trav'ling alone,
I've but one try.
Shall I go wrong,
I'll not survive.

I shall go on.
In hopes that one,
Should come along.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

9 Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. 10 For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up. 11 Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone? 12 And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.
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Active Member
Feb 21, 2003
Essex County NJ
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Because I know the Lord my sins have been washed away, cleansed and forgiven.

Because I know the Lord I am a new person, not the one who holds resentment, anger or hatred, but one who can walk tall, face each day with a positive outlook and shake off the evils of others that are cast my way.

Because I know the Lord I can finally say I like myself for who I am, not what I have.

All my life's troubles, trials, fears and tears were worth it because they have brought me to this place where I can say...

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Because I know the Lord.

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Stage Ninja
Dec 8, 2002
Charlotte, NC
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How The Wind Blows

How the wind blows,
how it ripples my clothes,
I stand in it......
and at any minute.....
whether it comes expected,
or undetected,
it blows on undirected,
it may stay in its own sector....
or take its own vector,
it can carry the sweet smell of nector
or be a dust erector,
but which ever way the wind blows,
the trees and the grass,
will always show...

James Byron Miller

Copyright ©2003 James Byron Miller
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Stage Ninja
Dec 8, 2002
Charlotte, NC
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Looked through but not upon
Today I saw you, but did you see me?
Or were you to busy paying me no mind?

Today when I saw you , I wanted to smile.
But you...saw right through me, all the while

Today when I saw you, I knew I already
missed you.
But you...was I to you? As a window to me?

Was there no color? In my face, when I saw
your look...and turned in my space?
Hit with a strong blow in my place?

Of course I was colorless...to you...
I was not looked upon, but only through...
how can I show my heart's true feelings...
for you...?

James Miller

Copyright ©2003 James Byron Miller
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Stage Ninja
Dec 8, 2002
Charlotte, NC
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My Heart
A sunset goes down
the very light of day flees
but not my heart's love,
a weightless feather
falls and disturbs a great water
but not my heart's peace,
a loud sound of pain
penetrating the layers...
of air as my heart moves
to silence the discord...
Nature's beauty flows liberally
through my soul, the fresh air of spring...
sweetness...a flower's essence,
honey,that which all to well
describes emotive...
the thrill of the touch
the realness of the thoughts...
the elaborate feelings...
beauty on the out...
but even more so within...

James Byron Miller

Copyright ©2003 James Byron Miller
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Stage Ninja
Dec 8, 2002
Charlotte, NC
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Love of Music, Music Of Love
The Love Of Music...this is what I have,
or is it the music of love I hear, that makes
me love it so, this I do not know, sometimes
still and beautiful, performs wonders to the
heart, some of those, few ,and some, almost
weep unto your heart and soul, you listened
so you paid the toll. Others disorganized frantic,
loud and very Titanic, masterful wonder ness,
the heart skips the beat of one's favorite part,
music of love, or love of music, both are fine arts,
when words are not enough, music steps in, intervenes
and connects the two again, other times harsh, cold,
desolate in uncomfortable arms of sorrow,
indescribable yearnings of pain and desire,
if there was ever a thing, oh to fuel that fire,
music, be it fire also water, cooling the flame which it made,
Love of Music, Music of Love...
which ever it be...let it be known to me

James Byron Miller

Copyright ©2003 James Byron Miller
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