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The rapture could happen anytime in the blue shaded zone.
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What you don't make clear; is where people are 'raptured' to. Heaven,We are told exactly when the rapture happens down to very day. Here I'll show you.
When is the actual 'last day'?That's right, the resurrection happens on the "last day". Therefore the rapture happens also on that day right after the resurrection. Nobody is escaping the coming antichrist.
The rationale is flawed.So if we can find when the resurrection (the dead in Christ rising) happens we can know that the rapture will happen after.
THIS, I fully agree with.The rationale is flawed.
For example, in the millennium, at the beginning, there is the first resurrection for the martyred great tribulation saints; and at the end, there will another resurrection for the great white throne judgment.
Thing about this though there's a difference between God's wrath as compared to that which God haters put on believers prior to his wrath. Persecution is not wrath as it seems pretribulationists claim it is. So you have the devil doing his thing....persecuting the saints and that can't be of God for a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. Matt 12: 25 (so that can't be God's wrath) And the saints who were killed in heaven ask God how long before he avenges their blood Rev 6:10 ....and then he answers them.....a few verses later you see God move....and acts to release HIS wrath. For the great day of this wrath is come....meaning it's just come now. Rev 6:17What is the "great tribulation"?
The words "great Tribulation" are mentioned in Matthew 24:21 and Rev 2: 22 and 7:14. I think Rev 2:22 can be excluded in this analysis because it is part of the letter to Thyatira.
The great tribulation in Matt 24:21 and Rev 7:14 seems, to me, to refer to persecution/martyrdom of believers.
Matthew 24:21 is referring to fleeing/hiding/escaping from the "abomination that causes desolation" - fleeing from persecution
Rev 7:14, to me, is referring back to the fifth seal (Rev 6:9-11) which is the martyrs in WHITE robes. I say this because (i) John asks who are dressed in WHITE robes and that would mean the martyrs (ii) they had not died from natural disasters but because of their hiding away had died from hunger and thirst (Rev 7:16). Therefore isn't it the martyrs who have gone through the "great tribulation"?
The true believers have always faced persecution and martyrdom. This would be severe worldwide persecution and martyrdom? Is this the "great tribulation"?
To me, it certainly seems the great tribulation is heavy, severe, brutal persecution and martyrdom?
Glad to have your understanding of this.
The no 'rapture to heaven' chart:
Blank page, as no scripture says God will take His people to heaven.
The rapture could happen anytime in the blue shaded zone.
View attachment 275528
Confirming of the covenant (it not a signing btw) for 7 years is not the beginning of the Day of the Lord. The rapture has to take place before the beginning of the Day of the Lord, 1Thessalonians5:9-11 is the rapture/resurrection, and 1Thessalonians5:2-3 saying peace and safety before the beginning of the Day of the Lord.Your chart errs in just one thing. The tribulation period is for Daniels people , physical Israel to purge the sinner out. The church is not subject to the trumpet of bowl judgments. We will be gone before the covenant is signed!
What did I demonstrate?@tranquil
I think you have pretty much demonstrated -
Having ideas and presenting them in fragmented form textually - get tested when put on a timeline chart, where everything must fit - without having conflicts.
You need to work on your eschatology. And chart making.
Have you heard of child abuse? I think what you did could well be called "chart abuse"What did I demonstrate?
I put your chart into a Revelation framework.
This chart is much better that other one here.I feel like we are making progress.
Have you heard of child abuse? I think what you did could well be called "chart abuse".
I think you need to make your own chart, not revamping mine, because what you did trying to adopt my chart to your thinking - looks like you have two parallel universes going on. One for what you label "faithful" and another for what you label "unfaithful". The result being total conflicts and confusion.
Get a program like Paintshop Pro. Learn how to use it (will take some time) and make your own chart(s). And then start a new thread, of your Revelation chart, reflecting your view.
I don't know what you mean by "at". But the abomination of desolation follows the transgression of desolation. The AoD I show on the sub line of events below the Day of the Lord line.Kidding aside, on your chart, you put the abomination at the 'day of the Lord'.