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Technology for the church


Jun 3, 2014
Marital Status
Hi to all

I am new here, but I am glad that there is such a forum.

There is growing concern in the church that christians are using technologies made by companies that are connected to the illuminati and the anti-Christ.

A few examples I can mention now are : Google, Microsoft, NVidia.

If you do a search for these names + "occult" or +"illuminati" you will see that connection, often through the logo itself, or the associations that the company has with other companies, the connection that it has towards inhumane wars etc.

The questions for us as christians are :
1. How do we disconnect from such companies ?
2. Can we create our own alternative technologies or services ?
3. What are the alternatives ?

The problem is that we as christians have to at times "compete" with people are who not christians. Now these non-christians spend most of their time creating and improving these technologies, whereas we need time for evangelism, church, the Bible, outreach.

I come from a background in computer science and programming, so I am capable of analytical thinking. The issue however is that I can't spend my entire life on science, since it's a means to an end. In fact there are secular christian who "idolize" science and the scientific method.

I know that God finds our technology pathetic and repulsive, but if we can pray for His permission in certain areas then we can assist the poor churches especially.

One important technology is desalination. Since water is becoming more scarce, especially in Africa, we need a way to extract pure water from the oceans, and a way to transport this water to those areas. In fact at times some of these technologies are "open source" which means that we can see how it works and maybe improve it ?

It reminds me of the situation that the Israelites faced against the ancient egyptians.
The egyptians were good at mathematics and medicine, whereas the Israelites relied mostly on faith to survive, although if they really needed the technology they simply "copied" it from the evil races.

The situation today is different, since many of the world's best scientists are Israeli, and they create the technology themselves.

The question is, will God give us the "equations" that we need if we pray for it earnestly. It reminds me of Noah's Ark. The building plans must have seemed incorrect, but since God was the designer, it was flawless.

Can the church hope for such divine intervention today ? The bible says if a nation repents God will heal their land.

I want the church to be independant off the ideologies and though processes offered by the secular world, and sometimes even other religions.

The arabs are also very good at science, and there are many shared values between christianity and Islam, despire the fact that I abore it, because I know that the Kuran was written by the devil.

Let me know what you think.

Senator Cheese

Master of Cheese
Feb 4, 2014
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If you do a search for these names + "occult" or +"illuminati" you will see that connection, often through the logo itself, or the associations that the company has with other companies, the connection that it has towards inhumane wars etc.

1. How do we disconnect from such companies ?

.... Need I comment?

The problem is that we as christians have to at times "compete" with people are who not christians. Now these non-christians spend most of their time creating and improving these technologies, whereas we need time for evangelism, church, the Bible, outreach.

I come from a background in computer science and programming, so I am capable of analytical thinking. The issue however is that I can't spend my entire life on science, since it's a means to an end. In fact there are secular christian who "idolize" science and the scientific method.

Capability of analytical thinking usually shields you from insane conspiracy theories.
Really, I don't want to come off as rude, but seriously - the Illuminati? Technology was made by the devil?


It reminds me of the situation that the Israelites faced against the ancient egyptians.
The egyptians were good at mathematics and medicine, whereas the Israelites relied mostly on faith to survive, although if they really needed the technology they simply "copied" it from the evil races.

Evil races?
God loves all his children.

I want the church to be independant off the ideologies and though processes offered by the secular world, and sometimes even other religions.

I want the Church to live Christianity the way that our LORD has intended it. And that is by showing love to our neighbors, love to the LORD and love to its enemies.

I don't want the Church to pick up on lunatic conspiracy theories and to divide the world into a dichotomy of "evil" and "good" "races". There was this short guy from Austria with a funny little mustache that used that vocabulary and I can most certainly say he wasn't up to anything but trouble.

The arabs are also very good at science, and there are many shared values between christianity and Islam, despire the fact that I abore it, because I know that the Kuran was written by the devil.

Hate the sin and not the sinner.
Technology is nothing but a tool - it can be used for good and it can be used for bad. It is not inherently evil.
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Dec 17, 2010
Marital Status
.... Need I comment?

The problem is that we as christians have to at times "compete" with people are who not christians. Now these non-christians spend most of their time creating and improving these technologies, whereas we need time for evangelism, church, the Bible, outreach.

Capability of analytical thinking usually shields you from insane conspiracy theories.
Really, I don't want to come off as rude, but seriously - the Illuminati? Technology was made by the devil?


Evil races?
God loves all his children.

I want the Church to live Christianity the way that our LORD has intended it. And that is by showing love to our neighbors, love to the LORD and love to its enemies.

I don't want the Church to pick up on lunatic conspiracy theories and to divide the world into a dichotomy of "evil" and "good" "races". There was this short guy from Austria with a funny little mustache that used that vocabulary and I can most certainly say he wasn't up to anything but trouble.

Hate the sin and not the sinner.
Technology is nothing but a tool - it can be used for good and it can be used for bad. It is not inherently evil.
Indeed. Well spoken :thumbsup:
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Dec 17, 2010
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Jun 3, 2014
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The replies to my comments show you that the church is in a very dangerous state.

There is not consensus of what constitutes bible history. How much of the church today knows about typology ?

Do christians even know about the history of the ancient egyptians ?

There is a confusion about the God of the old testament and the God of the new.

It is obvious that "God loves all races", but that does NOT mean that were not evil races before Christ.

The fact that God sent the Israelites into Canaan to kill off the people there shows you that the relationship that He had with the Jews was not the same as the relationship with other races.

If the God of the old loved all the races equally then why did He single out the Jews to be chosen people ? Stewardship of Israel was given to them. King David and King Solomon were part of the bloodline of Jesus Himself.

Are you trying to tell me that King Herod was not an evil man ?
Or that Pharaoh didn't first harden his own heart before God heardened it afterwards ?

It is extremely naive to think that there are no evil companies controlled by the devil.

You people want to tell me that the US army going into Iraq and killing innocent people was divinely inspired ?

Or when the US army went into Vietnam to try and stop the so called "Dominoe Effect" ?
Thousands of lives destroyed by the ignorance of a man called Richard Nixon.

When the XBox, the PS3 and NVidia are used as platforms to create violent games filled evil occult symbolism and violence, you think that this is a blessing from God ?

When school kids go on a killing spree and say afterwards that they were influenced by games such as Doom 2+3 ( which is filled with blatant satanic images ), that this is blessing from God ?

When organizations like Hollywood have for the past 50 years produced films which contain profanity, indescency, violence, blasphemy, racism etc that this is a righteous thing ?

When zionist organizations and christian right wing zionist groups influenced by people like Pat Robertson, John Hagee etc have caused the misery of millions of people in Palestine by twisting the scriptures to make it look as if christians should support Israel militarily and financially, that this is the love of God ?

When zionist Jewish organizations control the American media to influence them into supporting Israel, through companies like Fox news, ABC, CBS, that this is the love of God ?

The spirit of the anti-Christ is all around us.

I say again, we as christian need to develop our own technology that is independent from these organizations.

I believe the way to go is to use open source, software and hardware.

Also, there is nothing wrong with home schooling in the American South, and I am not even from that area.

Why should christians be part of world system that is brain washing into believing that the world economic state should be the way it is ?

If I think of countries like Somalia, Sudan, Rwanda etc....they are burning, they need our prayers and our financial help ( and some christian are willing to be missionaries down there ).

So one can see why people like the Amish refuse to use modern technology, although they obviously take it too far.

I haven't even scraped the surface with things like gay marriage, homosexually ordained pastors, casinos, the Roman Catholic church ( who thinks that priests can forgive sins ), the Jesuits, the Freemasons, the Mormons, the Jehovah's witnesses, Calvinism, prophecies about Israel, the mark of the beast.

Then there are people like Rob Bell who say the hell is not eternal ( which affectively gives everybody a licence to sin, since it means that people's souls will dissapear ), and who also says that homosexuality is not a sin, when hundreds of thousands of people are dying from Aids due to their lifestyle, AND ARE GOING DIRECTLY TO HELL !!!

Then we have the Pope who says that people in Africa should not use condoms, affectively causing them to spread Aids even more. This man also kisses the Kuran, is friends with the Dalai Lama, believes in evolution ( at least the previous pope ).

We should not refer to conspiracy theories as lunatic, until they have been shown to be false.

The church has the opportunity to start a revolution and become independent by going undergrown, and developing it's own technology.

We need to be vigilant against the devices of the devil, since otherwise "even the elect will be deceived, if it were possible".

May God help us all.....
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Jun 18, 2006
United States
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If you do a search for these names + "occult" or +"illuminati" you will see that connection, often through the logo itself, or the associations that the company has with other companies, the connection that it has towards inhumane wars etc.

The questions for us as christians are :
1. How do we disconnect from such companies ?
2. Can we create our own alternative technologies or services ?
3. What are the alternatives ?
How about we just stop the inhumane wars, etc.?
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Regular Member
Aug 6, 2003
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The replies to my comments show you that the church is in a very dangerous state.

There is not consensus of what constitutes bible history. How much of the church today knows about typology ?

Do christians even know about the history of the ancient egyptians ?

There is a confusion about the God of the old testament and the God of the new.

It is obvious that "God loves all races", but that does NOT mean that were not evil races before Christ.

The fact that God sent the Israelites into Canaan to kill off the people there shows you that the relationship that He had with the Jews was not the same as the relationship with other races.

If the God of the old loved all the races equally then why did He single out the Jews to be chosen people ? Stewardship of Israel was given to them. King David and King Solomon were part of the bloodline of Jesus Himself.

Are you trying to tell me that King Herod was not an evil man ?
Or that Pharaoh didn't first harden his own heart before God heardened it afterwards ?

It is extremely naive to think that there are no evil companies controlled by the devil.

You people want to tell me that the US army going into Iraq and killing innocent people was divinely inspired ?

Or when the US army went into Vietnam to try and stop the so called "Dominoe Effect" ?
Thousands of lives destroyed by the ignorance of a man called Richard Nixon.

When the XBox, the PS3 and NVidia are used as platforms to create violent games filled evil occult symbolism and violence, you think that this is a blessing from God ?

When school kids go on a killing spree and say afterwards that they were influenced by games such as Doom 2+3 ( which is filled with blatant satanic images ), that this is blessing from God ?

When organizations like Hollywood have for the past 50 years produced films which contain profanity, indescency, violence, blasphemy, racism etc that this is a righteous thing ?

When zionist organizations and christian right wing zionist groups influenced by people like Pat Robertson, John Hagee etc have caused the misery of millions of people in Palestine by twisting the scriptures to make it look as if christians should support Israel militarily and financially, that this is the love of God ?

When zionist Jewish organizations control the American media to influence them into supporting Israel, through companies like Fox news, ABC, CBS, that this is the love of God ?

The spirit of the anti-Christ is all around us.

I say again, we as christian need to develop our own technology that is independent from these organizations.

I believe the way to go is to use open source, software and hardware.

Also, there is nothing wrong with home schooling in the American South, and I am not even from that area.

Why should christians be part of world system that is brain washing into believing that the world economic state should be the way it is ?

If I think of countries like Somalia, Sudan, Rwanda etc....they are burning, they need our prayers and our financial help ( and some christian are willing to be missionaries down there ).

So one can see why people like the Amish refuse to use modern technology, although they obviously take it too far.

I haven't even scraped the surface with things like gay marriage, homosexually ordained pastors, casinos, the Roman Catholic church ( who thinks that priests can forgive sins ), the Jesuits, the Freemasons, the Mormons, the Jehovah's witnesses, Calvinism, prophecies about Israel, the mark of the beast.

Then there are people like Rob Bell who say the hell is not eternal ( which affectively gives everybody a licence to sin, since it means that people's souls will dissapear ), and who also says that homosexuality is not a sin, when hundreds of thousands of people are dying from Aids due to their lifestyle, AND ARE GOING DIRECTLY TO HELL !!!

Then we have the Pope who says that people in Africa should not use condoms, affectively causing them to spread Aids even more. This man also kisses the Kuran, is friends with the Dalai Lama, believes in evolution ( at least the previous pope ).

We should not refer to conspiracy theories as lunatic, until they have been shown to be false.

The church has the opportunity to start a revolution and become independent by going undergrown, and developing it's own technology.

We need to be vigilant against the devices of the devil, since otherwise "even the elect will be deceived, if it were possible".

May God help us all.....

Where to start with this bigoted hate-filled rant......?
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Jun 3, 2014
Marital Status
Yes. that is also true.

When a war starts in one country it has the potential to spill over into the next country.

If I think about what's happening in Crimea, that can easily lead to a civil war, and then even a show down between Russia and the USA ( even if it's sanctions etc ).

War is not only with weapons, it can also be financial.

Two countries that cannot be trusted are China and Russia. Although now unfortunately neither can the USA be trusted.

There is a prophet called Siener Van Rensburg that said that there is going to be a 3rd world war.

The way the world is going this can easily happen.

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Never tell me the odds!
Mar 23, 2005
Washington State
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Paranoria is not good for you.

But if you don't like using something, don't use it. It is not up to you to stop others from using it. Just present your case and leave it.

If you are worried about your church, deal with it in your church.
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'As we treat the least of our brothers...' RIP GA
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Aug 29, 2006
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A few examples I can mention now are : Google, Microsoft, NVidia.

If you do a search for these names + "occult" or +"illuminati" you will see that connection, often through the logo itself, or the associations that the company has with other companies, the connection that it has towards inhumane wars etc.

The questions for us as christians are :
1. How do we disconnect from such companies ?
2. Can we create our own alternative technologies or services ?
3. What are the alternatives ?

One quick question, if Google were part of the illuminati, why would they tell you about it via a google search?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2006
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Let me know what you think.
Move to central Pennsylvania and join the Amish.

This isn't a joke. If you're serious about living a Christian life without technology, my Amish neighbors can teach you how to do it.
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums


Jun 3, 2014
Marital Status
Yes, I was hoping you would say that.

This is why I joined this site to try and network with potential collegues.

The obstacle is going to be convincing people to use my system instead of the world's system.

People will say," Why re-invent the wheel". The issue is that, who created the technology, how is the devil using it to build his kingdom ?

Now the most effective way is identify those companies that are connected to the occult, via their logos. The morality of a company's workings is not just determined by the logo, but also by the policies that they promote, the people that they associate with, the goverments that they sponsor, level of involvement in state-sponsored terrorism, the affect on the poor and the marginalized, the level of slavery that is promoted ( their are some places in Africa where kids are used as slaves ).

In fact any economy that is built on slavery is suspect and immoral in God's eyes.
Slavery was supposed to end when Jesus died. But it hasn't. What's bad is that even christians have used the bible to promote slavery.

The theory of evolution of also contributed towards racism, as it a natural consequence of the darwinian mindset that different races have different genetic characteristics where some are superior to others. Since why would variation in the species suddenly stop with homo sapiens ? It seems a convenient escape argument for secular evolutionists like Richard Dawkins ( who is most probably going to burn in the presence of the Lamb for others to watch !! ).

Teaching evolution should be against the for the applicable country. Although the USA is lost in that regard, as Barack Obama ( a type of Anti-Christ ), will make sure the evolution, gay marriage, the promotion of Islam is propagated.

What an evil man he is..... Using persuasion and charm to deceive the world.
It is no surprise that he is trying to interfere with Israel's affairs, since he knows that once the temple is rebuilt in Jerusalem, Jesus will return.

Also, Jewish people as a whole are in serious trouble. It is my prediction that within the next few years American Christian Zionism will come to an end, since the US military will no longer be able to support Israel ( thanks to Barack ).

This means that Israel has to protect itself, and rely on the grace of God to protect them.

As christians we should pray for them, but more importantly that they will accept Jesus Christ as saviour.

I believe South Africa might well become a safe haven for Jews in the future.

The global persecution of christians and jews is on the increase, I hope it is God's will that South Africa will become a haven for them. Although this means that the ANC will have to be removed. This is where the prophecies of Siener Van Rensburg take affect.
White afrikaners won't be able to fight the ANC on their own, this is where Germany will apparently have a role in terms of troops and weapons. China will apparently also play a role. ( There are many chinese christians who could find haven in South Africa and even improve the economy to make it 1st world ). It was also said the South Africa, Botswana, Mozambique, Zimbabwe ?, Lesotho will become one large south african conglomerate with one economy, which would be beneficial to the rest of Africa.

It also has to be said that the whole world has been deceived into thinking that Nelson Mandela was a righteous man. On his prison cell was the number 46664 ( co incidence ? )
He also promulgated the spirit the ubuntu ( an anti-Christ, humanistic agenda ), and promoted homosexuality, thus spreading Aids even more. There are many who believe that he is burning in hell right now as we speak ( how the rest of the world will be shocked if they new this !!!! )

Now we have Desmond Tutu, who is revered by the world as a saint, when he also promotes homosexuality and mocks God in the process. He is also friends with the Dalai Lama. Therefore, he is a type of anti-Christ in danger of the hell. Let the church beware !!

Siener van Rensburg predicted WW1,2 and 3. Interestingly, he said that USA and Germany will fight side by side against Russia and China. ( don't know where North Korea is involved ? )

He also said that terrible weapons will destroy England completely ( it will be wiped off the map ). Although I hope it won't happen whilst I am there because I am going there on Thursday.

In terms of technology, churches simply have to unite and pray for divine inspiration ( such the problem of transportation of water to rural areas, and desalination technology ).

Maybe drones can be used to drop the water off, or derigables ? Underground pipes take too long to build. More reservoirs are needed.

The next world war might be faught over water.

We also need an alternative for oil ( God help us on this !! )
Too many people have died as a result of greed for oil.

Anybody here have a solution ?

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