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sick dream about hole in head and seeing my own brain.


On my quest for the Holy Grail.
Aug 16, 2008
United Kingdom
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Last night I dreamt that I had a very small hole in my forehead, between my eyes, aound where the third eye is said to be. The hole had a bit of flesh down the middle, now I think about it the hole was maybe brain shaped, as it seemed split into 2 hemispheres. When I looked in the mirror I could look through the hole and see my brain inside my head.

There was no blood or gore, the inside of my head looked very clean and the brain was a dull/dark green colour. Even though there was no blood I was still absolutely disgusted, disturbed and terrified. I called to my mum that I had a hole in my head and she accused me of being a hypochondriac. But then she saw the hole, and she couldn't disguise her horror.

I've always wanted to be a unicorn, so to make myself feel better I said that maybe it's a hole for a unicorn's horn. But when I told my mum this, she said something like "It's good if that thought gives you hope." This disturbed me even more, because what did she want it to give me hope for? She made it sound like I might die and I hadn't considered that before.

There were other bits to the dream but I can't remember them all properly. There was a bit where I was in a room with some other people and we had to hurry out or we'd be locked in and it was dangerous. They hurried out, I didn't and I got locked in, whereupon a large piece of machinery either turned on or came to life and moved violently around the room, trying to crush whatever was inside. To save myself I jumped out of the window. But it was weird, sometimes it was me in there and jumping out of the window, but then it seemed like it was someone else who I was just watching. Later on it turned out that it had actually been my sister's pet dog (who I hate) who had jumped out of the window and now the dog lived free outside with a flock of birds and ate bread left out for the birds. I can't remember the rest. What could this mean?


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Dec 31, 2009
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I see a general theme to this dream that you are receiving or will receive insight into your thinking.

Whilst our parents love us, if they are not believers and/or if they have had major issues in their life that are not worked-thru (most of us have them) they can say things to us that not good for us to hear. And if we take on board negative things they say, it can result in negative thought patterns that pull us down.

I recall from another post that you recently have become a Christian. Once we become Christians, one of God's major activities in our lives is to renew our minds. (Rom 12:2)

With this perspective, is there anything you can see in the dream that may help you improve your thiought patterns?
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On my quest for the Holy Grail.
Aug 16, 2008
United Kingdom
Marital Status
I wondered if maybe the dream is telling me to use my intuition first, logic second, instead of trying to find rational explanations for everything? As for changing my name, I still feel I have a storm inside. I regularly doubt my Christianity.
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Dec 31, 2009
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I wondered if maybe the dream is telling me to use my intuition first, logic second, instead of trying to find rational explanations for everything?
This sounds like a reasonable (pardon the joke) perspective on the dream. I would suggest a variation though- faith rather than intuition. Faith is based on something solid- God's word (the bible), whereas our intuition doesn't have a solid basis by itself & can lead us in unhealthy ways.

I would encourage you to read God's word the bible & (I can't remember if I mentioned this before) if you are not already oing so, attend a church where there are young people, they are joyful, the leaders are full of energy & the bible is preached.

This will help anchor your faith.

In terms of reading the bible, I don't recommend starting at Genesis. Something like this would be a good start:
1. John
2. Luke
3. Acts
4. Romans
And then just continue reading in the new testament till you feel you have a good grasp of the basics there before starting in the Old Testament, because they were wild old days in the Old Testament without 2000 years of Christianity, so there's some fairly weird stuff there that is hard to understand.

As for changing my name, I still feel I have a storm inside. I regularly doubt my Christianity.
Even people who have been Christians for many years have experiences that cause them to doubt their Christianity. But what they do is choose to believe (faith) in spite of this (Romans 4:18-25). The bible exhorts us to live by faith (eg 2 Corinthians 5:7 , Proverbs 3:5 ), not by what we see, feel or think. Our feelings are real & we don't try to deny them, but while our feelings or circumstances might say God doesn't care about us, for example, we believe He does based on His word (Eg John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only son that whoever believes in Him would not perish but have eternal life)

Faith looks forward & calls us forward. Whereas if we believe our feelings as they are now, we will tend to remain in that place. God's perspective is to call those things that are not as those they were (Romans 4:17). Simon's character for example was like a reed, he was blown by circumstances. But Jesus called him rock solid (Cephas -Peter - stone; Matthew 16:17-18)

So even though you feel you have a storm insde, you could choose to believe that you have peace with God though Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1). If you keep on doing this, your feelings will slowly change also. You will probably still have doubts occasionally, but the majority of the time, you should be able to live in that place of peace.

John 14:27
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
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Mar 24, 2005
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It is interesting how the US news story of the congresswoman being shot through the head, has played out since the day of your dream. The event has been used to restore faith in the presidency, and bring the country together.

The tragedy ended up being more significant, through what people did with their reactions. It led to the country looking inside its brains and seeing some green life.

Gabrielle Giffords Undergoing 'Aggressive' Physical Therapy, Doing 'Extremely well' | United States | Epoch Times

Tucson shootings: Let us heal together, Obama says at memorial event

Not saying that's necessarily what your dream was about, but it might be worth looking at some of the parallels, in case God is showing you more.
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Senior Member
Mar 19, 2005
Word of Faith
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Hey thats serious

Youve got demons working in your life. Not just dark influences but demons themselves.

You have to get close to God and walk in his presense, give your life some years and you'll lose everything good and have it replaced by evil things. It'll take many many years though and you will not know its happening.

Find a good church where they praise God and walk in his spirit miraculously. Pray with deliverance ministers who will search this out.
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